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Essai/job d'été

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Essai/job d'été
Message de mobo posté le 16-11-2012 à 22:34:19 (S | E | F)

A partir d'un sondage réalisé sur les étudiants qui travaillent durant les vacances d'été,je dois rédiger un "report" mais j'ai quelques difficultés à m'exprimer à l'écrit en anglais.
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me corriger mes erreurs? et surtout n'hésitez pas à dire ce que vous en pensez.

Report on students summer jobs

The aim of this report is to assess student satisfaction with their previous summer job. Fifteen students were participated.
How to get a job ?
Most of students have already worked in summer
The analysis shows that the majority, students find jobs in the field of tourism or catering
But it appears that they had difficulties to found a job because employers always require to have some experience or specific skills . Before to obtain the job they had applied in average for six times.
Generally they found their job thanks to their family or fiends

The main criteria selected by the students to get a job is the earning.
They asserted that work at summer it is a way to pay their summer holiday and their studies
The analysis shows that the majority found their job thanks to their family or friends

Overall the majority of students are extremely positive about their summer job experience.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-11-2012 23:08

Réponse: Essai/job d'été de bluestar, postée le 16-11-2012 à 23:07:43 (S | E)

The aim of this report is to assess students satisfaction with their previous summer jobs. Fifteen students were participated.

How to get a job ?
Most of students have already worked in summer
The analysis shows that the majority, of students find jobs in the field of tourism or catering.
But it appears that they had difficulties to found (verbe-ing) a job because employers always require to have some experience or specific skills . Before to obtain(verbe-ing) the job they had applied in on average for six times.
Generally they found their job thanks to their family or friends

The main criteria (singulier: criterion - irrégulier) selected by the students to get a job is the earning pay.
They asserted that work at summer work it is a way to pay for their summer holiday and their studies
The analysis shows that the majority found their job thanks to their family or friends

Overall the majority of students are extremely positive about their summer job experience.

Modifié par bluestar le 16-11-2012 23:08


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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