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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de croquignolet posté le 02-12-2012 à 14:50:00 (S | E | F)
Salut Bonjour,!

Je manque d'idées pour un dialogue en anglais qui doit durer 3 minutes . Donnez vos idées en français ou en anglais , c'est comme vous voulez .
Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger ce dialogue s'il vous plaît?
Merci d'avance

Sujet (traduit) : Vous avez décidé d'aller vivre dans dans un pays anglophone pendant 2 mois . Vous avez trouvé une famille pour vous héberger , mais l'étudiant avec qui vous allez vivre veut vous parler au téléphone pour s'assurer que tout va bien . Il va vous questionner sur vos habitudes , ce que vous aimez et n'aimez pas etc . Vous voulez vous renseigner sur le lieu , la nourriture etc .

J'ai déjà commencé mon dialogue mais après ça je ne vois plus quoi mettre , c'est surtout la partie habitude/aime/aime pas/lieu/nourriture qui m'embête .

-Host : Hello ! How are you ?
-Me : Hello , I'm fine thank you .
-Host : So , I wanted to ask you some questions about yourself , I don't want unforeseen , you
undersand ?
-Me: OK , there is no problem .
-Host : Good . Firstly , I'd like to know your age , the country in which you live and how long you will live among us .
-Me : I'm seventeen and I live in France . I'll stay for two months .
-Host : Seventeen ! It's the first time you travel alone in an other country , isn't it ?
-Me : This is true but I think I'm ready for this experience , I'm looking forward for this trip .
-Host : It's nice to see you're motivated !

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-12-2012 15:58
Nous corrigeons ce que vous postez sur le forum, rien d'autre.

Réponse: Dialogue/aide de notrepere, postée le 02-12-2012 à 17:39:07 (S | E)

-Host : Hello ! How are you ?
-Me : Hello , I'm fine thank you .
-Host : So , I wanted to ask you some questions about yourself , I don't want unforeseen , do you
understand ?
-Me: OK , there is no problem .
-Host : Good . Firstly , I'd like to know your age , the country in which you live and how long you will live among us?
-Me : I'm seventeen and I live in France. I'll stay for two months .
-Host : Seventeen ! It's the first time you travel(temps) alone to another country , isn't it ?
-Me : This is true but I think I'm ready for this experience , I'm looking forward for(autre préposition) this trip.
-Host : It's nice to see you're motivated !

Réponse: Dialogue/aide de croquignolet, postée le 02-12-2012 à 18:20:14 (S | E)
Merci , j'ai pu corriger ce que j'avais déjà fait et j'ai finalement trouvé des idées pour enrichir mon dialogue :

-Host : Hello ! How are you ?
-Me : Hello , I'm fine thank you .
-Host : So , I wanted to ask you some questions about yourself , I don't want unforeseen , do you
undersand ?
-Me: OK , no problem .
-Host : Good . Firstly , I'd like to know your age , the country in which you live and how long you will live among us ?
-Me : I'm nineteen and I live in France . I'll stay for two months .
-Host : Nineteen! It's the first time you'll travel alone to an other country , isn't it ?
-Me : This is true but I think I'm ready for this experience , I'm looking forward to do this trip .
-Host : It's nice to see you're motivated ! Do you have some activities ?
-Me : Yes , I like sport , I practise footing . I also play the guitar .
-Host :Oh , nice ! I like the guitar . You're lucky because there are many parks where you can go footing in London . Do you also have particular habits ?
-Me : No , I don't know so much about english's habits but I'll try to adapt . To tell the truth , I don't know a lot about England .
-Host : If you have some questions about England and more particulary London I can answser them .
-Me : Ok , what do you usually eat ?
-Host: The morning we eat a copious breakfast with delicatessens , Viennese pastries , boiled eggs ... This is why we less at the lunch . The dinner is a more classic meal . We're also tea addicts , the teatime at 5 p.m is holy .
-Me : I can't wait to have a english breakfast ! And about London ?
-Host : There are a lot of things to do in London , it'd be a pleasure to show you around this city .
-Me : Thank you . Oh and about the weather , I heard it was raining a lot , is that true ?
-Host : Yes , it is .
-Me : So I won't be very disoriented , it also rains a lot where I live .
-Host : So there is no particular problem ?
-Me : I think not .
-Host : Good . I hope everything will be fine . Good bye !
-Me : Thank you a lot for hosting me . Good bye !

Réponse: Dialogue/aide de bluestar, postée le 05-12-2012 à 17:17:29 (S | E)
Host : Hello ! How are you ?
-Me : Hello , I'm fine thank you .
-Host : So , I wanted to ask you some questions about yourself , I don't want unforeseen , do you
understand ?
-Me: OK , no problem .
-Host : Good . Firstly , I'd like to know your age , the country in which you live and how long you will live among us ?
-Me : I'm nineteen and I live in France . I'll stay for two months .
-Host : Nineteen! It's the first time you'll travel alone to an other another (un mot)country , isn't it ?
-Me : This is true but I think I'm ready for this experience , and I'm looking forward to doing this trip .
-Host : It's nice to see you're motivated ! Do you have some activities ?
-Me : Yes , I like sport , I practise footing?? . I also play the guitar .
-Host :Oh , nice ! I like the guitar . You're lucky because there are many parks where you can go footing in London . Do you also have particular habits ?
-Me : No , I don't know so much about Eenglish's habits but I'll try to adapt . To tell the truth , I don't know a lot about England .
-Host : If you have some questions about England and more particularly London I can answser (orth.) them .
-Me : Ok , what do you usually eat ?
-Host: The morning we eat (temps.) a copious breakfast with delicatessens (a delicatessen est un magasin) , Viennese pastries , boiled eggs ... This is why we verbe manquant less at the lunch . The Dinner is a more classic('traditional' serait mieux) meal . We're also tea addicts , and the teatime at 5 p.m is holy .
-Me : I can't wait to have a english an English breakfast ! And what about London ?
-Host : There are a lot of things to do in London , it'd be a pleasure to show you around this city .
-Me : Thank you . Oh and what about the weather , I heard it was raining (temps.)a lot , is that true ?
-Host : Yes , it is .
-Me : So I won't be very disoriented , it also rains a lot where I live .
-Host : So there is no particular problem ?
-Me : I think not .
-Host : Good . I hope everything will be fine . Good bye !
-Me : Thank you a lot for hosting me . Good bye !

Dans les premières lignes vous avez répété les erreurs qui vous ont déjà été signalées. C'est imprudent..


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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