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Correction/ Pollution

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Correction/ Pollution
Message de boahancock posté le 19-10-2012 à 23:28:21 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody,

I wrote an interview about pollution and I want you to I would appreciate it if you could correct it, please!
Thank you for your help!

Here is my text :

J(ournalist)- Hello everydoby! Today, we're going to deal with pollution. To start, I'd like to point out that it can kill and gets worse every day! Well, in fact, I'm going to interview M.B., who accepted to come here. To my mind, you look very stressed, no?
M(ister).B(uster)- Hi journalist! On the contrary, I'm the most confident man because my public supports me all the time! Me? Stressed? Never!
J- Never never ?
M.B- Neveeeeerrr!
J- Well... It's perfect! All right, to start with, what do you think about consumer society and pollution? That is to say according to you, is there a link between pollution and consumer society?
M.B- As far as I am concerned, I think they are closely linked. As a matter of fact, consumer society takes advantage of people's gullibility, but you have to consider me as an exception, of course. As everydoby knows, there is plenty of people who talk like adverts. It's so pathetic.
J- Yes, up to a certain point. All right,let's go ahead... What do you think people have to do to improve the situation?
M.B- I have the feeling that people should reduce their consumption of elecricity and their carbon footprint, but it's very hard to do because we can't do without comfort! In my opinion, people who manages to do such things are comparable to the Mad Hatter, in Alice in Wonderland! To me, they must recycle because it saves natural ressources. For instance, glass can be recycled endlessly. This is a very simple thing to do!
J- All right! Before I forget, what do you do in your daily life to be greener? We want to know!
M.B- To tell you the truth, I don't care about pollution. I don't take buses because my fans would jump over me, I don't use my own shopping bags because I always forget it, I don't compost my waste because it's too tiring and it's time-consuming, I don't by local product because I prefer doing shopping in big supermarkets, and I don't switch the lights off to save energy because I'm lazy and I don't want to switch them all the time. Who cares about pollution? I believe nobody cares!
J- I'm afraid I can't agree with that! I totally disagree with you! What a load of rubbish! You're both selfish and irresponsible! You're maybe a star but as Shakespeare said "All that glitters isn't gold"! Bye and I hope I won't see you soon!
M.B- Unlike you, it seems to me that I'm perfect. You can't be serious about that, you must be joking! Bye and see you soon!
J- To sum up, the interview has been lasting for 10 minutes! I wish it lasted a long time but lastly this man is not interesting at all! Bye everybody and see you soon!

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-10-2012 07:40

Modifié par boahancock le 20-10-2012 11:03

Réponse: Correction/ Pollution de boahancock, postée le 20-10-2012 à 11:03:59 (S | E)
Help, please!

Réponse: Correction/ Pollution de gerondif, postée le 20-10-2012 à 13:54:55 (S | E)

Here is my text :

J(ournalist)- Hello everydoby! Today, we're going to deal with pollution. To start (to begin with), I'd like to point out that it can kill and gets worse every day! Well, in fact, I'm going to interview M.B., who accepted to come here. To my mind(me semble mal adapté ici), you look very stressed, no(familier, don't you est la formule correcte)?
M(ister).B(uster)- Hi journalist (fait vulgaire)! On the contrary, I'm the most confident man in the world because my public supports me all the time! Me? Stressed? Never!
J- Never never ?
M.B- Neveeeeerrr!
J- Well... It's perfect(français traduit)! All right, to start with, what do you think about consumer society and pollution? That is to say according to you (in your opinion), is there a link between pollution and consumer society?
M.B- As far as I am concerned, I think they are closely linked. As a matter of fact, consumer society takes advantage of people's gullibility, but you have to consider me as an exception, of course. As everydoby knows, there is(pluriel) plenty of people who talk like adverts. It's so pathetic.
J- Yes, up to a certain point. All right,let's go ahead... What do you think people have to do to improve the situation?
M.B- I have the feeling that people should reduce their consumption of elecricity and their carbon footprint, but it's very hard to do because we can't do without comfort! In my opinion, people who manages to do such things are comparable to the Mad Hatter, in Alice in Wonderland! To me, they must recycle because it saves natural ressources. For instance, glass can be recycled endlessly. This is a very simple thing to do!
J- All right! Before I forget, what do you do in your daily life to be greener? We want to know!
M.B- To tell you the truth, I don't care about pollution. I don't take buses because my fans would jump over me(trop mot-à-mot), I don't use my own shopping bags because I always forget it(them), I don't compost my waste because it's too tiring and it's time-consuming, I don't by local product because I prefer doing shopping(soit doing my shopping, soit going shopping) in big supermarkets, and I don't switch the lights off to save energy because I'm lazy and I don't want to switch them all the time. Who cares about pollution? I believe nobody cares!
J- I'm afraid I can't agree with that! I totally disagree with you! What a load of rubbish! You're both selfish and irresponsible! Maybe You're a star (You may be a star) but as Shakespeare said "All that glitters isn't gold"! Bye and I hope I won't see you soon!
M.B- Unlike you, it seems to me that I'm perfect. You can't be serious about that, you must be joking! Bye and see you soon!
J- To sum up, the interview has been lasting for 10 minutes! I wish it had lasted longer but lastly(ne va pas, essayez "après tout") this man is not interesting at all! Bye everybody and see you soon!

Réponse: Correction/ Pollution de sherry48, postée le 20-10-2012 à 14:04:18 (S | E)
Hello. Here are just a few ideas for you.
everydoby! M.B., who accepted to come here. There is a better verb.
... there is plenty of people
In my opinion, people who manages to do such things
natural ressources.
I don't use my own shopping bags because I always forget it
I don't by local product because I prefer doing shopping (It sounds better to omit doing unless you use it with a possessive adjective)
You're maybe a star

J- To sum up, the interview has been lasting for 10 minutes! I wish it lasted a long time but lastly (a different word might be better)
Have a good weekend. Sherry

Réponse: Correction/ Pollution de boahancock, postée le 20-10-2012 à 14:37:04 (S | E)
Hello everybody and thank you for your help!

who agreed
there are plenty of people
people who manage
bags because I always forget them
I don't buy local products
I prefer shopping
You may be
had lasted and after all

Réponse: Correction/ Pollution de sherry48, postée le 20-10-2012 à 15:40:23 (S | E)
Hello again.
Yes, it is a lot better now, but there are still some things to fix as indicated by gerondif.

Réponse: Correction/ Pollution de lucile83, postée le 20-10-2012 à 15:51:53 (S | E)

It would be much better if you could write the whole text again


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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