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Thinking/use of -ing

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Thinking/use of -ing
Message de herr57 posté le 28-01-2013 à 22:18:35 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone

I've just read an article on BBC concerning the abdicating of the Queen of the Netherlands and I didn't understand the building of the sentence.
"she had been thinking about this moment for several years" for me, it's impossible to use present ING with think, could you explain me?
Please, correct me if my sentences are wrong. I'm here to learn and to improve my English.
Best regards

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-01-2013 22:51

Réponse: Thinking/use of -ing de brettdallen, postée le 28-01-2013 à 22:29:19 (S | E)

Contrary to what you think, the verb "think" accepts "Be + -ing" quite easily. In this case, you can consider it as more active (like a mental process) (e.g "what are you thinking about?", "I'm thinking of moving to the country.").
When the verb is in the simple form, it's closer to the idea of an opinion or the result of the process itself (e.g "I think we should move now."/"I thought you would tell her earlier.", etc.)
Hope this helps.

Réponse: Thinking/use of -ing de gerondif, postée le 28-01-2013 à 23:20:05 (S | E)
Brettdallen has said it all:
If to think means: je crois que, je pense que, then it will be used in the simple present:
I think he is absent, I believe he is absent, I am sure he is absent, I know he is absent.

But if "to think" means:to get ready for, to contemplate (planifer de), to have the intention of making a decision, the, it can be used in the ing form.

I am thinking of moving soon.
I am thinking of inviting her.

she had been thinking about this moment for several years"
she had been anticipating this moment for several years"
she had been getting ready for this moment for several years"
she had been bracing herself for this moment for several years"
she had been expecting this moment for several years"

Same thing if to think means "réfléchir"
I've been thinking about your problem: You should hire more collaborators.


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