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The customs/aide

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The customs/aide
Message de saison posté le 26-04-2013 à 21:15:09 (S | E | F)

pourriez-vous s’il-vous plaît m'aider à corriger mes nombreuses fautes afin que je ne les reproduise plus.
Merci beaucoup aux personnes qui voudront bien m’aider. La générosité est encore parmi nous. Ce site est très intéressant.

The custom
Mon name is...I give you my claim number
On the March 15,
I pass the custums, they asked me if I have a laptop I said yes. The custum officer opened my suitcase while I was occupied to pick my shoes up and so forth. I thought they didn't opened . At my house I was surprised my laptop were missing Why didn't give me back , they have nothing to reproch me. Now they said to me I must pay about $120 to receive my laptop. I will remerber that airport and the person with their face suspicion me. It's the first time l have been problem with my suitcase.

Good afternoon, if I understand ,you return at Lost and Found item my laptop. They charged me (mail) to much so I ask you to keep it and I will pick it up at my next travel. I'm sorry to have this problem with an airport as big as (your airport) . I just read on the internet many persons have the same situation but we hope to be in security with security responsible. They have to give back what they checked. Will you give me exactly where I can get it back because we have limited time to transfer. Thank you so much for reading me and I hope you never had this problem.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-04-2013 21:20

Réponse: The customs/aide de saison, postée le 05-05-2013 à 16:25:34 (S | E)
Bonjour,je relis mon texte et je vois que j'ai oublié des fautes..ex: au début...When I passed et entre les 2 paragraphes j'aurais dû écrire à qui j'envoyais cette autre lettre donc à Lost à found. Et mettre ma signature à la fin. J'apprécierais beaucoup une réponse. Merci et bonjour

Réponse: The customs/aide de hushpuppy, postée le 05-05-2013 à 17:30:52 (S | E)
J'essayerai vous aider

The customs ("Customs" dans le sens de "la douane" n'a jamais "the", "the customs" est toujours en relation à la culture)

Mon name is...I give you ---(et) my claim number --(est) ######

On the March 15th, I [pass(passé)------- (passer/franchir)] the custums, they asked me if I have(passé) a laptop ---(et) I said yes. The custum officer opened my suitcase while I was occupied to pick--- my shoes up and so forth. I didn't ----- (pense) ---- (que) they opened --(ils l’ouvrirent). At my house, I was surprised ----(que) my laptop were(était, pas étaient) missing. Why didn't ----(ils) give --(le) back -- --(à moi), they have nothing to reproch(contre) me. Now(Après) they said to me ----(que) I must pay about $120 to receive my laptop. I will remerber that airport and the suspicious person with their face suspicion me. It's the first time l have been(eu) -(un) problem with my suitcase.

Good afternoon, if I understand ---------(correctement),you return(passé) my laptop to ---(la/le) Lost and Found. They ---- -- ------ me(Ils veulent me facturer) to- much(trop) so I ask you to keep it and I will pick it up ------(durant/pendant) my next travel. I'm sorry to have ---(eu) this problem with an airport as big as (your airport) . I just read on the internet ----(que) many person(pluriel) have ---(eu) the same situation, but we hope to ----(avoir) be in security with security responsible(rearrange). They have to give back what they checked(présent). Will you give me --- -----------(l'information) --(sur)where I can get it back because we have limited time to transfer. Thank you so much for reading ----(cette [lettre]) and I hope ----(que) you ----(avez) never had this problem.

J'espère que cela vous aidera

Réponse: The customs/aide de saison, postée le 14-05-2013 à 04:49:38 (S | E)
Bonjour, voici ma correction.
Custom. On March 15th, I got through custom. The custom officer asked me if I had a laptop. I said yes. He opened my suitcase while I was occupied pick up my shoes and so forth. I didn't thought that he opened it. At my house, I was surprised that my laptop was missing. Why didn't he give it back to me, they have nothing against me. After they said to me that I must pay about $120. to receive my laptop. I will remember that airport and the suspicion person. It's the first time I have had a problem with my suitcase.
They wrote to me, and said they had transfered to Lost and Found.
Good afternoon, If I understand correctly, you returned it to Lost and Found. They wanted to charge me too much so I ask you to keep it and I will pick it up during my next travel. I'm sorry to have had this problem with an airport as big as your airport. I just read on the internet that many persons have already had the same situation. We thought to be in security with those security persons. They have to give back what they check. Will you give me the information where exactly I can get it back because we have limited time to transfer.
Thank you for the correction.

Réponse: The customs/aide de hushpuppy, postée le 14-05-2013 à 19:38:45 (S | E)
Il y a encore des petites corrections. Les mots verts sont déjà corrigés, les mots bleus en ont encore besoin :

To: The Customs Department of (nom de l’aéroport)

On March 15th, I got(allais) through customs. The customs officer asked me if I had a laptop. I said yes. He opened my suitcase while I was occupied pick---(prétérit progressif, étais en train de) up my shoes and so forth. I didn't thought(pense au présent) that he opened it. At my house, I was surprised that my laptop was missing. Why didn't he give it back to me, they have nothing against me. After-----(désolée, après ça) they said to me that I must pay about $120 to receive my laptop. I will remember that airport and the suspicion(c'est un nom, il devra être un adjectif) person. It's the first time I have had a problem with my suitcase.
They wrote to me, and said they had transfer-ed --(l'avaient) to Lost and Found.
Good afternoon, If I understand correctly, you returned it(nom) to Lost and Found. They wanted to charge me too much so I ask you to keep it and I will pick it up during my next travel. I'm sorry to have had this problem with an airport as big as (nom de l’aéroport). I just read on the internet that many persons("person" est singulier, essayez trouver le pluriel, ce n'est pas seulement une addition de "s") have already had the same situation. We hope to be(avoir)in security with responsible security persons (personnel). They have to give back what they check. Will you give me the information on where exactly I can get it back because we have limited time to transfer.

Il n'y a pas besoin de répéter une salutation si vous envoyez tout à la même personne.
Bon travail

Réponse: The customs/aide de saison, postée le 16-05-2013 à 14:18:24 (S | E)
The Customs Department of Atlanta.
On March 15th, I went through customs. The customs officer asked me if I had a laptop. I said yes. He opened my suitcase while I was occupied picking up my shoes and so forth. I didn't think that he opened it. At my house, I was surprised that my laptop was missing. Why didn'y he give it back to me, they have nothing against me. Next to that they said to me that I must pay about $120 to receive my laptop. I will remember that airport and the suspicious person. It's the first time I have had a problem with my suitcase. They wrote to me and said they had transferred it to Lost and Found.
If I understand correctly, your returned my laptop to Lost and Found. they wanted to charge me too much so I ask you to keep it and I will pick it up during my next travel. I'm sorry to have had this problem with an airport as big as Atlanta Airport. I just read on the internet that many people have already had the same situation. We hope have security with responsible security staff (or personnel) They have to give back what they check. Will you give me the information on where exactly I can get it back because we have limited time.
Thank you. name
est-ce mieux Atlanta's. (au lieu de airport)(vers la fin)
Merci beaucoup à hushpuppy. Je sais qu'il y a encore à corriger mais je suis tenace et je veux bien le comprendre

Réponse: The customs/aide de hushpuppy, postée le 17-05-2013 à 17:10:33 (S | E)
C'est presque parfait, la plupart des corrections sont nouvelles

The Customs Department of Atlanta.
On March 15th, I went through customs. The customs officer asked me if I had a laptop. I said yes. He opened my suitcase while I was occupied picking up my shoes and so forth. I didn't think that he opened it. At my house, I was surprised that my laptop was missing. Why didn't he give it back to me, they have nothing against me. Afterwards, they said to me that I must pay about $120 to receive my laptop. I will remember that airport and the suspicious person. It's the first time I have had a problem with my suitcase. They wrote to me and said they had transferred it to Lost and Found.
If I understand correctly, you returned my laptop to Lost and Found. They wanted to charge me too much so I ask you to keep it and I will pick it up during my next travel. I'm sorry to have had this problem with an airport as big as Atlanta Airport. I just read on the internet that many people have already had the same situation. We hope to have security with responsible security staff (or personnel)(l'un ou l'autre, les deux sont bien) They have to give back what they check. Will you give me the information on where exactly I can get it back because we have limited time to transfer.
Thank you. name

est-ce mieux Atlanta's. (au lieu de airport)(vers la fin)
Non, Atlanta Airport est bien, mais j'imagine que ce n'est pas le seul aéroport à At;anta ! On n'a pas besoin savoir le nom complet ici, mais vous devrez l'écrire dans le vôtre.

Tout me semble être bien maintenant, très bon travail
Bonne journée


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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