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Correction texte /composés (1)

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Correction texte /composés
Message de k3400 posté le 13-11-2012 à 20:56:23

J'aurais voulu faire un ou deux composés (adjectifs composés ou noms composés) dans le texte que j'ai écrit pour passer à l'oral, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver où je pourrais en faire. Ce serait sympa si vous pouviez m'aider un peu. (Au passage si vous pouviez corriger si vous voyez des erreurs ou de meilleures formulations ce serait super gentil parce que je ne suis pas très bon en anglais).
Je vous remercie d'avance.

The Petri dish was invented by Richard Petri, a bacteriologist, in 1887. He was the Robert Koch's assistant.
In the first part, this invention will be described ; and in the second part, we will see its uses(using?).

This invention consists of a base and a lid. The base and the lid are cylindrical. The base is shallow.
The materials used to make Petri dishes are : (the?) glass and (the?) plastic, because they are transparent. Sometimes, the stainless steel is used too.
The plastic Petri dishes don't reuse and they must be recycled because it's impossible to sterilize it with an autoclave or heating, in the dry air, at the temperature of 160°C for one hour : the plastic would (will?) smelt.
It exists different dimaeters to (for?) the base, according to use and the experiments.
The high varies between 15 and 20 mm.
The glass or plastic's walls are thin. (glass or plastic's : je ne sais pas si je peux mettre le possessif ici car glass et plastic sont des objets (non vivant).)

We have seen in the first part the description of the invention ; this aspect leads me to my next point to present its uses.

The microbiologist fills the Petri dish with a warm nutritional liquid containing agar. When the liquid cool down, it consolidates and forms a gel.
Then the microbiologist deposits a microbe-laden sample ; and he can deposit antibiotic discs (pastiles? lozenges?) too, in order to see if the microbe is sensible or not to the antibiotic.
Finally, the Petri dish is placed in (to?) location (place?) favorable to microbes deposit (microbes déposés) development.
After a few days, the microbiologist can oberve his results, and interpret.
He will sterilize or thorw in the special (adpated?) dustbin.
However, it's possible to use the Petri dish to observe plant germination or small animal behavior too.

To conclude, the Petri dish is particularly used in biology. It is inexpensive and easily manipulable.

Désolé pour la longueur.
En espérant avoir des réponses.
Encore une fois, merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-11-2012 19:44
Modifié par lucile83 le 15-11-2012 22:28
La suite est ici:
Lien internet

Réponse: Correction texte /composés de gerondif, postée le 13-11-2012 à 21:15:13
erreurs en couleur.

The Petri dish was invented by Richard Petri, a bacteriologist, in 1887. He was the Robert Koch's assistant.
In the first part, this invention will be described ; and in the second part, we will see its uses(using?).

This invention consists of a base and a lid. The base and the lid are cylindrical. The base is shallow.
The materials used to make Petri dishes are : (the?) glass and (the?) plastic, because they are transparent. Sometimes, the stainless steel is used too.
The plastic Petri dishes don't reuse (à mettre en voix passive) and they must be recycled because it's impossible to sterilize it(pluriel) with an autoclave or heating, in the dry air, at the temperature of 160°C for one hour : the plastic would (will?) smelt.
It exists different dimaeters to (for?) the base, according to use and the experiments(sens?) .
The high varies between 15 and 20 mm.
The glass or plastic's walls are thin. (glass or plastic's : je ne sais pas si je peux mettre le possessif ici car glass et plastic sont des objets (non vivants et surtout pas propriétaires).)

We have seen in the first part the description of the invention ; this aspect leads me to my next point: to present its uses.

The microbiologist fills the Petri dish with a warm nutritional liquid containing agar. When the liquid cools down, it consolidates and forms a gel.
Then the microbiologist deposits a microbe-laden sample ; and he can deposit antibiotic discs (pastiles? lozenges?) too, in order to see if the microbe is sensible or not to the antibiotic.
Finally, the Petri dish is placed in (to?) location (place?) favorable to microbes deposit (microbes déposés) development.
After a few days, the microbiologist can oberve his results, and interpret them.
He will sterilize (quoi? mettre un cod) or thorw (idem cod?)in the special (adpated?) dustbin.
However, it's possible to use the Petri dish to observe plant germination or small animal behavior too.

To conclude, the Petri dish is particularly used in biology. It is inexpensive and easily manipulable.

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