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Project /Terminal science

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Project /Terminal science
Message de wushu posté le 17-01-2013 à 22:13:38 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody,

I must write a speech about my scientific project.
So I need your help, please.
Thank you for your answers.

Hello, I’m Wushu and I would like to explain to you my project.
First of all, what is a project? It’s an action in a time, which finishES for a social product, whose want modelisation of competances to the resolution of problems.
Then, my team and me have found a subject which enter in the thematic of plastics. Two persons of us would be work in medicine and others have parents who work in this secteur . Our choice was based on the utilization of plastics in medecine.
After, we will write the summary, and all of website which we used for the project.
In the third hour we have finished to analyse a lot of websites and what they contain, experiments and more precisely set up we can do at school or at house.
Then, we do a list of all medical stuff we can take at house or at parents’ work.
For materials we have: kits, bag of saccarose, and a lotof nurse’s stuff.
After, we will do a lot of experiments first with school plastics and after with a part of medecine stuff.
We begin by the heat test to see if the stud plastic is thermodurcissable or thermoplastique.
Secondly we do a density test to see if it’s polyolefines PP PE .
Third we wanted to the Blestein test or the flame tet but without bunsen burner, with only a briquet we can’t do this experiment. To do that test we heat a cuivre then, with it we take a plastic and burn it. If the flame is green it’s polychlorure de vinyle.
We do another test, a solvant test to see if it’s polystirene or not.
After we did the all tests, we begin to write the report. We do a digram to explain in oral objectivs of manipulations to know what kind of plastic is use for the different utilizations.
Now we want to find an experiment to do in front of a jury. We think what we woud do a dough printed dental. We have two solutions to have this product, buy or syntesis, the ahydry solution.

Modifié par wushu le 17-01-2013 22:37
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-01-2013 06:43

Réponse: Project /Terminal science de wushu, postée le 20-01-2013 à 10:27:10 (S | E)
Up, please,

Do you think my work is bad ?
I want really would like to have a few some help for a reformulation.
This text is for a speech ;)!!
Thank you.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-01-2013 11:45

Réponse: Project /Terminal science de ariane6, postée le 20-01-2013 à 11:02:08 (S | E)
Hello !
En effet, il y a beaucoup d'erreurs, vous avez utilisé un traducteur en ligne, qui renvoie certains mots non traduits : secteur, briquet, cuivre, polychlorure de vinyle... ( entre autres ) , fautes d'orthographe, d'accord, formes verbales...
Vous parlez de "kits" et de "stuff"... pour un projet scientifique, il me semble que votre exposé mériterait un peu plus de précision.
Bon courage !

Réponse: Project /Terminal science de wushu, postée le 20-01-2013 à 15:45:18 (S | E)

Here are my corrections.
Could you see read my text again, please ?
Thank you =)!

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
Today, I’m going to talk about my project.
But first of all, what is a project? A project is a kind of action in a time which allows making a social product. The project models competencies to resolve a specific problem in one thing: The social product.
Now, I can explain my project. My crew found a specific subject which dealt about the material plastic. Two of us would be to work in medicine and others have parents who work in this professional field. That is why, we decided to choose next issue: The use of plastics in the field of medicine.
Then, we’ll write the summary and web sites which we had needed for the project.
In the third hour, we finished to analyze a lot of websites and what they contained including experiments and more precisely set up (protocols ?) we can do at school or at home. After that, we did a list of all medical stuff (lol) we could take at home or at our parents’ workplace.
For materials we have: kits, bag of saccarose, and a lot of nurse’s stuff.
After, we’ll do a lot of experiments…
…firstly, on the one hand including school plastics and on the other hand including a part of medicine stuff.
We begin by the heat test to see if the stud plastic is thermodurcissable or thermoplastique.

Secondly, we do a density test to see if it’s polyolefines PP PE .

In the third place, we wanted to to the Blestein test or the flame test but without bunsen burner and with only a lighter we can’t do this experiment. Doing this test we heat a piece of copper. Then, with it we take a plastic and burn it. If the flame is green it’s a polychlorure of vinyle.
We do another test, a solvent test to see if it’s polystirene or not.
After we did all tests, we began to write the report. We did a diagram to explain by oral, objectivs of manipulations to know what kind of plastic material is employed for the differents uses.
Now, we want to find an experiment to do in front of a jury. We think what we would do a dough printed dental. We have two solutions to get this product, we must buy or syntesis the ahydry solution.

Modifié par wushu le 20-01-2013 15:46

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-01-2013 15:50


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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