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Vérification /exercices
Message de bernard02 posté le 14-01-2013 à 04:33:22 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

pouvez-vous me dire, s'il vous plaît, si mes exercices A, B et D suivants sont corrects ou s'il y a des modifications ou des améliorations à apporter?
En revanche, je ne sais pas pourquoi mais je n'arrive pas à comprendre ce qui est demandé dans l'exercice C "Complete the diagram..." Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, me mettre sur la voie?
Je vous remercie d'avance.
Je vous souhaite encore une bonne année 2013!

Exercises for Monday, 14th January 2013.

A Choose the correct answer.
1 If you are looking around for a new job, you are ...
a) applying for a new job b) trying to find a new job c) worried about your new job
My answer: (b) If you are looking around for a new job, you are trying to find a new job.

2 If you look out for someone who is picking you up in their car, you ...
a) carefully avoid getting hit by their car b watch the road and warn them of danger c watch for their car so you will see them when they arrive
My answer: (c) If you look out for someone who is picking you up in their car, you watch for their car so you will see them when they arrive.

3 If you look down on cheap restaurants, you ...
a) consider them not good enough for you b) see them from the top windows of your house or flat c) always consider them before going to a dearer one
My answer: (a) If you look down on cheap restaurants, you consider them not good enough for you.

4 If you look after someone's cat while they are away, you ...
a) follow the cat everywhere b) search for it because it is lost c) care for it and give it what it needs
My answer: (c) If you look after someone's cat while they are away, you care for it and give it what it needs.

5 If you look up to your English teacher, you ...
a) stand up when you speak to him or her b) admire and respect him or her c) raise your head because he or she is taller than you.
My answer: (b) If you look up to your English teacher, you admire and respect him or her.

B Complete these sentences with a suitable particle.
1 I'm really looking ............ to seeing my cousins again next week.
My answer: I'm really looking forward to seeing my cousins again next week.

2 She's looking .............. for a new English course. She's not very satisfied with the one she's following at the moment.
My answer: She's looking for a new English course. She's not very satisfied with the one she's following at the moment (je pense que “for” ne devait pas apparaître dans la question).

3 She loves looking ............ children, so she has decided to train as a nanny.
My answer: She loves looking after children, so she has decided to train as a nanny.

4 We have to look ......... to the time when our child will be old enough to go to university.
My answer: We have to look ahead to the time when our child will be old enough to go to university.

5 Lord Muck is a terrible snob. He looks ............. on most other people.
My answer: Lord Muck is a terrible snob. He looks down on most other people.

6 I didn't have time to read the newspaper yesterday. I only looked ............... it very quickly.
My answer: I didn't have time to read the newspaper yesterday. I only looked at it very quickly.

C Complete the diagram, using words from the opposite page (to look up to sb, to look down on sb/sth, to look after sb/sth, to look ahead, to look around/round, to look forward to sth/doing sth).


the end of the exam be an ....................

..................... to on, without getting involved

carefully ............... .................... for the police

while she steals the bike

our plans for the future and make a decision act as the ...............

My answer:

D Here are some more phrasal verbs based on look. Read each sentence and try to guess the meaning of the phrasal verb. Use a dictionary if necessary.
1 You could look up the new words in a dictionary.
My answer: similar sentence -> You could search the new words in a dictionary. Traduction: vous pouviez chercher les mots nouveaux dans un dictionnaire.

2 When I was in Boston on business last week I looked up an old friend.
My answer: similar sentence -> When I was in Boston on business last week I called on (visited) an old friend. Traduction: quand j'étais à Boston pour le travail la semaine dernière, je suis passé voir un vieil ami.

3 After a long recession the economic situation is looking up.
My answer: similar sentence -> After a long recession the economic situation is improving. Traduction: après une longue récession, la situation économique s'améliore.

4 I looked over the report on the way to the meeting.
My answer: similar sentence -> I glanced at the report on the way to the meeting. Traduction: je jetai un coup d'oeil au rapport sur le chemin de la réunion.

5 I looked through the report and scribbled down a few notes.
My answer: first similar sentence -> I read briefly the report and scribbled down a few notes. Traduction: j'ai parcouru le rapport et j'ai griffonné quelques notes.
Second similar sentence -> I examined the report and scribbled down a few notes. Traduction: j'ai examiné le rapport et j'ai griffonné quelques notes.

6 Detectives are looking into the murder.
My answer: similar sentence -> Detectives are investigating the murder. Traduction: les policiers (les détectives) enquêtent sur le meurtre.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-01-2013 09:13
Mise en forme

Réponse: Vérification /exercices de notrepere, postée le 14-01-2013 à 06:16:40 (S | E)

Je n'ai pas validé toutes les réponses, mais il s'agit de revoir cette réponse :
B2 She's looking .............. for a new English course.
Il existe une particule qui convient.

Réponse: Vérification /exercices de gerondif, postée le 14-01-2013 à 10:59:02 (S | E)

B2(idée de chercher aux alentours...) et B6(jeter un oeil à) sont à revoir.
pour le C , il faut utiliser l'expression look fournie et mettre les mots en ordre:
par exemple:
je rêve, je me réjouis à l'avance à l'idée d'arriver au bout de l'examen.

Réponse: Vérification /exercices de bernard02, postée le 14-01-2013 à 17:36:38 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci,

voici ce que je propose pour B2 et B6:

B2: She's looking around for a new English course. She's not very satisfied with the one she's following at the moment.

B6: I didn't have time to read the newspaper yesterday. I only looked over it very quickly.

Pouvez-vous, s'il vous plaît, me dire rapidement si c'est correct?

Tant pis pour l'exercice C, je n'ai plus le temps, je dois y aller dans moins d'une demi-heure, et je n'ai même pas appris ni même regardé sérieusement tout mon vocabulaire nouveau !

En revanche, j'espère que tout le reste est correct !


Réponse: Vérification /exercices de bernard02, postée le 15-01-2013 à 01:02:13 (S | E)
Bonsoir et

ces exercices ont été rendus et corrigés, en voici les résultats:

Exercises for Monday, 14th January 2013.

A Choose the correct answer.

1 If you are looking around for a new job, you are ...
a) applying for a new job b) trying to find a new job c) worried about your new job
My answer: (b) If you are looking around for a new job, you are trying to find a new job.
Correction course: OK.

2 If you look out for someone who is picking you up in their car, you ...
a) carefully avoid getting hit by their car b watch the road and warn them of danger c watch for their car so you will see them when they arrive
My answer: (c) If you look out for someone who is picking you up in their car, you watch for their car so you will see them when they arrive.
Correction course: OK.

3 If you look down on cheap restaurants, you ...
a) consider them not good enough for you b) see them from the top windows of your house or flat c) always consider them before going to a dearer one
My answer: (a) If you look down on cheap restaurants, you consider them not good enough for you.
Correction course: OK.

4 If you look after someone's cat while they are away, you ...
a) follow the cat everywhere b) search for it because it is lost c) care for it and give it what it needs
My answer: (c) If you look after someone's cat while they are away, you care for it and give it what it needs.
Correction course: OK.

5 If you look up to your English teacher, you ...
a) stand up when you speak to him or her b) admire and respect him or her c) raise your head because he or she is taller than you.
My answer: (b) If you look up to your English teacher, you admire and respect him or her.
Correction course: OK.

B Complete these sentences with a suitable particle.

1 I'm really looking ............ to seeing my cousins again next week.
My answer: I'm really looking forward to seeing my cousins again next week.
Correction course: OK.

2 She's looking .............. for a new English course. She's not very satisfied with the one she's following at the moment.
My answer: She's looking around for a new English course. She's not very satisfied with the one she's following at the moment.
Correction course: OK.

3 She loves looking ............ children, so she has decided to train as a nanny.
My answer: She loves looking after children, so she has decided to train as a nanny.
Correction course: OK.

4 We have to look ......... to the time when our child will be old enough to go to university.
My answer: We have to look ahead to the time when our child will be old enough to go to university.
Correction course: OK.

5 Lord Muck is a terrible snob. He looks ............. on most other people.
My answer: Lord Muck is a terrible snob. He looks down on most other people.
Correction course: OK.

6 I didn't have time to read the newspaper yesterday. I only looked ............... it very quickly.
My answer: I didn't have time to read the newspaper yesterday. I only looked over (or: at) it very quickly.
Correction course: OK.

C Complete the diagram, using words from the opposite page (to look up to sb, to look down on sb/sth, to look after sb/sth, to look ahead, to look around/round, to look forward to sth/doing sth + to look at, onlooker, to look out, lookout + to look at, onlooker, to look out, lookout).


the end of the exam be an ....................

..................... to on, without getting involved

carefully ............... .................... for the police

while she steals the bike

our plans for the future and make a decision act as the ...............

My answer: rien fait (je n'avais pas compris ce qu'il fallait faire dans cet exercice).

Correction course:

1) To look forward to the end of the exam.

2) To look carefully at our plans for the future and make a decision.

3) To look on, without getting involved, be an onlooker.

4) To look out for the police while she steals the bike act as the lookout.

D Here are some more phrasal verbs based on look. Read each sentence and try to guess the meaning of the phrasal verb. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1 You could look up the new words in a dictionary.
My answer: similar sentence -> You could search the new words in a dictionary. Traduction: vous pouviez chercher les mots nouveaux dans un dictionnaire.

Correction course: similar sentence -> You could find the new words in a dictionary. Traduction OK.

2 When I was in Boston on business last week I looked up an old friend.
My answer: similar sentence -> When I was in Boston on business last week I called on (visited) an old friend. Traduction: quand j'étais à Boston pour le travail la semaine dernière, je suis passé voir un vieil ami.

Correction course: similar sentence -> When I was in Boston on business last week I visited an old friend I haven't seen for a long time. Traduction: quand j'étais à Boston pour le travail la semaine dernière, j'ai rencontré un vieil ami que je n'avais pas vu depuis longtemps.

3 After a long recession the economic situation is looking up.
My answer: similar sentence -> After a long recession the economic situation is improving. Traduction: après une longue récession, la situation économique s'améliore.

Correction course: OK.

4 I looked over the report on the way to the meeting.
My answer: similar sentence -> I glanced at the report on the way to the meeting. Traduction: je jetai un coup d'oeil au rapport sur le chemin de la réunion.

Correction course: similar sentence -> I examined quickly the report on the way to the meeting. Traduction: OK.

5 I looked through the report and scribbled down a few notes.
My answer: first similar sentence -> I read briefly the report and scribbled down a few notes. Traduction: j'ai parcouru le rapport et j'ai griffonné quelques notes.
Second similar sentence -> I examined the report and scribbled down a few notes. Traduction: j'ai examiné le rapport et j'ai griffonné quelques notes.

Correction course: the first "similar sentence" is incorrect, the second one is correct. Traduction: idem.

6 Detectives are looking into the murder.
My answer: similar sentence -> Detectives are investigating the murder. Traduction: les policiers (les détectives) enquêtent sur le meurtre.
Correction course: OK.

Modifié par bernard02 le 15-01-2013 01:02


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