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Help/Youth protection

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Help/Youth protection
Message de majicb75 posté le 22-01-2013 à 02:06:50 (S | E | F)

Could you help me please?
Thank you for your answers.

Intervention Plan

Understanding of the situation
The Director of Youth Protection is involved with John and his family because he has trouble managing his aggressive behaviors. When crisis occur, he intimidate and threaten his mother and break objects. He stole for his mother and invite his friends to his house without her consent. His mother feels like she losts control of her house.

The mother recognize that she has trouble setting limits. When she tries, she don’t know how and can be incoherent. John is aware of that and knows how to manipulate her.

Now, the relationship between John and his mother has improved because his friends don’t hang out at his house anymore. Crisis occur less often. The mother thinks that the improvement his a result of the involvement of a child case worker. Without it, she thinks that the situation can worsen.

Specific goals (what to achieve)
1) I threat my mom and my house with respect: I don’t yell, hit, break things and insult my mother. I respect my commitment. In a conflicted situation, I take a time out.
2) I improve my school attendance and my attention in class: I eat breakfast every morning, I take my ADD medication, I don’t take drugs before going to school.

1) I set coherent rules and maintain my demands: John has to clean the basement every Saturday. During that, I stay calm. I remind him in the morning of his task. At 2 PM, I remind John of his task and his commitment. If it’s not done, his keyboard gets confiscated
2) I treat John with respect: I don’t put him down and I focus on finding solutions. I congratulate him for things that he does well.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-01-2013 07:47

Réponse: Help/Youth protection de notrepere, postée le 22-01-2013 à 05:34:39 (S | E)

You're having the same problems.

Understanding of the situation
The Director of Youth Protection is involved with John and his family because he has trouble managing his aggressive behaviors. When crisis(plural form of the word) occur, he intimidate(accorde) and threaten(accorde) his mother and break(accorde) objects. He stole for his mother and invite(temps) his friends to his house without her consent. His mother feels like she losts(autre temps) control of her house.

The mother recognize that she has trouble setting limits. When she tries, she don’t know how and can be incoherent. John is aware of that and knows how to manipulate her.

Now, the relationship between John and his mother has improved because his friends don’t hang out at his house anymore. Crisis occur less often. The mother thinks that the improvement his a result of the involvement of a child case worker. Without it, she thinks that the situation can worsen.

Specific goals (what to achieve)
1) I threat my mom and my house with respect: I don’t yell, hit, break things and insult my mother. I respect my commitment. In a conflicted situation, I take a time out.
2) I improve my school attendance and my attention in class: I eat breakfast every morning, I take my ADD medication, I don’t take drugs before going to school.

1) I set coherent rules and maintain my demands: John has to clean the basement every Saturday. During that, I stay calm. I remind him in the morning of his task. At 2 PM, I remind John of his task and his commitment. If it’s not done, his keyboard gets confiscated
2) I treat John with respect: I don’t put him down and I focus on finding solutions. I congratulate him for things that he does well.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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