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Aide/ dissertation
Message de totoch posté le 18-11-2012 à 10:12:49 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai un petit texte à faire sur la pauvreté et les sans-abris et j'aurais voulu savoir si des fautes persistaient, ou si des formulations pouvaient être mieux utilisées.
Un très grand merci d'avance.

80% of the world population earn 150$ month. In developing countries, as France, the social minimum to live (the « RMI » is about 500$ per month (so 3 time more than 80% of the population). The poorest man in France, is one of the 20% richest man in the world.
So we can’t deny the amazing strength of our government to improve the situation (the RMI law is the only one which was voted by unanimity). Everyone in France can, with the state’s help and institution (association, church,…)
So we have to relativism what’s poverty, and hard life in the world.
On second thoughts, it’s oblivious that homeless people are thrust in a vicious circle : motivation’s loss, family, friend, help. The homeless people are lost their motivation to realize their life. It’s a real exclusion, a real anomie.
School, education, states help to stop his vercious circle, to break down exclusion. On the opposite, television, internet, social network don’t help to gather people together. It’s the narcissistic’s heyday. More and more don’t care about how feel your neiberhood or the guy just in your street, downstairs your apartment.
Last but not the least, which the crises your dig inequalities, we have a new poverty. We can accept a country with an unemployment which concern more than 10% of workers. What strikes me is why we don’t consider this problem as the mainly issue in our country (men who can still feed their family because they can’t find another job…)

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-11-2012 18:38

Réponse: Aide/ dissertation de lucile83, postée le 19-11-2012 à 23:40:02 (S | E)
Anyone? thanks
(topic lost during the changing of the site server)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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