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Message de maxwell posté le 23-12-2012 à 16:40:23 (S | E | F)
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Ci-dessous ma proposition (j'ai mis entre parenthèses les passages que je n'ai pas su traduire ou comprendre.
Merci pour vos réponses. 
On the ice right now is the five times european champion and the three times silver medalist from these world championships. But she's had one of (her toughest years) this year ; finished second in the Europeans, to Irina Slutzkaya. This is Surya Bonaly.

Now, her music : a part of Swan Lake and Unknown piece by Tchaikovsky and Minkus's Paquita. And she changes her program every time she does it.

I think Surya may be at a crossroad in her career. (This is spent) a very rough year for her, but sure always have a style like no one else. Opening double axel, double axel : that's not on her list ! But that's very typical of Surya. (Good spirit, here).
Look at this : triple lutz. 
(1:40) This part, I love where she runs forward, But (she used too the other routines)
Ah that's unfortunate. 
She has been landing quad salchows in the practice, I think that was an attempt at the quad.
Yes it was but it just never got off the ice. The back inside edge is a very traitorous one. 
(On) seventh place after the short program, I'm sure she feels like she has nothing to lose, going into the free skate.
That's right Terry.
Now Peggy, you mentionned how Surya Bonaly changes her program. How difficult (is that mentally the approach when you know you have changed) ? 
Well, I personally think it's very difficult because you just don't focus as well as if you trained on the exact same program, night after night after night in practice. I think it's very difficult, but everyone's different. 
Beautiful spiral position. 
(4:40) travelling camels. (a earlier successful ...) back illusion as Tara Lipinski did earlier in the program. 
Well, a disappointed year and I think a disappointed world championship for Surya Bonaly. The eight time French national champion, for the last three years, she has finished second in the world.
And Tonia Kwiatkowski looks on from backstage :  still the leader at this point. 
We're back in Edmonton Coliseum and the one thing that's true in skating : you must replace (you ...) Look at this chunk out of the ice after Surya Bonaly's performance. And it didn't last (one).
Well, that shows that  it's a pretty awful step. Look at those legs, right? But did you see her foot go over? 
Gave an uninspired and unimaginative program, I'm sorry to say, she's always so good. 
But it was a tough program.

(Je n'ai pas compris les expressions en magenta, à moins que ma transcription soit mauvaise)

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-12-2012 17:33

Réponse: Video/ help de notrepere, postée le 23-12-2012 à 17:19:24 (S | E)

I think Surya may be at a crossroad in her career. This has been a very rough year for her, but she'll always have a style like no one else.
...that's not on our list
(Free spirit, here) (A free spirit is someone who doesn't like rules or doesn't like to follow them)
... back inside edge is a very treacherous one
...not nearly as successful a back illusion as
I didn't listen to the very end, but you get the idea.

Réponse: Video/ help de maxwell, postée le 24-12-2012 à 14:31:12 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ces éléments

Réponse: Video/ help de brettdallen, postée le 24-12-2012 à 14:43:08 (S | E)

Je n'ai pas tout retenu mais mes souvenirs sont les suivants : "three-time"/"five-time" (pas de -S car il s'agit d'une construction "adjectivale", donc invariable. Cf "He's 5 years old. = "He's a five-year-old boy."
Plus loin, vous hésitiez sur "one", en fait la phrase est "And it didn't last long."


Réponse: Video/ help de bluestar, postée le 24-12-2012 à 15:45:13 (S | E)

This is what I heard:
"but she'll always have a style like no one else"
.."used to, the other routines.."
"..very treacherous one.."
"when you know you're going to change"
"..not nearly as successful a back illusion as.."
"disappointing year, a disappointing World Championship.."
"you must replace your divot.."
" did not last long"
"it's a pretty powerful step.."

Réponse: Video/ help de maxwell, postée le 25-12-2012 à 08:55:46 (S | E)
Super ! Merci à tous !

Réponse: Video/ help de maeva81, postée le 04-01-2013 à 10:47:54 (S | E)
Tu cherche quoi la traduction ou pas


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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