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Correction /voyage

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /voyage
Message de klairou posté le 19-04-2013 à 19:41:36 (S | E | F)

J'ai écrit ce texte en anglais sur des personnes qui ont voyagé à l'étranger. J'aurais besoin de votre aide, s'il vous plait, pour savoir si j'ai fait des erreurs.
Merci beaucoup

Voici mon texte :
"Typhaine went last year in Ireland. She had a paid work experienve in a jewelry. She sent jewels all day, whereas Alexia went to Scotland to give a hand in a farm. They were both in isolated place. However, Tiphaine had a car, so it was easier for her to visit Irland than Alexia who had no car. Mickael , as for him, went to Brazil last February for an academic mobility, he is now bilingual in Portuguese. As He is still a student, he has time to
enjoy the Brazilian culture, whereasTiphaine had no time to visit what she wanted. Alexia convinced me woofing is a great experience. She discovered how Scottish lived day-a-day because she actually lived with them, whereas Tiphaine and Mickael lived on their own. Moreover, Mickael, Alexia and Tiphaine went abroad to work, but Alexia worked only five hours per day and had free weekends. So, I belive woofing is the most enriching culturally and linguistically experience. Nevertheless, Mickael could really speak to several people whereas Alexia and Tiphaine did’nt have the opportunity to do so. "

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-04-2013 21:14

Réponse: Correction /voyage de delf2312, postée le 20-04-2013 à 12:22:40 (S | E)
Je ne vois pas de grosses erreurs à part quelques fautes d'orthographe ou de frappe.
Vous écrivez Tiphaine de 2 manières différentes.

Typhaine went last year in Ireland. She had a paid work experienve in a jewelry. She sent jewels all day, whereas Alexia went to Scotland to give a hand in a farm. They were both in isolated place (si vous décidez de ne pas mettre de déterminant avant isolated, c'est à dire ce qu'on appelle un déterminant zéro, c'est l'équivalent de des donc...). However, Tiphaine had a car, so it was easier for her to visit Ireland than Alexia who had no car. Mickael , as for him, went to Brazil last February for an academic mobility, he is now bilingual in Portuguese. As He is still a student, he has time to
enjoy the Brazilian culture, whereas Tiphaine had no time to visit what she wanted. Alexia convinced me that woofing (je crois que c'est Wwoofing pour WorldWide...) is a great experience. She discovered how Scottish lived day-a to-day because she actually lived with them, whereas Tiphaine and Mickael lived on their own. Moreover, Mickael, Alexia and Tiphaine went abroad to work, but Alexia worked only five hours per day and had free weekends. So, I believe woofing is the most enriching culturally and linguistically experience. Nevertheless, Mickael could really speak to several people whereas Alexia and Tiphaine did’nt (attention l'apostrophe remplace le O de not donc...) have the opportunity to do so. "

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2013 17:44
Merci d'éviter le rouge/rose


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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