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Correction /presentation

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /presentation
Message de drakonash posté le 30-09-2012 à 16:17:25 (S | E | F)

Je dois faire une présentation orale. Je viens d'écrire mon texte que je vais dire à l'oral et j'aurais besoin d'un coup de main pour le corriger.
Merci pour votre aide.
PS : pour des raisons personnelles je change tous les noms propres par "XXXX"

Good morning / afternoon, let my introducing myself. My name is XXXXXX.
Today, my objective is to speak about the implementation of a supervising system in XXXXX company.

First, I will talk about the XXXX company; its activities; its history and its organization.
Then I will present the set up of the supervising system which I implemented. I will continue by explaining the reasons why needed a supervising system, following the objective of this supervising system and I will conclude with the different solutions from which we chose.
Finally, I will finish by a conclusion which explain how the supervising system ameliorate the IT department and what I learned witch this project.
If you have any question, I will be glad to take them after my presentation.

Let's start with the first point which is the presentation of The XXXXX company.
It's a LTD company founded by M.XXXXXXX, the CEO, in 2003 at Paris, France. XXXXX has a turnover of 105 million Euros in 2011.
Now, let me introduce the organization chart. As you can see XXXXXX is articulated by three main sectors; XXXXXXX, XXXXXXX and XXXXXX. It's a big structure with approximately 250 employees.

The problems with this structure, it's a significant increased of maintenance interventions. It's Impossible to perform preventive maintenance or unable to intervene before the onset of failures.
It's which decided to set up a supervising system. Its supervising system must to supervise all devices and services, to warning signal sent by email to technicians and to collect secured information.

After analysis we noted three choices to do; to choose the supervising computer, the supervising system and the VPN protocol.
To choose the computer we has three choices; buy a new machine, recycle an old machine and create a virtual machine. As you can see in the network diagram at page 9, in my report, we already have a ESX server to create virtual machines. So we decided to create a virtual machine for the supervising system.
To choose the supervising system we has three choices too; PRTG network, Zabbix and Nagios.
PRTG network is not a free solution, and Zabbix have a complement with the Trigger function.
So we decided to use it.
For the VPN protocol we has three choices too; IPsec secure by AES, IPsec secure by 3des and DTLS secure by 3des.
We chose two solutions; IPsec secured by AES for the connection site to site, like Spain and Italy. But for the exterior client we decided to set up a lighter solution: DTLS secured by 3des.

After this different analysis, we has set up the supervising system. We encountered different problems as the failure of the device it implemented in Belgium for the VPN. But the bigger problem it's the timeout encountered when the Spain sends the datas for the supervising system.
To solved these problems we decided to increase the timeout in configuration file, to 3 seconds at 30 seconds. For Belgium we must receive a new device sent by the constructor.

After set up the supervising system, we can intervene in a shorter time and we provide a better continuity of services. For the anecdote we created a new functionality in the supervising system which detect fraud and theft.

In future , we will implement more functionality as the SMS alert, load balancing on the server and load balancing on the database.

For conclude, with this project I learn many thing about security and team work.
I think that cover almost everything concerning my project. Are there any questions on that?

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-09-2012 16:35


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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