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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Description / WWF
Message de joshi33 posté le 07-04-2013 à 13:43:05 (S | E | F)

J'aurais besoin s'il vous plaît d'une petite aide en anglais pour une description d'une publicité à propos du réchauffement climatique.
Il doit y avoir quelques petites fautes dans mon texte.
Merci pour vos réponses !

The document is an advertisement for the stop of the global warming. The picture is a polar bear sitting in the street like a bum. It looks at his hand. It is in dire straits. It looks very sad and alone. It is a little gray because of dirt.
The visual is in black and white but some element are in color as a panel where we can read “You can Help, Stop Global Warming”. The Lane looks very dirty. There is graffiti on the walls. There is a hedge at the foot of the bear. Some papers are on the ground.
We can find this ad in some magazines. This ad is very original because the photo editing is very well done. We are shocked by the bear sitting on the floor. In the bottom left corner, there is the World Wildlife Fund’s Logo with a caption to explain the purpose of the ad. World Wildlife Fund is an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment. It is not a commercial ad. This ad aim to raise awareness of the dangers of global warming. The ice is melting because of pollution, and polar bears are going to be homeless. Polar bears are endangered. I think that this ad is very efficient…

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-04-2013 14:50

Réponse: Description / WWF de notrepere, postée le 07-04-2013 à 23:58:02 (S | E)

The document is an advertisement for the stop(il faut un autre mot) of the global warming. The picture is a polar bear sitting in the street like a bum. It looks(forme progressive) at his(accorde du sujet 'it') hand(a bear does not have a 'hand' ; il faut un autre mot). It is in dire straits. It looks very sad and alone. It is a little gray because of the dirt.
The visual is in black and white but some elements are in color as a panel where we can read “You can Help, Stop Global Warming”. The Lane(you said 'street' earlier) looks very dirty. There is graffiti on the walls. There is a hedge(non, ce n'est pas 'a hedge') at the foot of the bear. Some papers are on the ground.
We can find this ad in some magazines. This ad is very original(believable?) because the photo editing is very well done. We are shocked by the bear sitting on the floor(dehors, ce n'est pas 'the floor'). In the bottom left corner, there is the World Wildlife Fund’s Logo with a caption to explain the purpose of the ad. World Wildlife Fund is an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment. It is not a commercial ad. This ad aims to raise awareness of the dangers of global warming. The ice is melting because of pollution, and polar bears are going to be homeless. Polar bears are endangered. I think that this ad is very efficienteffective.

Réponse: Description / WWF de joshi33, postée le 08-04-2013 à 18:31:00 (S | E)
Bonjour Voici ce que j'ai fait :

The document is an advertisement for the stop of global warming. The picture is a polar bear sitting in the street like a bum. It is looking at its paw. It is in dire straits. It looks very sad and alone. It is a little gray because of the dirt.
The visual is in black and white but some elements are in color as a panel where we can read “You can Help, Stop Global Warming”. The street looks very dirty. There is graffiti on the walls. There is a cloth at the foot of the bear. Some papers are on the ground.
We can find this ad in some magazines. This ad is very original because the photo editing is very well done. We are shocked by the bear sitting on the ground. In the bottom left corner, there is the World Wildlife Fund’s Logo with a caption to explain the purpose of the ad. World Wildlife Fund is an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment. It is not a commercial ad. This ad aims to raise awareness of the dangers of global warming. The ice is melting because of pollution, and polar bears are going to be homeless. Polar bears are endangered. I think that this ad is very effective.

Réponse: Description / WWF de notrepere, postée le 08-04-2013 à 18:47:09 (S | E)
Hello I still don't like the word 'original'. The rest is OK now.

The document is an advertisement to end global warming. The picture is a polar bear sitting in the street like a bum. It is looking at its paw. It is in dire straits. It looks very sad and alone. It is a little bit gray because of the dirt.
The visual is in black and white but some elements are in color such as a panel where we can read “You can Help, Stop Global Warming”. The street looks very dirty. There is graffiti on the walls. There is a cloth at the foot of the bear. Some papers are on the ground.
We can find this ad in some magazines. This ad is very original because the photo editing is very well done. We are shocked by the bear sitting on the ground. In the bottom left corner, there is the World Wildlife Fund’s Logo with a caption to explain the purpose of the ad. World Wildlife Fund is an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment. It is not a commercial ad. This ad aims to raise awareness of the dangers of global warming. The ice is melting because of pollution, and polar bears are going to be homeless. Polar bears are endangered. I think that this ad is very effective.

Réponse: Description / WWF de joshi33, postée le 08-04-2013 à 19:36:02 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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