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Futur antérieur/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Futur antérieur/aide
Message de rosli posté le 06-05-2013 à 15:06:31 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît pour cette question?
pourquoi dit-on:
We will have been doing some research on the gifts of youth for a week next Tuesday
et pas:
We will have done some research on the gifts of youth for week next Tuesday.

Merci pour vos réponses,

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2013 17:18
Titre changé

Réponse: Futur antérieur/aide de lucile83, postée le 06-05-2013 à 17:18:47 (S | E)

Ce temps s'appelle le futur antérieur en be + v-ing, et comme toute forme en -ing on l'emploie quand on veut insister sur la durèe de l'action.
We will have been doing some research on the gifts of youth for a week next Tuesday ...cela nous prendra un bon moment et on insiste sur ce point
We will have done some research on the gifts of youth for week next Tuesday...ce sera fait,on aura rempli notre contrat

Futur antérieur en be + v-ing = future perfect continuous

Réponse: Futur antérieur/aide de hushpuppy, postée le 06-05-2013 à 17:37:44 (S | E)
Honnêtement, je dirais "We will be doing" au lieu de "We will have been doing".

Modifié par hushpuppy le 06-05-2013 23:06
Ah, mais oui ! Merci Willy, donc le problème est la construction de la phrase en fin. Cela devrait être "We will have been doing research on the gifts of youth for a week by next Tuesday.

Réponse: Futur antérieur/aide de willy, postée le 06-05-2013 à 20:33:32 (S | E)

The sentence is about a continuous activity that has been going on for a week and not simply an event in progress in the future. So, the future perfect continuous is the correct tense.
We will have been working for thirty hours next week at the same time.

Réponse: Futur antérieur/aide de notrepere, postée le 07-05-2013 à 00:09:42 (S | E)

It would be more common to say:
We will have been working for thirty hours by this time next week (or next Tuesday).
I think the main problem is that the original sentence is unclear.
What are "the gifts of youth"?
The problem is that the construction "for a week next Tuesday" can imply that the activity won't start until next Tuesday and will last for a week:
We will be doing research for a week starting next Tuesday.
So I think that it is reasonable to use the future tense without further clarification.

Réponse: Futur antérieur/aide de willy, postée le 07-05-2013 à 07:35:13 (S | E)

Well, I understand the sentence like this: the event won't start next Tuesday but started the week before and will have been going on for a week next Tuesday.
What do you think?

Réponse: Futur antérieur/aide de lucile83, postée le 07-05-2013 à 07:57:21 (S | E)

I agree with hushpuppy; the sentence would be better, even correct, if they had written 'by'
We will have been doing some research on the gifts of youth for a week by next Tuesday
or np's sentence
We will have been working for thirty hours by this time next week ..or for 2 days,etc.
I understand the sentence in the same way as willy.
I think 'youth' means the children who live in that family.

Réponse: Futur antérieur/aide de notrepere, postée le 08-05-2013 à 02:45:25 (S | E)

Oh, I thought that perhaps it was the "gift of youth", which is one gift I no longer possess. Although youth is relative.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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