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Rédaction/ fantasy novel

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Rédaction/ fantasy novel
Message de tridoudou posté le 17-02-2013 à 22:29:22 (S | E | F)

Je dois faire une rédaction sur la fantasy de 15 phrases sur base de cette citation.
“What do you hate in fantasy novels ? I really hate it when there’s yet another freakin’ prophecy involved, where the hero/heroine is “the one”.”
Pouvez-vous m'aider ? Voici ce que j'ai écrit :

I agree more or less with this quote. In fact I don’t really hate this kind of novel but I prefer when the hero / heroine is not “the one”.
The fantasy is a genre in which the story takes place in a fictional world where reigns often the magic of the sorcery and therefore also the prophecies.
I don’t like novels or films in which the hero is considered as the saver of the world because these novels or films lack of originality. For example, in the saga Harry Potter, we already know at the beginning the Harry Potter will kill Lord Voldemort at the end. The end is too predictable !
In the most fantasy novels, the villain must be killed and the hero of the prophecy is there to save the beautiful girl and to remove the world from evil. But we’ve already to the turn of this kind of novel and we need to change !
For example, in the film Snow White and the Huntsman, the spectator is held in suspense throughout the film. Finally, it’s the huntsman, and not the prince, who wakes up the princess with a kiss. There is more suspense because, at the beginning of the story, we don’t know who will take the role of the “hero”. It’s more exciting of changing the role of these stereotyped characters.
Imagine a villain who falls in love with the beautiful girl… It will give another impression of the novel which becomes more surprising !
In conclusion, today fantasy is a prolific genre but it need to be renewed to avoid the boredom of the readers.

Merci beaucoup !

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-02-2013 22:50

Réponse: Rédaction/ fantasy novel de bluestar, postée le 18-02-2013 à 15:50:13 (S | E)

I agree more or less with this quote. In fact I don’t really hate this kind of novel but I prefer when the hero / heroine is not “the one”.
The Ffantasy (nom abstrait, donc pas de l'article) is a genre in which the story takes place in a fictional world where reigns often the magic of the sorcery and therefore also the prophecies.(ordre des mots trop francais ici)
I don’t like novels or films in which the hero is considered as the saver saviour of the world because of these novels' or films' lack of originality. For example, in the saga Harry Potter, we already know at the beginning the Harry Potter will kill Lord Voldemort at the end. The end is too predictable !
In the most fantasy novels, the villain must be killed and the hero of the prophecy is there to save the beautiful girl and to remove the world from evil.(dans l'autre sens!) But we’ve already to the turn of this kind of novel and we need to change !
For example, in the film Snow White and the Huntsman, the spectator is held in suspense throughout the film. Finally, it’s the huntsman, and not the prince, who wakes up the princess with a kiss. There is more suspenseful because, at the beginning of the story, we don’t know who will take the role of the hero. It’s more exciting of changing(infinitif ici) the role of these stereotyped characters.
Imagine a villain who falls in love with the beautiful girl… It will give another impression of the novel which becomes more surprising !
In conclusion, today fantasy is a prolific genre but it needs to be renewed to avoid(verbe mal, il faut 'to pre---t') the boredom of the readers.

Réponse: Rédaction/ fantasy novel de notrepere, postée le 18-02-2013 à 17:08:33 (S | E)

I don’t like novels or films in which the hero is considered as the saviour of the world because of these novels' or films' lack of originality. For example, in the saga Harry Potter, we already know at the beginning that Harry Potter will kill Lord Voldemort at the end.

Modifié par notrepere le 19-02-2013 01:15

Réponse: Rédaction/ fantasy novel de tridoudou, postée le 19-02-2013 à 00:05:06 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses, cela m'a beaucoup aidée !!!


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