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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de so3663 posté le 23-04-2013 à 12:19:47 (S | E | F)

Le bac approchant je souhaiterais que l'on me corrige mon texte d'anglais pour l'oral s'il vous plaît.
merci d'avance

Firstly, the globalization represents the progress in transportation and communication has turned the world into a “global village”, which affects trade, culture, politics…
In fact, observe more and more tourists and foreign everywhere. It’s the multiculturalism. So many tourists visiting the same site. In the text “I always hated holidays” the author quotes some examples where there are a lot of people, mass tourism such as Paris, Venice, and Florence. But all persons travelling by plane and by car so on create a huge pollution. The writer expose also that this consumption entailed much energy, consequently the risk it is wear out of energy.

Secondly, the globalization entails the immigration, there are share cultures and religions seeing that we can also travel for work, holiday, in this way our relations will be different and we’ll can to interact with different people. Besides, in the text the narrator is immediately struck by the multiplicity of different religion as Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Buddhist. On the other hand, this sharing entails a standardized world. We can see a picture of the text and we are immediately struck by the row of caravans on a campground. All the caravans look alike and the grey color reinforces the impression of monotony and conformism.
In fact, we assist at a salad bowl especially at the American culture as music and movie, for example the movie titanic and also consuming patterns as coca-cola and Mac Do. So that means, nations try to preserve their cultural identity and promote their own cultural modes. Favour their products and their brand of their country, they protecting native culture from external influences. But this sharing of culture allows in the country of growing because goods, skills and services are directly exchanges without using money. For example, the China imported some products because she didn’t know to make these products and now thanks to international trade it’s the China who export and make these products because there is a sharing of knowledge. The social networks allow also to do exchange information and knowledge.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-04-2013 12:28


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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