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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de abracadabra posté le 19-09-2012 à 15:43:55 (S | E | F)

I was given two exercises for my English course. Could you help me to correct them, please ?
The first one is to write about what people are wearing today. I invented 6 of them.

Sam is wearing plain trousers with a smart light blue shirt and a black waistcoat that matches his bow tie and his shoes. He put on quite tasteful clothes but they are too formal for everyday life. I guess it is his school uniform.
Kate is wearing black tights that go with her black shoes. She is also wearing an extremely unfashionable checked skirt and a striped tie. She has put on a scarf that matches her blazer because it is cold today.
Mark got dressed with shabby clothes to work. He is wearing a colourful waterproof jacket with a purple t-shirt and baggy dungarees. He is wearing purple socks that match his t-shirt and a black hat.
Mary is wearing formal clothes. She has put on trendy high-heeled shoes with tights and a colourful tight-fitting dress with a plain cardigan. She is also wearing a bracelet that matches her necklace and a watch.
Paul is wearing casual clothes. He has put on a colourful jumper with blue jeans and black shoes.
Mike is wearing trendy trainers with baggy tracksuit bottoms and a colourful baseball cap.

The second one is to describe what I like to wear, what I am wearing and what I would never wear.

I usually wear baggy jeans with a plain t-shirt when I am at home. However, I try to wear smarter clothes to go to school like trousers and a blouse. I also wear a necklace and a watch but no earrings. In winter I always put on a long-sleeved t-shirt and a jumper or a sweater. I never wear tight-fitting clothes and I try to get dressed with clothes that match each other. I don°t have any preference for the material of my clothes but I usually wear cotton. Today, I am wearing blue jeans with a belt and long-sleeved black t-shirt which goes with my watch and my belt. I am also wearing purple shabby trainers because I don°t have other shoes with me.

Thanks for your help !!!

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-09-2012 16:21

Réponse: Clothes/correction de notrepere, postée le 19-09-2012 à 17:23:56 (S | E)

I don't find a lot of errors in your text. I think it would sound more natural, when you are describing someone's attire in the present, to say "He/She has on" instead of "has put on". In the first sentence, you might have meant to say "smart light-blue shirt" that matches his bow tie and (his) shoes [you don't need to repeat the word 'his']
This sentence sounds a little strange to me: Mark got dressed with shabby clothes to work.
I think the rest is OK.

Réponse: Clothes/correction de abracadabra, postée le 21-09-2012 à 14:55:48 (S | E)
Thank you very much for your help !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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