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Alfred Hitchcock/biographie

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Alfred Hitchcock/biographie
Message de nounoutte posté le 22-02-2013 à 16:51:46 (S | E | F)
j'ai fait une biographie sur Alfred Hitchcock en anglais.
Auriez-vous la gentillesse de corriger les fautes que vous trouvez s'il vous plaît ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1899 in Leytonstone in the suburbs of London and died from a disease on April 29, 1980 in Los Angeles. He was a film director.
At the time, Alfred Hitchcock was studying in aN engineer school, after which he integrated the Hanley telegraph company. In parallel, he took some lessons at the ‘° Beaux Arts ‘° of London. But at the same time, he was really interested by the cinema, that why he joined the Paramount studio in 1920, after short training as technician assistant. There, he conceived subtitle of silent films.
Two years later, he met his future wife Alma Reville, and was engaged as director assistant.
He tried to realize a movie with Number 13 but this one stay unachieved. Far from discouraging himself, Alfred Hitchcock persevered and signed in 1925 his first production ‘' The pleasure garden ‘'. It was the beginning of his career. He was in a huge success in England and somewhere else The thirty-nine steps, The man who knew about it too much and The lady vanishes

After that he moved on to Hollywood because he received a lot offers. Alfred Hitchcock, who the nickname was ''Hitch'', went to USA for his dramatic movie thriller. Rebecca which was crowned Oscar of the best movie.
Even if we was a lot of nominated ( 6 times As best movie director) he never gained only one of it.
But the public did't care of criticisms which were sometimes harsh with Alfred Hitchcock, acclaiming Strangers on a train or Dial M for murder.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-02-2013 21:17

Réponse: Alfred Hitchcock/biographie de laure95, postée le 22-02-2013 à 19:00:44 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1899 in Leytonstone in the suburbs of London and died from a disease on April 29, 1980 in Los Angeles. He was a film director.
At the time, Alfred Hitchcock was studying (le preterit simple suffit) in aN engineer school, after which he integrated the Hanley telegraph company. In parallel, he took some lessons at the ‘° Beaux Arts ‘° of London. But at the same time, he was really interested by (pas la bonne préposition) the cinema, that (il manque le verbe être) why he joined the Paramount studio in 1920, after short training as (il manque l'article A)technician assistant. There, he conceived subtitle (à mettre au pluriel) of silent films.
Two years later, he met his future wife Alma Reville, and was engaged as (article A) director assistant.
He tried to realize (pas le bon mot) a movie with Number 13 but this one stay (pas le bon verbe) unachieved. Far from discouraging himself, Alfred Hitchcock persevered and signed in 1925 his first production ‘' The pleasure garden ‘'. It was the beginning of his career. He was in a huge success (mal dit) in England and somewhere else The thirty-nine steps, The man who knew about it too much and The lady vanishes

After that he moved on to Hollywood because he received a lot of offers. Alfred Hitchcock, who the (mal dit) nickname was ''Hitch'', went to USA (un des seuls pays où on met l'article THE devant)for his dramatic movie thriller (nom d'un film ou genre de film?). Rebecca which was crowned Oscar of the best movie.
Even if we was a lot of nominated ( 6 times As best movie director) he never gained only one of it.
But the public did't care of criticisms which were sometimes harsh with Alfred Hitchcock, acclaiming Strangers on a train or Dial M for murder.

Réponse: Alfred Hitchcock/biographie de nounoutte, postée le 23-02-2013 à 13:46:36 (S | E)
D'accord, j'ai donc corrigé en vert ce que je pouvais et en rouge ce que je n'arrivais pas à corriger. Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger et regarder si j'ai des fautes également ? Merci

Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1899 in Leytonstone in the suburbs of London and died from a disease on April 29, 1980 in Los Angeles. He was a film director.
At the time, Alfred Hitchcock studied in an engineer school, after which he integrated the Hanley telegraph company. In parallel, he took some lessons at the ‘° Beaux Arts ‘° of London. But at the same time, he was really interested about the cinema, that's why he joined the Paramount studio in 1920, after short training as a technician assistant. There, he conceived subtitles of silent films.
Two years later, he met his future wife Alma Reville, and was engaged as a director assistant.
He tried to produce a movie with Number 13 but this one stay unachieved. Far from discouraging himself, Alfred Hitchcock persevered and signed in 1925 his first production ‘' The pleasure garden ‘'. It was the beginning of his career. He was in a huge success in England and somewhere else The thirty-nine steps, The man who knew about it too much and The lady vanishes

After that he moved on to Hollywood because he received a lot of offers. Alfred Hitchcock, also called ''Hitch'', went to the USA for his dramatic movie thriller (genre de film). Rebecca which was crowned Oscar of the best movie.
Even if we was often nominated ( 6 times As best movie director) he never gained a price.
But the public didn't care of criticisms which were sometimes harsh with Alfred Hitchcock, acclaiming Strangers on a train or Dial M for murder.

Réponse: Alfred Hitchcock/biographie de laure95, postée le 23-02-2013 à 19:31:17 (S | E)
Tu as bien corrigé certaines de tes fautes, voici juste encore des petites choses à reprendre:

Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1899 in Leytonstone in the suburbs of London and died from a disease on April 29, 1980 in Los Angeles. He was a film director.
At the time, Alfred Hitchcock studied in an engineer school, after which (pas besoin) he integrated the Hanley telegraph company. In parallel, he took some lessons at the ‘° Beaux Arts ‘° of London. But at the same time, he was really interested about (pas encore la bonne préposition) the cinema, that's why he joined the Paramount studio in 1920, after short training as a technician assistant. There, he conceived subtitles of silent films.
Two years later, he met his future wife Alma Reville, and was engaged as a director assistant.
He tried to produce a movie with Number 13 but this one stay (il faut utiliser le verbe REMAIN) unachieved. Far from discouraging himself, Alfred Hitchcock persevered and signed in 1925 his first production ‘' The pleasure garden ‘'. It was the beginning of his career. He was in a huge success (pas de IN + qui a eu du succès: le film ou lui?) in England and somewhere else? The thirty-nine steps, The man who knew about it too much and The lady vanishes

After that he moved on to Hollywood because he received a lot of offers. Alfred Hitchcock, also called ''Hitch'', went to the USA for his dramatic movie thriller (genre de film)(mettre thriller avant movie). Rebecca which was crowned Oscar of the best movie.
Even if we was often nominated ( 6 times As best movie director) he never gained a price (price: pour le prix d'un objet). But the public didn't care of criticisms which were sometimes harsh with Alfred Hitchcock, acclaiming Strangers on a train or Dial M for murder.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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