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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de taranghiano77 posté le 11-10-2012 à 21:57:46 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait me confirmer mes doutes (en rouge)dans le courriel suivant ?
Merci d'avance

In our case there no link between low efficiency of line and lack of lubricant on the lines. In fact, we found all the time the system on manual mode and the efficiency of lines remained the same when we switched back to the automatic mode . It seems someone put dosing installation on manual mode for the starting of production ( production start up ?) and maybe they forget to switch(ing?) back to automatic mode ? Most of the time nobody is able to explain who switched , and why is switched ! In some others cases we saw operators switched to manual mode even if the problem was related to a mechanical problems of the machines i.e. defect of the star wheels, deformation of junction part between conveyors…. It’s well known that lubrication is a stable process then when problem occurs on the line, operators and team leaders should look around for the real problem instead of simply switching lubrication mode from automatic to manual.

That situation is clearly linked to “human interventions” and consequently cannot be under our responsibility.

We know this week you installed a ‘locked barrier’ (paroi avec cadenas) in front of dosing box which should prevent unauthorized swtiching mode.

Yours faithfully,

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-10-2012 22:11

Réponse: Commuter/cadenasser de gerondif, postée le 12-10-2012 à 00:00:06 (S | E)

In our case there is no link between low efficiency of line and lack of lubricant on the lines. In fact, we found all the time (every time) the system on manual mode and the efficiency of lines remained the same when we switched back to the automatic mode .
(Everytime we checked / on every occasion/ we found the system......)

It seems someone put dosing installation on manual mode when launching production ( production start up ?) and maybe they forgot to switch(ing?) back to automatic mode ? Most of the time nobody was (is) able to explain who switched , and why they switched ! In some others cases we saw operators switching (ing si on les surprend en train de la faire, infinitif si on a vu toute l'action: we saw some operators switch to manual mode) to manual mode even if the problem was related to a mechanical problems of the machines i.e. defect of the star wheels, deformation of junction part between conveyors…. It’s well known that lubrication is a stable process , so then (alors au sens de donc)when problem occurs on the line, operators and team leaders should look around for the real problem instead of simply switching lubrication mode from automatic to manual.

That situation is clearly linked to “human interventions” and consequently cannot be under our responsibility.

We know this week you installed a ‘locked barrier’ (paroi avec cadenas) in front of the dosing box which should prevent unauthorized mode switching .

Yours faithfully,

Réponse: Commuter/cadenasser de taranghiano77, postée le 12-10-2012 à 09:41:22 (S | E)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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