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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Présentation / étudiante
Message de ulirch posté le 07-10-2012 à 20:49:39 (S | E | F)

Dans le cadre d'un cours d'anglais, je dois rédiger une présentation d'étudiant. Etant particulièrement mauvais, je souhaiterais avoir l'avis d'un correcteur. Pourriez-vous m'aider ?

I met Rebecca the last saturday. There was a reception at the University Panthéon-Assas. There were many students whose Rebecca. She is in his early twenties. She has green eyes and black hairs. I think I went to her because she has quite good looking. She told to me his past and his future, his university route and his professional project.
Rebecca comes from Lyon. She obtained a licence of history at the University of Lyon-II. During the secondary school, she was interested in Roman Republic. More particularly, she thinks the struggle between the orders patrician and plebeian has a great significance in the universal history. She also chose to study history in order to try competitions of journalism's schools after the licence. The last year, she took two examinations, in Strasbourg and in Paris. Unfortunately she didn't succeed to pass them. However she was optimistic for next examinations. She is right. She seems to me an opiniated girl.
When she studied at the University Lyon-II, she lived with her family. She has a big sister who is 32 years old. Her parents are presently retired. Her father was a worker in the automobile industry and her mother was a nurse.
Since august, she lives in a studio with her boyfriend. In order to make a success of the Master's degree and of next competitions, she has to work a lot each days. In 2020 she would like to live and to be a journalist in Italy. Within the framework of the Erasmus Programme, she was staying in Venice during eight months. Since this experience, she likes this country.

Merci d'avance. Et désolé pour la violence de mon anglais...

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-10-2012 07:56

Réponse: Présentation / étudiante de notrepere, postée le 07-10-2012 à 20:59:11 (S | E)

Il est probable que votre traduction provienne d'une traducteur en ligne.

I met Rebecca the last saturday. There was a reception at the University Panthéon-Assas. There were many students whose Rebecca. She is in his early twenties. She has green eyes and black hairs. I think I went to her because she has quite good looking. She told to me his past and his future, his university route and his professional project.
Rebecca comes from Lyon. She obtained a licence of history at the University of Lyon-II. During the secondary school, she was interested in Roman Republic. More particularly, she thinks the struggle between the orders patrician and plebeian(mot à mot du français - les adjectifs en anglais se placent avant le nom) has a great significance in the universal history. She also chose to study history in order to try competitions of journalism's schools(maladroit) after the licence. The last year, she took two examinations, in Strasbourg and in Paris. Unfortunately she didn't succeed to pass them. However she was optimistic for the next examinations. She is right. She seems to me an opiniated(orthographe) girl.
When she studied at the University Lyon-II, she lived with her family. She has a big sister who is 32 years old. Her parents are presently retired. Her father was a worker in the automobile industry and her mother was a nurse.
Since august, she lives(temps) in a studio with her boyfriend. In order to make a success of the Master's degree and of the next competitions, she has to work a lot each days. In 2020 she would like to live and to be a journalist in Italy. Within the framework of the Erasmus Programme, she was staying in Venice during for eight months. Since this experience, she likes this country.

Réponse: Présentation / étudiante de ulirch, postée le 07-10-2012 à 21:14:07 (S | E)
Je te remercie. Cela ne vient pas d'un traducteur mais d'un piètre étudiant qui cherche à se débrouiller à partir d'un dictionnaire...
Est-ce mieux comme cela ?

I met Rebecca last Saturday. There was a reception at the University Panthéon-Assas. There were many students, Rebecca of whom. She is in her early twenties. She has green eyes and black hair. I think I went [je dois changer de verbe ? des conseils d'exercice ?) to her because she had quite good looking. She told to me her past and her future, her university route and her professional project.
Rebecca comes from Lyon. She obtained a licence of history at the University of Lyon-II. During secondary school, she was interested in Roman Republic. More particularly, she thinks the struggle between patricians and plebeian has a great significance in universal history. She also chose to study history in order to try competitions of journalism schools after the licence. Last year, she took two examinations, in Strasbourg and in Paris. Unfortunately she didn't succeed to pass them. However she was optimistic for the next examinations. She is right. She seems to me an opinionated girl.
When she studied at the University Lyon-II, she lived with her family. She has a big sister who is 32 years old. Her parents are presently retired. Her father was a worker in the automobile industry and her mother was a nurse.
Since August, she has lived in a studio with her boyfriend. In order to make a success of the Master's degree and of the next competitions, she has to work a lot each day. In 2020 she would like to live and to be a journalist in Italy. Within the framework of the Erasmus Programme, she was staying in Venice during eight months. Since this experience, she likes this country.

Modifié par ulirch le 07-10-2012 21:33

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-10-2012 07:57

Réponse: Présentation / étudiante de notrepere, postée le 08-10-2012 à 00:59:26 (S | E)

I met Rebecca last Saturday. There was a reception at the University Panthéon-Assas. There were many students, Rebecca of whom (Que voulez-vous dire ? Cela ne veut rien dire). She is in her early twenties. She has green eyes and black hair. I think I went up to her because she had(un autre verbe) quite good looking. She told to(inutile) me her past and her future, her university path and her professional project.
Rebecca comes from Lyon. She obtained a licence of history at the University of Lyon-II. During secondary school, she was interested in Roman Republic. More particularly, she thinks the struggle between patricians and plebeian has a great significance in universal history. She also chose to study history in order to try competitions of journalism schools after the licence. Last year, she took two examinations, in Strasbourg and in Paris. Unfortunately she didn't succeed to pass them. However she was optimistic for the next examinations. She is right. She seems to me an opinionated girl.
When she studied at the University Lyon-II, she lived with her family. She has a big sister who is 32 years old. Her parents are presently retired. Her father was a worker in the automobile industry and her mother was a nurse.
Since August, she has lived in a studio with her boyfriend. In order to make a success of the Master's degree and of the next competitions, she has to work a lot each day. In 2020 she would like to live and to be a journalist in Italy. Within the framework of the Erasmus Programme, she was staying in Venice for eight months. Since this experience, she likes this country.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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