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Correction/ syntaxe

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ syntaxe
Message de juliesubasi posté le 18-10-2012 à 15:10:39 (S | E | F)

je suis actuellement en licence de psychologie et j'ai bientôt un oral d'anglais.J'ai un niveau très bas en anglais et c'est la première fois que je vais passer à l'oral, donc le gros stress. Pour que tout se passe bien, je sollicite votre aide pour les fautes de syntaxe s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance.
Voici mon texte, c'est un dialogue entre deux psychologues.

Piaget: Hello Mr Bruner
Bruner: Hello Mr Piaget. What are you doing here?
- I came here because I’ve heard that you made a theory on the development of the child’s cognition and that it differs from mine. So I came so you could explain me your theory.
- Maybe you should explain your theory in details so I can tell in what way and how my theory differs from yours.
- All right. As you probably know I think that there is a link between the evolution of a child and the structure of his logical thinking. Therefore I believe there are 3 stages in a child development corresponding to 3 main structures: the sensorimotor stage which goes from birth to 18 months, the preoperational and concrete operational stage which goes from 2 to 12 years old and the formal operational stage which goes from 12 to 16 years old.
- But I already know that.
- Just let me go on, my dear colleague. The child builds his sensorimotor schemes as well as his concrete and formal schemes in his individual actions and in his interactions with the other people.
- I’m afraid you’re not right. The child builds and coordinates his knowledge only with the social interactions. There’s no use of individual actions. The social interactions are essential.
- You’re right about the social interactions, but it can’t be just this! I don’t see how you can think this. But I should probably go on. The child needs to act in order to develop himself, and I believe that reflexes are the basis to do perform those actions.
- And once again you’re not right!
- What are you talking about?
- Reflexes are not everything because they are reduced during the child’s development and replaced by more complex systems which will allow more precise regulations of actions.
- So reflexes are not used?
- I just told you they are but then they’re replaced.
- All right. I also believe that there is a biological premeditation of the cognitive development of the intellect. I’m stating that the reflexes are also developed with a biological premeditation.
- I’m afraid we are not going to agree on this point.
- I’m not surprised… What are your hypotheses?
- I think that biological premeditations have nothing to do here, neither do the equilibration. However, I accept that there is a need of cognitive consistency.
- Yes, and this need comes from inner experience.
- Absolutely not. It comes from the social interactions.
- Again?
- Yes, and that explains the role that social and cultural factors have in the development. They influence it.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-10-2012 19:12

Réponse: Correction/ syntaxe de sherry48, postée le 18-10-2012 à 22:28:46 (S | E)

You can start with these suggestions, but you really don't have a lot of errors. In some cases, there just may be a better word.
Piaget: Hello Mr Bruner
Bruner: Hello Mr Piaget. What are you doing here?
- I came here because I’ve heard that you made a theory on the development of the child’s cognition (use an adjective form instead of a noun for cognition) and that it differs from mine. So I came so you could explain ___ me your theory.
- Maybe you should explain your theory in details so I can tell in what way and how my theory differs from yours.
- All right. As you probably know I think that there is a link between the evolution of a child and the structure of his logical thinking. Therefore I believe there are 3 stages in a child development corresponding to 3 main structures: the sensorimotor stage which goes from birth to 18 months, the preoperational and concrete operational stage which goes from 2 to 12 years old and the formal operational stage which goes from 12 to 16 years old.
- But I already know that.
- Just let me go on, my dear colleague. The child builds his sensorimotor schemes as well as his concrete and formal schemes in his individual actions and in his interactions with the other people.
- I’m afraid you’re not right. The child builds and coordinates his knowledge only with the social interactions. There’s no use of individual actions. The social interactions are essential.
- You’re right about the social interactions, but it can’t be just this! I don’t see how you can think this. But I should probably go on. The child needs to act in order to develop (himself), and I believe that reflexes are the basis to do perform those actions.
- And once again you’re not right!
- What are you talking about?
- Reflexes are not everything because they are reduced during the child’s development and replaced by more complex systems which (will) allow more precise regulations of actions.
- So reflexes are not used?
- I just told you they are but then they’re replaced.
- All right. I also believe that there is a biological premeditation of the cognitive development of the intellect. I’m stating that the reflexes are also developed with a biological premeditation.
- I’m afraid we are not going to agree on this point.
- I’m not surprised… What are your hypotheses?
- I think that biological premeditations have nothing to do here, neither do the equilibration. However, I accept that there is a need of cognitive consistency.
- Yes, and this need comes from inner experience.
- Absolutely not. It comes from the social interactions.
- Again?
- Yes, and that explains the role that social and cultural factors have in the development. They influence it.

Réponse: Correction/ syntaxe de juliesubasi, postée le 18-10-2012 à 23:35:36 (S | E)
Thank you very much


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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