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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de amira75 posté le 31-08-2012 à 20:36:25 (S | E | F)

Could you help me please as I've tried to do this essay.
Many thanks for all the members of this wonderful site.

My cousin

My name’s Lyna.Amir’s my cousin.I met him for the first time when I was six.He lived in Paris and came to Algeria during the summer holidays at the age of eight or nine.
I’m still remember, it was on Sunday afternoon when the whole family went to my grandparents’house and they were impatientely waiting for my aunt and her son Amir.
I was playing in the garden when, suddenly I saw my cousin through the kitchen window.He was standing beside his motherer .He has brown eyes, straight brown hair and seemed a tittle bit surprised.In fact, I was really surprised me too because I’ve never seen him before…
With time, all my cousin got used to Amir and enjoyed palaying with him.Contrary, I felt him as a stranger and I couldn’t get used to this new cousin in my life.
During all the period of the holidays, I hated being with Amir.So I wouldn’t neither play nor talk to him.
So kind,my cousin tried many times to be close to me and he was often complaining and wondering why I refused playing or at least talking with him?
It’s strange!?But I myself until now don’t know why I was so rude?
At the end of holidays, Amir and my aunt came back to Paris and three months later,I received a small kind letter from him. It was such a surprise for me!!
After that, he got used to write me for a long time and my mother told me often to respond him but I .didn’t again…
Little by little, I started to like and know him through his funny writings which made me so happy…

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-08-2012 21:45

Réponse: Writing/help de gerondif, postée le 31-08-2012 à 22:49:44 (S | E)

My cousin

My name’s Lyna.Amir’s my cousin.I met him for the first time when I was six.He lived in Paris and came to Algeria during the summer holidays at the age of eight or nine.(when he was 8 or 9 )
I’m(suppress it) still remember, it was on (a)Sunday afternoon when the whole family went to my grandparents’house and they were impatientely waiting for my aunt and her son Amir.
I was playing in the garden when, suddenly, I saw my cousin through the kitchen window.He was standing beside his motherer .He has(preterite) brown eyes, straight brown hair and seemed a tittle bit surprised.In fact, I was really surprised me too ( I was really surprised too // as well)because I’ve(plue perfect: je n'avais jamais vu = I had never seen) never seen him before…
With time, all my cousin (plural) got used to Amir and enjoyed palaying with him.Contrary(complete the expression, or find another one, or use the conjunction "whereas" ), I felt (considered) him as a stranger and I couldn’t get used to this new cousin in my life.
During all the period of the holidays, I hated being with Amir.So I wouldn’t(suppress it) neither play (with him) nor talk to him.
(As he was//because he was)So kind,my cousin tried many times to be close to (make friends with) me and he was often complaining and wondering why I refused playing or at least (use an infinitive: I refuse to speak to you) talking with him?
It’s strange, isn't it ?But I myself (you mean "even I"?) until now don’t know why I was so rude?
At the end of the holidays, Amir and my aunt came(went)(it depends where you live, where you place yourself, in France or in Algeria) back to Paris and three months later,I received a small(short? Or was the envelope small?)and kind letter from him. It was such a surprise for me!!
After that, he got used to (gerund, ing form !!) write to me for a long time and my mother often told me to respond (wrong verb)him but I didn’t again(place it elsewhere!)…
Little by little, I started to like and know him through his funny writings which made me so happy… (It means he kept on writing although you didn't answer his letters!!)

Réponse: Writing/help de amira75, postée le 01-09-2012 à 15:58:42 (S | E)
Many thanks for you gerondif

Réponse: Writing/help de amira75, postée le 01-09-2012 à 16:46:31 (S | E)

It's kind of you.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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