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Résumé /rapport BTS
Message de faler posté le 01-02-2013 à 08:30:04
je suis en BTS ATI et je dois faire un résumé d'un stage que j'ai effectué cet été ! est-ce que vous pourriez m'aider et corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.
I will to summarize here in english my intership of the end of first year at associates degrees « ATI ». This intership lasted 2 months.
This training course has instead at AIRBUS, BLAGNAC’s site, at one of its subcontractors, AAA: Assistant Aeronautique and Aérospaciale.
AAA is a company specialized in producing subset, maintenance and control aircraft.
I was placed by my placement tutor within CDBT 1 and 2
The CDBT1 have to make the remaining work on the planes passing of the assembly line, while the CDBT2 manages the aircraft who are in the positions of commissioning of the system
In this intership, I had two main roles somehow two different jobs:
First: the profession of technical support. Technical support is a technician who created lines for manufacturing workers, called "companions." For this mission, I had to deal with nonconformities
that is to say if a problem was detected on the aircraft, I had to go see what was the problem and give a work order for the companions solve this problem
Secondly I had with an engineer from AAA, Thierry XXX a mission of continuous improvement order to standardize the profession of technical support with the companions, in order to the both can better work together.
Two problems arose: because of their different business, a lot of disagreement took place: For workers, the manufacturing lines was bad, often incomplete and sometimes even unnecessary because there was no non-conformities on aircraft.
For technical support, the problem was that the workers were not they believe their job properly, leaving even faster when it was too difficult, returning fabrication order for the next day.
This mission was mostly human; I had to find solutions that might seem impossible because human beings are much more difficult to manage than machiches.
What I remember of this internship : it is a great experience to join a company and integrate professional life for this short period. Issues when we make a concrete work are not the same, with a real purpose.
Humanly balance is good, it took me to integrate a company already well established, has a personal present for a long time and the result was very interesting.
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-02-2013 09:33
Vous pourrez dire merci à gerondif qui a quand même corrigé! en principe nous refusons les traductions en ligne.
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-02-2013 20:57
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Message de faler posté le 01-02-2013 à 08:30:04
je suis en BTS ATI et je dois faire un résumé d'un stage que j'ai effectué cet été ! est-ce que vous pourriez m'aider et corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.
I will to summarize here in english my intership of the end of first year at associates degrees « ATI ». This intership lasted 2 months.
This training course has instead at AIRBUS, BLAGNAC’s site, at one of its subcontractors, AAA: Assistant Aeronautique and Aérospaciale.
AAA is a company specialized in producing subset, maintenance and control aircraft.
I was placed by my placement tutor within CDBT 1 and 2
The CDBT1 have to make the remaining work on the planes passing of the assembly line, while the CDBT2 manages the aircraft who are in the positions of commissioning of the system
In this intership, I had two main roles somehow two different jobs:
First: the profession of technical support. Technical support is a technician who created lines for manufacturing workers, called "companions." For this mission, I had to deal with nonconformities
that is to say if a problem was detected on the aircraft, I had to go see what was the problem and give a work order for the companions solve this problem
Secondly I had with an engineer from AAA, Thierry XXX a mission of continuous improvement order to standardize the profession of technical support with the companions, in order to the both can better work together.
Two problems arose: because of their different business, a lot of disagreement took place: For workers, the manufacturing lines was bad, often incomplete and sometimes even unnecessary because there was no non-conformities on aircraft.
For technical support, the problem was that the workers were not they believe their job properly, leaving even faster when it was too difficult, returning fabrication order for the next day.
This mission was mostly human; I had to find solutions that might seem impossible because human beings are much more difficult to manage than machiches.
What I remember of this internship : it is a great experience to join a company and integrate professional life for this short period. Issues when we make a concrete work are not the same, with a real purpose.
Humanly balance is good, it took me to integrate a company already well established, has a personal present for a long time and the result was very interesting.
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-02-2013 09:33
Vous pourrez dire merci à gerondif qui a quand même corrigé! en principe nous refusons les traductions en ligne.
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-02-2013 20:57
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Réponse: Résumé /rapport BTS de gerondif, postée le 01-02-2013 à 09:01:08
vous avez dû travailler au traducteur par ce que vous avez dû écrire:
ce stage a au lieu à Airbus
This training course has instead at AIRBUS et la machine a traduit:
au lieu de: instead.
Je comprends votre texte parce que je le traduis en français par transparence mais l'anglais est souvent faux:
vert: correction offerte.
I will to summarize here in english my intership of the end of first year at associates degrees « ATI ». This intership lasted 2 months.
This training course has instead at AIRBUS, BLAGNAC’s site, at one of its subcontractors, AAA: Assistant Aeronautique and Aérospaciale.
AAA is a company specialized in producing subset, maintenance and control aircraft.
I was placed by my placement tutor within CDBT 1 and 2
The CDBT1 have to make the remaining work on the planes passing of the assembly line, while the CDBT2 manages the aircraft who are in the positions of commissioning of the system (sens?)
In this intership, I had two main roles somehow two different jobs:
First: the profession of technical support. Technical support is a technician who created lines for manufacturing workers, called "companions." For this mission, I had to deal with nonconformities
that is to say if a problem was detected on the aircraft, I had to go and see what the problem was and give a work order for the companions to solve this problem
Secondly I had with an engineer from AAA, Thierry XXX a mission of continuous improvement in order to standardize the profession of technical support with the companions, in order to the both can better work together.(mal construit)
Two problems arose: because of their different business(sens?), a lot of disagreements took place: For workers, the manufacturing lines was bad, often incomplete and sometimes even unnecessary because there was(pluriel) no non-conformities on aircraft.
For technical support, the problem was that the workers were not (il manque un adjectif ici), they believe their job properly(ils n'étaient pas ils croyaient leur travail proprement n'a pas de sens), leaving even faster when it was too difficult, returning fabrication order for the next day.
This mission was mostly human; I had to find solutions that might seem impossible because human beings are much more difficult to manage than machines.
What I remember of this internship : it is a great experience to join a company and integrate professional life for this short period. Issues when we make a concrete work are not the same, with a real purpose.
Humanly(pourquoi un adverbe) balance is good, it took (sens? me to integrate a company already well established, (quel est le sujet de ce verbe et le sens de la phrase?)has a personal present for a long time and the result was very interesting.
Réponse: Résumé /rapport BTS de faler, postée le 01-02-2013 à 10:06:02
Effectivement j'ai malheuresement dû utliser le traducteur pour une grande partie de ce résumé, en essayant ensuite de corriger les fautes comme j'ai pu ...
En tout cas merci beaucoup pour votre correction.
Voici la nouvelle version:
I will summarize here in English my intership of the end of first year at associates degrees « ATI ». This intership lasted 2 months.
This training course was held at AIRBUS, BLAGNAC’s site, at one of its subcontractors, AAA: Assistant Aeronautique and Aérospaciale.
AAA is a company specialized in producing subset, maintenance and control aircraft.
I was placed by my placement tutor within CDBT 1 and 2
The CDBT1 has to makes the remaining work on the planes passing at the assembly line, while the CDBT2 manages the aircraft who are in the positions of commissioning of the system (les avions aux postes de mises en services des systèmes. pour traduire ça par contre ...)
In this intership, I had two main roles somehow two different jobs:
First: the profession of technical support. Technical support is a technician who create lines for manufacturing workers, called "companions." For this mission, I had to deal with nonconformities
that is to say if a problem was detected on the aircraft, I had to go and see what was the problem and give a work order for the companions to solve this problem
Secondly I had with an engineer from AAA, Thierry XXX a mission of continuous improvement in order to standardize the profession of technical support with the companions, in order to the both can better work together.
Two problems arose: because of their different business, a lot of disagreements took place: (de part leur différent métier, beaucoup de désaccord avait lieu, je peux remplacer business par JOB pour qu'il y ai plus de sens ??) For workers, the manufacturing lines was bad, often incomplete and sometimes even unnecessary because there were no non-conformities on aircraft.
For technical support, the problem was that the workers were not they believe their job properly, leaving even faster when it was too difficult, returning fabrication order for the next day.
This mission was mostly human; I had to find solutions that might seem impossible because human beings are much more difficult to manage than machiches.
What I remember of this internship : it is a great experience to join a company and integrate professional life for this short period. Issues when we make a concrete work are not the same, with a real purpose.
Humanly balance is good, it tooks me to integrate a company already well established, has a personal present for a long time and the result was very interesting.
Je travaille encore sur les autres erreurs soulignées
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-02-2013 12:30