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Message de maxwell posté le 19-01-2013 à 20:15:34 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît à me corriger sur cette transcription de la vidéo suivante, car plusieurs mots m'ont échappé (je les ai marqués en magenta).
Et j'aurais aussi trois petites questions à la fin. Un grand merci à tous !

For the question only will be : what is her nerves position ? Where will she be on these triple jumps ?With Michelle in fourth place after the short program, this is a golden opportunity for Maria (to win?// It will be??) now or no.

The first move : this triple lutz jump : a beauty, a beauty ! And a very nice landing edge, very controlled.

She must get this next triple flip jump out of the way.

Camel positions, really a very beautiful (bold ?) camel position, she changes to her back. 

Besides, the overall standings, (..?????..) the results of just the free skate really important( to win enough) the top free skate so far.

Michelle Kwan needs someone to have a better free skate than Maria Butyrskaya (surveying????) the last skaters

Nice triple salchow  ! Good one ! And right into triple toe-loop. She is totally focused. She's not reacting to the crowd at all, just focusing down on the ice and herself.

This is experience. She's been in this position before. She knows exactly every step she's taking. And this is a program she knows very well : this is her last year's program. She's very familiar with this.  Triple loop, double toe-loop.

(02:44) Maria, trying to complete a russian sweep of all four disciplines here at the world championship, it has never done before; (must we have dedicated ???)  that there's no ice dancing back in 1925.

Triple toe, double sal. Wonderfully done that was ! It almost looked as though she was stepping out of it, but instead, she went right into the next move and it was a combination. Perfectly done !

(03:42) nice triple loop ! double axel. Wow !

Now, see, it's a crack in the stiffeners of the face.

Beautiful position there, with her arms behind her.

This audience is going to erupt for her.

There's finally a smile on her face.

She knew she had four minutes that she may never get back again in her career. And she took advantage.

You know the important thing for her is, really less that she winced that she was able to outstand the pressure, that she was able to give one of the best performances of her life, that she did not miss on those triple jumps and that she had all experience came to the court. That is the nice thing that she will remember. 

What do you think those russians who gave up on her years ago are thinking right now ?

Maria Butyrskaya, with her performance here in the free skate (let ????) the moment.

And this is her triple toe that she did good lift and jumping right up into a double salchow, really solid.

Years of hard work, perseverance : that's what (endeavors mean ?) : the emotion at the end.

Remember, if Maria wins the free skate, then there's only one skater left that can help Michelle Kwan . The first set of marks

Well, they're very high and they're very strong

And, you know I think the Russian federation of 10 years ago should be (indeed ? ) attacked right now and to having dumped her from the team, removed her from the world championship .

She has the skate of her life, she landed 7 triple jumps !

Oh that's nice to see !

'now or no' est-il correct ? Est-ce plus fréquemment utilisé que now or never ?

Pourquoi utilise-t-il 'that' et jamais 'than' (après less) : est-ce correct ? Je n'ai finalement pas compris ce qui est, selon Dick, plus important pour Maria, et ce qui l'est moins.

Si let est le bon mot, quel verbe est sous-entendu après let the moment ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-01-2013 20:32

Réponse: Video /help de gerondif, postée le 20-01-2013 à 17:39:48 (S | E)
Pourquoi toutes vos compréhensions orales ne touchent-elles que le monde du patinage ? I am curious...

De plus, c'est un exercice ingrat parce qu'on est sans cesse gêné par la musique.

Pour le correcteur en plus, le pire est de se concentrer sur le texte et d'être obligé de saucissonner ce beau patinage au lieu de l'apprécier artistiquement.

For the question only will be : what is her nerves position ? Where will she be on these triple jumps ?With Michelle in fourth place after the short program, this is a golden opportunity for Maria (either now or never(prononcé à l'américaine [i:]

The first move : this triple lutz jump : a beauty, a beauty ! And a very nice landing edge, very controlled.

She must get this next triple flip jump out of the way.

Camel positions, really a very beautiful (forward) camel position, she changes to her back.

Besides, the overall standings, (..?????..) the results of just the free skate really important( to win enough) the top free skate so far.

Michelle Kwan needs someone to have a better free skate than Maria Butyrskaya (she'll be) the last skater

Nice triple salchow ! Good one ! And right into triple toe-loop. She is totally focused. She's not reacting to the crowd at all, just focusing down on the ice and herself.

This is experience. She's been in this position before. She knows exactly every step she's taking. And this is a program she knows very well : this is her last year's program. She's very familiar with this. Triple loop, double toe-loop.

(02:44) Maria, trying to complete a Russian sweep of all four disciplines here at the world championship, it has never been done before; ****** did it but there was no ice-skating back in 1925.

Triple toe, double sal. How Wonderfully done that was ! It almost looked as though she was stepping out of it, but instead, she (convert..) went right into the next move and it was a combination. Perfectly done !

(03:42) nice triple loop ! double axel. Wow !

Now, she...she is cracking in the stiffness of the face.she's....
Beautiful position there, with her arms behind her.

This audience is going to erupt for her.

and There's finally a smile on her face.

She knew she had four minutes that she may never get back again in her career. And she took advantage.

You know the important thing for her is, really less that she winced that she was able to withstand the pressure, that she was able to give one of the best performances of her life, that she did not miss on those triple jumps and that she had all experience came to the fore . That is the nice thing that she will remember.

What do you think those Russians who gave up on her years ago are thinking right now ?

Maria Butyrskaya, with her performance here in the free skate (let ????) the moment.

And this is her triple toe that she did good lift and jumping right up into a double salchow, really solid.

Years of hard work, perseverance : that's what (it ends up in) : the emotion at the end.

Remember, if Maria wins the free skate, then there's only one skater left that can help Michelle Kwan . The first set of marks Well, they're very high and they're very strong

And, you know I think the Russian federation of 10 years ago should be (eating (prononcé eading) its hat ) right now after having dumped her from the team, removed her from the world championship .

She had the skate of her life, she landed 7 triple jumps !

Oh that's nice to see !

'now or no' est-il correct ? non! Est-ce plus fréquemment utilisé que now or never ?

Pourquoi utilise-t-il 'that' et jamais 'than' (après less) : est-ce correct ? oui, ce n'est pas du complément de comparatif (less than) mais la construction, "ce qui est important , c'est que

en fait, si on voulait une phrase correcte (mais ils sont en direct dans le feu de l'action.....)

You know the important thing for her is less/ not so much/ that she winced than that she was able to withstand the pressure,... mais ils ont juste juxtaposés les that

Si let est le bon mot, quel verbe est sous-entendu après let the moment ? je ne sais pas, est-ce une expression? Let it be des Beatles me revient automatiquement en tête... Sur google, let the moment semble être une chanson connue....

Réponse: Video /help de notrepere, postée le 21-01-2013 à 03:51:06 (S | E)

Well, gerondif, you did very well understanding that American accent! There are only a few additional corrections to make:

For [so] the question only will be : what is her nerves position(1) ? Where will she be on these triple jumps ?With Michelle in fourth place after the short program, this is a golden opportunity for Maria. It's either now or never.(2)

(1) Dick Button does actually say "what is her nerves position", which is a really bizarre way of saying "what are the state of her nerves" or "how nervous is she"?
(2) "It's now or never" est une expression très courante en anglais. It's also the title of a famous song sung by Elvis Presley: Lien internet

The first move : this triple lutz jump : a beauty, a beauty ! And a very nice landing edge, very controlled.

She must get this next triple flip jump out of the way.

Camel positions, really a very beautiful (forward) camel position, she changes to a back. (3)

(3) She first does a "forward camel" then she does a "back camel", so he says "she changes to a back [camel]"

Besides, the overall standings, remember the results of just the free skate very important Malinina (4) the top free skate so far.

(4) Tatiana Malinina finished fourth in the competition

Michelle Kwan needs someone to have a better free skate than Maria Butyrskaya she'll be the last skater

Nice triple salchow ! Good one ! And right into triple toe-loop. She looks totally focused. She's not reacting to the crowd at all, just focusing down on the ice and herself.

This is experience. She's been in this position before. She knows exactly every step she's taking. And this is a program she knows very well : this is her last year's program. She's very familiar with this. Triple loop, double toe-loop.

(02:44) Maria, trying to complete a Russian sweep(5) of all four disciplines here at the world championships, it has never been done before; Austria did it but there was no ice-dancing back in 1925.

(5) And it was a Russian sweep Lien internet

Triple toe, double sal. How Wonderfully done that was ! It almost looked as though she was stepping out of it, but instead, she (convert..) went right into the next move and it was a combination. Perfectly done !

(03:42) nice triple loop ! double axel. Wow !

Now, she... we see a crack in the stiffness of the face.

Beautiful position there, with her arms behind her.

This audience is going to erupt for her.

and There's finally a smile on her face.

She knew she had four minutes that she may never get back again in her career. And she took advantage.

You know the important thing for her is, really less that she wins than she was able to withstand the pressure, that she was able to give one of the best performances of her life, that she did not miss on those triple jumps and that she...that all that experience came to the fore . That is the nice thing that she will remember.

What do you think those Russians who gave up on her years ago are thinking right now ?

Maria Butyrskaya, with her performance here in the free skate. Let (6) the moment.

(6) Let est comme le verbe 'laisser' dans ce contexte dans la forme subjonctive en anglais, mais cette phrase me semble incomplète - quelque chose est manquante - on comprends quelque chose comme: Let the moment [play out/stand/be enjoyed/etc.]

And this is her triple toe that she did good lift and jumping right up into a double salchow, really solid.

Years of hard work, perseverance : that's what it ends up being : the emotion at the end.

Remember, if Maria wins the free skate, then there's only one skater left that can help Michelle Kwan . The first set of marks Well, they're very high and they're very strong

And, you know I think the Russian federation of 10 years ago should be (eating (prononcé eading) its hat ) right now after having dumped her from the team, removed her from the world championship .

She had the skate of her life, she landed 7 triple jumps !

Oh that's nice to see !

Modifié par notrepere le 21-01-2013 21:11

Réponse: Video /help de maxwell, postée le 21-01-2013 à 20:45:27 (S | E)
Wow !
Merci infiniment à tous les deux, c'est beaucoup plus clair (et je n'aurais jamais réussi à trouver! J'étais très loin du compte...)

J'aurais quelques petites remarques complémentaires :
It's either now or never :
Je me doutais qu'il s'agissait de cette expression, mais j'ai beau écouter et réécouter, je n'arrive pas à l'entendre. "It's either" est prononcé trop vite, et j'entends toujours "no" à la place de never. C'est terrible !

Now, she... we see a crack in the stiffness of the face
J'entends plutôt : "Now, she ...see, it's a crack in the stiffness of the face" Etes-vous d'accord ?

and that she...that all that experience
Je n'entends pas "that" avant "all that experience" ?

"which is a really bizarre way are saying "
pourquoi are plutôt que of ?

Réponse: Video /help de notrepere, postée le 21-01-2013 à 21:22:26 (S | E)

Je me trompe!
"which is a really bizarre way are saying "
pourquoi are plutôt que of
Of est le bon mot.
J'ai bien écoute cette vidéo assez de temps. Les phrases qui n'ont aucun sens sont celles de Dick Button.
J'ai créé beaucoup de tests audio sur ce site. Peut-être qu'ils vous intéresseront.


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