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Demande /vérification
Message de bernard02 posté le 16-11-2012 à 01:52:47 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

pouvez-vous me dire , s'il vous plaît, si mes exercices suivants sont corrects ou s'il y a des modifications ou des améliorations à apporter ?
Je vous remercie d'avance.

A What would you do if ... your watch was slow ?
-> My answer: I would set it right.
B Here is a matrix. There are the names of things and things that can go wrong with them. Not all of the words are on the left-hand page. Use a dictionary for any you are not sure of. Put a tick ( ✔ ) for things that most typically go together, as in the example (stopped/clock).

cake-tin vase elbow clock moped sink

banged ✔
cracked ✔
broken down
dented ✔

Trop de bugs avec les "ticks", je vous donne donc mes réponses ainsi: banged/elbow, cracked/vase, broken down/moped, dented/cake-tin, blocked/sink.

C. Complete these sentences using words and phrases from the opposite page.

Example We had to use candles because ... -> there was a power cut.

1 I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and ...
-> My Answer: I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and I bumped my head on it and got a bruise
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I bumped/banged my head on the cupboard door and got a bruise).

2 The wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd ...
-> My answer: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd have been locked out
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've locked myself out).

3 I would ring her but I'm afraid I've ...
-> My answer: I would ring her but I'm afraid I've mislaid her phone number
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've mislaid Bob's letter).

4 I can't take a photo, my camera's ...
-> My answer: I can't take a photo, my camera's broken down
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: The washing machine broke down the other day).

5 I tried to run over the rocks but I ...
-> My answer: I tried to run over the rocks but I've twisted my ankle
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: she twisted her ankle coming down the stairs).


Modifié par lucile83 le 16-11-2012 07:49

Réponse: Demande /vérification de notrepere, postée le 16-11-2012 à 17:26:24 (S | E)

1 OK

2 The wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd ...
-> My answer: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd have (I had have ne va pas - on peut dire aussi "I realised I'd locked myself out", non ?) been locked out
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've locked myself out).

3 OK

4 I can't take a photo, my camera's ...
-> My answer: I can't take a photo, my camera's broken down (le verbe 'break down' ne convient pas dans le contexte - a camera is not a vehicle or machine Lien internet

5 I tried to run over the rocks but I ...
-> My answer: I tried to run over the rocks but I've (temps) twisted my ankle

Réponse: Demande /vérification de gerondif, postée le 16-11-2012 à 17:31:32 (S | E)
1 I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and ...
-> My Answer: I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and I bumped my head on it and got a bruise
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I bumped/banged my head on the cupboard door and got a bruise).

2 The wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd ...
-> My answer: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd have been locked out
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've locked myself out).

3 I would ring her but I'm afraid I've ...
-> My answer: I would ring her but I'm afraid I've mislaid her phone number
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've mislaid Bob's letter).

4 I can't take a photo, my camera's ...
-> My answer: I can't take a photo, my camera's broken down
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: The washing machine broke down the other day).

5 I tried to run over the rocks but I ...
-> My answer: I tried to run over the rocks but I've twisted my ankle
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: she twisted her ankle coming down the stairs).

Réponse: Demande /vérification de bernard02, postée le 16-11-2012 à 17:58:30 (S | E)
Bonjour et ,

voici ma nouvelle proposition pour les exercices C, pourriez-vous me dire également, s'il vous plaît, si les exercices A et B sont corrects ?

C. Complete these sentences using words and phrases from the opposite page.

Example We had to use candles because ... -> there was a power cut.

1 I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and ...
-> My Answer: I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and I bumped my head on it and got a bruise
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I bumped/banged my head on the cupboard door and got a bruise).

2 The wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd ...
-> My answer: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd locked myself out
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've locked myself out).
Mais, j'ai un doute sur « myself » puisque ce n'est pas moi qui me suis « enfermé dehors » en laissant la clé à l'intérieur par exemple, c'est le vent qui a claqué la porte , ou est-ce simplement une expression toute faite avec l'ajout systématique de « myself, yourself, etc. » ?

3 I would ring her but I'm afraid I've ...
-> My answer: I would ring her but I'm afraid I've mislaid her phone number
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've mislaid Bob's letter).

4 I can't take a photo, my camera's ...
-> My answer: I can't take a photo, my camera's broken.
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: The washing machine broke down the other day).

5 I tried to run over the rocks but I ...
-> My answer: I tried to run over the rocks but I twisted my ankle
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: she twisted her ankle coming down the stairs).

Modifié par bernard02 le 16-11-2012 18:31

Réponse: Demande /vérification de gerondif, postée le 16-11-2012 à 18:45:25 (S | E)
Bonsoir,voici ma nouvelle proposition pour les exercices C, pourriez-vous me dire également, s'il vous plaît, si les exercices A et B sont corrects ? Oui, sinon, je les aurais corrigés.
C. Complete these sentences using words and phrases from the opposite page.

Example We had to use candles because ... -> there was a power cut.

1 I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and ...
-> My Answer: I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and I bumped my head on it and got a bruise
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I bumped/banged my head on the cupboard door and got a bruise).

2 The wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd ...
-> My answer: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd locked myself out
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've locked myself out).
Mais, j'ai un doute sur « myself » puisque ce n'est pas moi qui me suis « enfermé dehors »
alors dans ce cas: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I was locked out
3 I would ring her but I'm afraid I've ...
-> My answer: I would ring her but I'm afraid I've mislaid her phone number
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've mislaid Bob's letter).

4 I can't take a photo, my camera's ...
-> My answer: I can't take a photo, my camera's broken.
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: The washing machine broke down the other day).

5 I tried to run over the rocks but I ...
-> My answer: I tried to run over the rocks but I twisted my ankle.ok
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: she twisted her ankle coming down the stairs).

Réponse: Demande /vérification de bernard02, postée le 16-11-2012 à 19:27:44 (S | E)
Merci gerondif,

"2 The wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd ...
-> My answer: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd locked myself out
(expression trouvée dans l'autre page: I've locked myself out).
Mais, j'ai un doute sur « myself » puisque ce n'est pas moi qui me suis « enfermé dehors »
alors dans ce cas: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I was locked out"

Je ne pense pas que nous puissions mettre "and I realised I was locked out" pour se libérer de mes doutes sur l'emploi de "myself", car la partie de phrase "and I realised I'd ..." est imposée. Qu'en pensez-vous ?


Réponse: Demande /vérification de notrepere, postée le 16-11-2012 à 20:07:48 (S | E)

It doesn't matter whether the wind blew the door shut or not. Your not remembering to bring the key with you also resulted in your being locked out! Both expressions work. I'd been locked out or I'd locked myself out (because I didn't bring the key with me).

Réponse: Demande /vérification de bernard02, postée le 16-11-2012 à 21:42:18 (S | E)

voici ma nouvelle mouture après prise en compte de vos remarques. J'espère que tout est correct maintenant.

A What would you do if ...
your watch was slow ?
-> My answer: I would set it right.

B Here is a matrix. There are the names of things and things that can go wrong with them. Not all of the words are on the left-hand page. Use a dictionary for any you are not sure of. Put a tick ( ✔ ) for things that most typically go together, as in the example (stopped/clock).

cake-tin vase elbow clock moped sink

broken down

Trop de bugs avec les "ticks", je vous donne donc mes réponses ainsi: banged/elbow, cracked/vase, broken down/moped, dented/cake-tin, blocked/sink.

C. Complete these sentences using words and phrases from the opposite page.

Example We had to use candles because ... -> there was a power cut.

1 I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and ...
-> My Answer: I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and I bumped my head on it and got a bruise.

2 The wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd ...
-> My answer: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd been locked out (or, I'd locked myself out) because I didn't bring the key with me.

3 I would ring her but I'm afraid I've ...
-> My answer: I would ring her but I'm afraid I've mislaid her phone number.

4 I can't take a photo, my camera's ...
-> My answer: I can't take a photo, my camera's broken.

5 I tried to run over the rocks but I ...
-> My answer: I tried to run over the rocks but I twisted my ankle.

Cordialement et .

Modifié par bernard02 le 16-11-2012 21:43

Réponse: Demande /vérification de bernard02, postée le 04-12-2012 à 14:27:42 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,

pour votre information, je vous communique ci-dessous le résultat de ces exercices après la correction de notre professeur:
A What would you do if ...

your watch was slow ?
-> My answer: I would set it right.
Correction course: OK.

B. Here is a matrix. There are the names of things and things that can go wrong with them. Not all of the words are on the left-hand page. Use a dictionary for any you are not sure of. Put a tick ( ✔ ) for things that most typically go together, as in the example.
My answers: banged/elbow, cracked/vase, broken down/moped, dented/cake-tin, blocked/sink.
Correction course: OK (all the answers are right).

C. Complete these sentences using words and phrases from the opposite page.
Example We had to use candles because ... -> there was a power cut.
1 I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and ...
-> My Answer: I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and I bumped my head on it and got a bruise.
Correction course: I didn't look where I was going as I walked through the low doorway and I bumped my head on and got a bruise.

2 The wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd ...
-> My answer: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd been locked out (or, I'd locked myself out) because I didn't bring the key with me.
Correction course: the wind blew the door shut and I realised I'd locked myself out because I didn't bring the key with me.

3 I would ring her but I'm afraid I've ...
-> My answer: I would ring her but I'm afraid I've mislaid her phone number.
Correction course: OK.

4 I can't take a photo, my camera's ...
-> My answer: I can't take a photo, my camera's broken.
Correction course: I can't take a photo, my camera has broken down.

5 I tried to run over the rocks but I ...
-> My answer: I tried to run over the rocks but I twisted my ankle.
Correction course: OK.

Cordialement et

Réponse: Demande /vérification de notrepere, postée le 04-12-2012 à 18:14:35 (S | E)

"My camera has broken down" sounds very strange to me, personally.

In your course correction, you say: I bumped my head on and got a bruise. That is wrong, sorry.

You can say "I bumped my head" or "I bumped my head on it", but you cannot say "I bumped my head on" without some other modifications of that sentence.

Réponse: Demande /vérification de bernard02, postée le 04-12-2012 à 21:37:29 (S | E)
Hello notrepere,

As a matter of fact, I did say to my teacher I didn't understand why my answers were wrong. But, she said that "has broken" would be acceptable only if the camera was really broken and that it's necessary to use "has broken down" if the camera doesn't work any more (as for a car out of order), and on the other hand she said that the pronoun " it " was useless. Don't hesitate please to point out my possible mistakes in these few lines to me !


Réponse: Demande /vérification de notrepere, postée le 04-12-2012 à 21:59:07 (S | E)

"it" is only useless if you leave off the preposition "on". 'I bumped my head and got a bruise' is OK.

It would be interesting to hear from a native British English speaker as to whether "My camera has broken down" is really said.h

Saying "My camera is broken" can mean either that the camera is damaged or non-functional.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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