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Exercices/ vérifier

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Exercices/ vérifier
Message de bernard02 posté le 23-02-2013 à 05:27:17 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

pouvez-vous me dire, s'il vous plaît, si mes exercices suivants sont corrects ou s'il y a des modifications ou des améliorations à apporter?
Ils me semblent simples mais l'erreur est humaine !
Cordialement et merci d'avance.

Exercises for Monday, 25th February 2013 (page 243).
A Complete the sentences with on time or in time.
Example: 1 The bus was late this morning but it's usually .... on time ...

2 The film was supposed to start at 8.30 but it didn't begin .......
My answer: The film was supposed to start at 8.30 but it didn't begin on time.

3 I like to get up ........... to have a big breakfast before going to work.
My answer: I like to get up in time to have a big breakfast before going to work.

4 We want to start the meeting ............, so please don't be late.
My answer: We want to start the meeting on time, so please don't be late.

5 I've just washed this shirt. I want to wear it this evening, so I hope it will be dry .............
My answer: I've just washed this shirt. I want to wear it this evening, so I hope it will be dry in time.

6 The train service isn't very good. The trains are rarely .........
My answer: The train service isn't very good. The trains are rarely on time.

7 I nearly missed my flight this morning. I got out to the airport just ........
My answer: I nearly missed my flight this morning. I got out to the airport just in time.

8 I nearly forgot that it was Joe's birthday. Fortunately I remembered .........
My answer: I nearly forgot that it was Joe's birthday. Fortunately I remembered in time.

9 Why are you never ...... ? You always keep everybody waiting.
My answer: Why are you never on time? You always keep everybody waiting.

B Read the situations and make sentences using just in time.
Example: 1 A child ran across the road in front of your car. You saw the child at the last moment.
(manage/stop) ..... I managed to stop just in time.

2 You were walking home without an umbrella. Just after you got home, it started to rain very heavily. (get/home) ................
My answer: You were walking home without an umbrella. Just after you got home, it started to rain very heavily. I got home just in time.

3 Tim was going to sit on the chair you had just painted. You said, 'Don't sit in that chair!', so he didn't. (stop/him) I ...........
My answer: Tim was going to sit on the chair you had just painted. You said, 'Don't sit in that chair!', so he didn't. I stopped him in time.

4 You went to the cinema. You were a bit late and you thought you would miss the beginning of the film. But the film began just as you sat down in the cinema. (get/cinema/beginning of the film) .......
My answer: You went to the cinema. You were a bit late and you thought you would miss the beginning of the film. But the film began just as you sat down in the cinema. I got to the cinema just in time not to miss the beginning of the film.

C Complete the sentences using at the end + one of the following:
the course the interview the match the month the race

Example 1: All the players shook hands ..... at the end of the match......

2 I normally get paid ..............
My answer: I normally get paid at the end of the month.

3 The students had a party .........
My answer: The students had a party at the end of the course.

4 Two of the runners collapsed ..........
My answer: Two of the runners collapsed at the end of the race.

5 To my surprise I was offered the job...........
My answer: To my surprise I was offered the job at the end of the interview.

D Write sentences with In the end. Use the verb in brackets.
Example: 1 We had a lot of problems with our car. (sell) ..... In the end we sold it...
2 Judy got more and more fed up with her job. (resign) ….....
My answer : Judy got more and more fed up with her job. In the end she resigned.

3 I tried to learn German but I found it too difficult. (give up) …...........
My answer : I tried to learn German but I found it too difficult. In the end I gave up.

4 We couldn't decide whether to go to the party or not. (not/go) ….........
My answer : We couldn't decide whether to go to the party or not. In the end we didn't go.

E Put in at or in.
Example: 1 I'm going away .... at ... the end of the month.

2 It took me a long time to find a job. .......... the end I got a job in a hotel.
My answer: It took me a long time to find a job. In the end I got a job in a hotel.

3 Are you going away .......... the beginning of August or ............ the end?
My answer: Are you going away at the beginning of August or at the end?

4 I couldn't decide what to buy Mary for her birthday. I didn't buy her anything ........... the end.
My answer: I couldn't decide what to buy Mary for her birthday. I didn't buy her anything in the end.

5 We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up .......... the end and walked home.
My answer: We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up in the end and walked home.

6 I'll be moving to a new address ........... the end of September.
My answer: I'll be moving to a new address at the end of September.

7 At first Helen didn't want to go to the theatre but she came with us ....... the end.
My answer: At first Helen didn't want to go to the theatre but she came with us in the end.

8 I'm going away .......... the end of this week.
My answer: I'm going away at the end of this week.

9 'I didn't know what to do.' 'Yes, you were in a difficult position. What did you do ........ the end?'
My answer: 'I didn't know what to do.' 'Yes, you were in a difficult position. What did you do in the end?'

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-02-2013 08:08

Réponse: Exercices/ vérifier de notrepere, postée le 23-02-2013 à 07:31:05 (S | E)

B3 you forgot the word 'just'. The rest are OK I think.

Réponse: Exercices/ vérifier de willy, postée le 23-02-2013 à 20:31:09 (S | E)

B. "you">>>"I" as you're talking about yourself.

Réponse: Exercices/ vérifier de bernard02, postée le 03-03-2013 à 00:33:57 (S | E)
j'ai seulement modifié B3 suivant la remarque de notrepere, ces exercices ont été rendus et corrigés. => Zéro faute confirmé.

Réponse: Exercices/ vérifier de willy, postée le 03-03-2013 à 09:53:11 (S | E)

Dommage que le professeur n'ait pas demandé aux apprenants de faire en sorte qu'ils se trouvent vraiment dans la situation proposée en faisant changer "you" en "I" : les phrases auraient été bien plus naturelles, la dernière phrase étant la suite logique des autres qui décrivaient les situations dans lesquelles les apprenants s'étaient trouvés.
De plus, cela facilitait l'acquisition des réactions avec "just".
Mais voilà, c'est ainsi.

Réponse: Exercices/ vérifier de alsa68, postée le 03-03-2013 à 12:41:07 (S | E)
A 7 : I got to the airport (pas de "out" il me semble)
B : je suis d'accord avec willy
C : dans la section instructions je mettrais at the end of +

Réponse: Exercices/ vérifier de bernard02, postée le 03-03-2013 à 16:55:15 (S | E)

je crois que nous ne nous sommes pas compris.

Les phrases, qui sont données (celles que j'écris d'abord), sont simplement à compléter comme l'indiquent les points et les énoncés des exercices. Elles ne doivent pas être modifiées.

Pendant le cours, nous les relisons (en l'état) en y ajoutant simplement la partie manquante.

En ce qui me concerne, il me suffit de lire ce que j'ai écrit après "My answer" puisque j'y remets la question. On pourrait dire que nous sommes à la fois celui qui pose la question et celui qui y répond. Personnellement, cela ne me gêne pas plus que ça !

A7: "out" est dans le texte "livré clé en main". Ce n'est donc pas une erreur de ma part, que je pourrais corriger si nécessaire. Mais est-ce vraiment une faute?
C section instructions: idem A7, mais le fait de mettre "at the end of" au lieu de "at the end" me semble peu important, puisque le "of" est implicite.


Réponse: Exercices/ vérifier de willy, postée le 03-03-2013 à 17:52:38 (S | E)
Nous nous sommes bien compris ! Mon but était de montrer qu'on ne fait pas un exercice pour un exercice.

Pour assurer une meilleure fixation de l'acquis, il est essentiel de faire siennes la description d'une situation et la réaction face à celle-ci ! Cela permet de faire de même dans des exercices d'extension et/ou dans des contextes réels de la vie courante.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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