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Oral /bac 2013

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral /bac 2013
Message de bedostars posté le 08-05-2013 à 17:43:54 (S | E | F)

voici mon texte pour mon oral d'anglais du BAC, sur la notion mythes et héros.
Pouvez-vous me dire s'il vous plaît ce que vous en pensez et surtout s'il y a des fautes.
Merci pour vos réponses!

I'm going to talk to you about the theme of myths and heroes. But before, I'll define words myth and hero.
A myth is a popular story or literary featuring super-humans beings and outstanding shares. We often find the values of a society and the structure of the human mind.
A hero is a legendary character who is ready of the extraordinary exploits.
Through these myths and heroes, there are values of society, country. These values are sometimes different in reality, the real life is more difficult that we can believe.
What's more, the value or nature of hero can vary between country, society or people. We ask, how myths and heroes have they changed our lives?
We will see that myths and heroes inspire the fundamental values.
There are three categories of myths and heroes: political influence, cultural influence and heroes of each day.
We are going to start talking about myths and heroes who have a political influence. For example, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela have a very important role in the story of black's men essentially. They are icons who helped change the world and lives of Afro-Americans. What's more, others icons helped change the world, but they are symbols like the Statue of liberty. It symbolizes freedom and hope for every American, it's located on island at the entrance of America. This mind of liberty in the politics allows at people to be equal. But, this idea of liberty, equality is not really concrete because many people are more poor or they have injustice. The idea of freedom is not always respected in America. People, who would like to enter the country, are prevented from doing so. These myths and heroes have change the course of stories, but the reality always is more difficult.
I will now deal with a cultural influence. In this category, we can talking about pop groups like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and the Who. Many pop groups become real heroes or myths at the time. They reflected and emphasised those changes. These groups often are symbols of love, peace or power. Thanks to these music, like "satisfaction" of the Rolling Stones or "revolution" of the Beatles, many people considered these celebrities as an example that it must follow. These groups imposed a mind of peace, love and other things on many people just with their music.
Moreover, others icons exist like Mickael Jackson or Marylin Monroe.
Furthermore, we can identified a third category of myths and heroes. It's heroes of each day like firemen, policemen, soldiers. They are considered heroes by many people. They risked their life for other people. An example, in 09/11 the Twintowers are destroyed by two aircraft of terrorist. Every firemen, soldiers, policemen and other people, who had to help many people at during the horrible disaster, are considered heroes. Thanks to their courage, many people have survived at this disaster.
To conclude, we can say that myths and heroes have change our lives. Real or not real, they have a capacity to change the mind of many people, to help them and to change the course of story. Even if myths and heroes are often beautiful whereas, the reality is more different and difficult that we want to believe.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2013 17:49

Réponse: Oral /bac 2013 de lucile83, postée le 09-05-2013 à 22:37:58 (S | E)

Erreurs en bleu
I'm going to talk to you about the theme of myths and heroes. But before, I'll define ... words myth and hero.
A myth is a popular story or literary featuring super-humans beings and outstanding shares. We often find the values of a society and the structure of the human mind.
A hero is a legendary character who is ready of the extraordinary exploits.
Through these myths and heroes, there are values of society, country. These values are sometimes different in reality, the real life is more difficult that we can believe.
What's more, the value or nature of hero can vary between country, society or people. We ask, how myths and heroes have they changed //construction à revoir our lives?
We will see that myths and heroes inspire the fundamental values.

Hope someone else will go on with the correction.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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