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Message de maxwell posté le 16-02-2013 à 09:32:42 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît à me corriger sur cette tentative de transcription de commentaires que je trouve particulièrement difficile, certainement par manque de vocabulaire. J'ai noté ces passages en bleu. Je me limite aux 5 premières minutes (la suite est encore plus difficile).
Merci beaucoup !
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He is the reigning world champ. He's from Switzerland. He won the silver medal at the Olympics. Coming in. Truly, he and Jeffrey Buttle, the two names that jumped out first, and then maybe Joubert (... who's ... now, rounding out). Twenty years of age. Skating to the Four Seasons by Vivaldi.

Back and forth on whether or not he would even come to the world championships, because of a knee injury : it's that right knee, landing knee.

Above the skaters in the world today, Stéphane Lambiel is a triple-threat guy : the quads : two of them in the program planned ; and unbelievable spinner ; and great footwork creativity.
This first jump (felt like a???) bugaboo for him : the triple axel ( .... ????) a little bit ? Well done !

(01:31) Wow ! OK ! You know what's fun about watching a competition when (the) the stakes ... and all you're watching (or you think about this are this ????? ) all these guys want. (*) They all are fighting for it. That's what makes a great event.

(02:08) (that free leg remaining ?) on that triple loop : uncharacteristic.
Quad-triple : this could not have been better, that's worth thirteen points. I'm sure he'll get positive grades of execution for that which get added to the base value of the combination.
This footwork sequence : I love the upcoming hitch kick, diverse direction(s) (**), very creative, unique move.
(He) goes right into the spin : great transitions in this program as well.

(03:25) You've got to be remembering of the guy in first place : Joubert did two quads. We're looking at the second one right here : perfect ! Bring it! Bring it! (***)
Admiration for the olympic silver medalist, the guy who did the first quad ever (on the other side????) : Mr Browning.
And a triple flip-triple toe : both the quad and that triple-triple getting the bonus of ten percent for being past the halfway mark.
(Quick???) (****) this music : it suits him.
This is not about the music right now : triple lutz : wow ! double-toe. And you've got to start asking yourself : are we watching the world champion already ?
So far, he'll have to (hand it to him ???)
(04:46) This is gonna be a great moment : no big jumps left : just you and the music and the clapping of the audience.
(*) Il doit me manquer un mot clé car je n'ai pas compris la construction de sa phrase : on dirait qu'il se reprend à chaque fois
(**) je n'entends pas le "s" final : aurait-il dû y en avoir un ?
(***) Peut-on traduire "Bring it!" par "Vas-y!" ?
(****) évoque-t-il le rythme de la musique ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-02-2013 09:58

Réponse: Video/ help de bluestar, postée le 16-02-2013 à 18:11:23 (S | E)
Hello, I hope this will help a bit. I couldn't catch it all.

He is the reigning world champ. He's from Switzerland. He won the silver medal at the Olympics. Coming in. Truly, he and Jeffrey Buttle, the two names that jumped out first, and then maybe Joubert that's who is up there now(... who's ... now, rounding out). Lambiel,twenty years of age. Skating to the Four Seasons by Vivaldi.

Back and forth on whether or not he would even come to the world championships, because of a knee injury : it's that right knee, landing knee.

AboveOf all the skaters in the world today, Stéphane Lambiel is a triple-threat guy : the quads : two of them in the program planned ; and unbelievable spinner ; and great footwork and creativity.
This first jump, though, a (felt like a???) bugaboo for him : the triple axel, goes off his heel ( .... ????) a little bit ? Well done !

(01:31) Wow ! OK ! You know what's fun about watching a competition when (the) the stakes ... and all you're thinking about is how (or you think about this are this ????? ) all these guys want it. (*) They all are fighting for it. That's what makes it a great event.

(02:08) (that free leg remaining ?) --- two-footed landing on that triple loop : uncharacteristic.
Quad-triple : this just could not have been better, that's worth thirteen points. I'm sure he'll get positive grades of execution for that which get added to the base value of the combination.
This footwork sequence : I love the upcoming hitch kick, diverse reverse direction(s) (**), very creative, unique move.
(He) goes right into the spin : great transitions in this program as well.

(03:25) You've got to be remembering right now that of the guy in first place : Joubert did two quads. We're looking at the second one right here : perfect ! Bring it! Bring it! (***)
Admiration for from the olympic silver medalist, the guy who did the first quad ever (on the other side????) : Mr Browning.
And a triple flip-triple toe : both the quad and that triple-triple getting the bonus of ten percent for being past the halfway mark.
(Quick???) (****) this music : it suits him.
This is not about the music right now : triple lutz : wow ! double-toe. And you've got to start asking yourself : are we watching the world champion already ?
So far, he'll you'd have to (hand it to him ???)
(04:46) This is gonna has got to be a great moment : no big jumps left : just you and the music and the clapping of the audience.

Réponse: Video/ help de maxwell, postée le 17-02-2013 à 12:38:52 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup bluestar, il ne manque plus grand chose !
Je n'ai pas compris ce que le commentateur a voulu dire par : "goes off his heel";
C'est terrible: je n'arrive pas à entendre "right now" dans "You've got to remember right now that" : il parle trop vite !

Réponse: Video/ help de bluestar, postée le 17-02-2013 à 18:46:43 (S | E)

"Goes off his heel" : Cela signifie perd l'équilibre, "loses his balance" (perhaps)

Réponse: Video/ help de notrepere, postée le 17-02-2013 à 21:59:25 (S | E)

In figure skating, the skate has a "toe" which is the front part of the skate, and a "heel" which is the back part of the skate. The "axel" jump (as well as the salchow and loop) are called "edge" jumps. It's important when you leave the ice (go into the air) on an "edge" jump that your momentum/weight is "forward". If you're leaning back, you will "go off the heel" (leave the ice with your weight toward the back). It's very hard to control the jump (or even get up in the air) in this case because the skate is just a thin blade of metal that is very slippery on the ice. If you've ever been on ice skates, you'd understand why this might be a problem.

Réponse: Video/ help de maxwell, postée le 18-02-2013 à 20:09:45 (S | E)
Je comprends le rire de Paul
Par contre, je n'ai pas compris à quoi il est fait référence dans l'expression 'on the other side' ?

Réponse: Video/ help de notrepere, postée le 18-02-2013 à 20:24:17 (S | E)

This sentence wasn't transcribed correctly:

Joubert did two quads; working on the second one right here

Kurt Browning is one of the commentators and "on the other side" refers to "sitting on the other side of me". If you didn't know the sound of his voice or his Canadian accent, you probably wouldn't understand that comment!

Réponse: Video/ help de maxwell, postée le 18-02-2013 à 20:33:24 (S | E)
Perfectly right !


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