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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de sandria posté le 18-11-2012 à 19:34:07 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider dans mes hésitations et me dire si les réponses sont bonnes , s'il y a des erreurs... s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Exercice 1 :
Enoncé :
Trouver tous les noms propres (personnes réelles, personnages fictifs, lieux) du texte ci-dessous et les classer.
Real characters (4) :
Fictional characters (2)
Places (2)

Exercice 2 :
Enoncé : Associer les mots du texte avec leurs définitions.
1- shingle
2- mullioned window
3- unbroken voice
4- cuddly
5- to snuggle up to
6- to miss out on

a- to feel unhappy because you can't have something
b- a little boy's voice
c- to get into a cosy, warm and comfortable position
d- fenêtre à meneaux
e- which makes you want to hug it/her/him for comfort
f- tuile

A Lost Childhood
Neverland, a toytown wilderness of carnival rides and doll houses and zoo animals and pleasure gardens, lay inside a magnificent gateway on a side road in a rural area beyond Santa Barbara.
Neverland occupied an entire 3,000-acre valley, yet very little of it was devoted to human habitation – just the main house with its dark shingles and mullioned windows, and a three-bedroom guesthouse. The rest was given over to a railway terminus, Katharine Station, named after Jackson's mother, a formidable security headquarters, various funhouses, a cinema
"So you're Wendy and Michael is Peter?"
"Yeah. Yeah. There's a kind of magic between us."
The friendship started when, out of the blue, Michael offered her tickets for one of his Thriller Tour concerts – indeed, she asked for 14 tickets. But the seats were in a glass-enclosed VIP box, so far from the stage "you might as well have been watching it on TV". Instead of staying, she led her large party home.
Hearing that she'd left the concert early, Michael called the next day in tears apologising for the bad seats. He stayed on the line, they talked for two hours. And then they talked every day. Weeks passed, the calls continued. Months went by.
What began as a friendship with Michael Jackson developed into a kind of cause in which Elizabeth Taylor became almost his only defender.
"I love him. There's a vulnerability inside him which makes him the more dear. We have such fun together. Just playing."
'He'll talk to you if I ask him to," Elizabeth had told me. And at a prearranged signal, Michael called me, at four one morning.
My phone rang and I heard: "This is Michael Jackson." The voice was breathy, unbroken, boyish – tentative, yet tremulously eager and helpful, not the voice of a 40-year-old.
"How would you describe Elizabeth?" I asked.
"She's a warm cuddly blanket that I love to snuggle up to and cover myself with. I can confide in her and trust her.
we've lived the same life and experienced the same thing."
"Which is?"
"The great tragedy of childhood stars. We like the same things. Circuses. Amusement parks. Animals."
And there was their shared fame and isolation.
"It makes people do strange things. A lot of our famous luminaries become intoxicated because of it – they can't handle it. And your adrenaline is at the zenith of the universe after a concert – you can't sleep. It's maybe two in the morning and you're wide awake. After coming off stage, you're floating."
"How do you handle that?"
"I watch cartoons. I love cartoons. I play video games. Sometimes I read."
He went on about childhood, how, like Elizabeth, as a child star he used to support his family.
"I was a child supporting my family. My father took the money. Some of the money was put aside for me, but a lot of the money was put back into the entire family. I was just working the whole time."
"So you didn't have a childhood, then – you lost it. If you had it to do again how would you change things?"
"Even though I missed out on a lot, I wouldn't change anything."

Voici mes réponses :
Exercice 2 :
1 - f-
2- d-

Exercice 1 :
Real characters (4) :
- Michael Jackson
- Elizabeth Taylor
- Journalist (ou Jackson's father) ??? j'hésite entre les deux
- Katharine ou on peut dire aussi Jackson's mother je ne sais pas lequel des deux c'est mieux d'écrire

Fictional characters (2)
- Peter
- Wendy

Places (2)
- Santa Barbara (ou Neverland) ??? j'hésite entre les deux
- Katharine Station

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-11-2012 09:07
Mise en forme.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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