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Oral/ presentation

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Oral/ presentation
Message de camay76 posté le 12-05-2013 à 11:33:36 (S | E | F)
hello everbody,

I have to do give an oral presentation tomorrow morning and I'm really stressed. I would like you to correct my mistakes then I will feel better.
Thanks in advance

Hi everybody,
Can I have your attention please?
Today I’m going to talk to you about a project I really want to accomplish. The 4Ltrophy.
It’s a humanitarian rally whose objective is to provide children with school supplies. We have to bring 50 kg minimum. 4Ltrophy goes into partnership with the association “enfant du desert”
We will give them these school supplies during our trip across Morocco thanks to a Renault 4L.
4Ltrophy is an orienteering race from Paris to Marocco. It is only saved for students. You can see here one of the route followed by participants. We are not allowed to use a GPS system of course.
To get sponsors is an important step in the project. UTC students created HUMANIRAID association to have more credibility towards companies. Generally, it’s very difficult to find sponsors to finance activities of associations because companies don’t really want to lose money, mainly because of the financial crisis. Besides it is the main argument of companies to tell us that they can’t.
You can see here the 3 different types of Renault 4, urban, and 2 commercials vehicles. 1100 cubic centimeter, 4 gears it’s better for long ride.
We did a really good sponsoring file and we took the necessary steps. In my opinion, you really have to know your speaker or to know someone who knows someone else in a company to have a chance in sponsoring. You must have a lot of relationship and you must be a little bit lucky.
To conclude, we are going to do everything we can to take part in the next edition and not to reproduce the same mistakes as last year.

So, I hope my presentation interested you.
Thank you for your attention.
If you have any questions about this subject, I’m ready to answer you

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-05-2013 11:40

Réponse: Oral/ presentation de lucile83, postée le 12-05-2013 à 12:20:54 (S | E)

Erreurs en bleu

Hi everybody,
Can I have your attention please?
Today I’m going to talk to you about a project I really want to accomplish. The 4Ltrophy.
It’s a humanitarian rally whose objective is to provide children with school supplies. We have to bring 50 kg minimum. 4Ltrophy goes into partnership with the association “Enfants du Désert”
We will give them these school supplies during our trip across Morocco thanks to a Renault 4L.
4Ltrophy is an orienteering race//mot inutile car le mot précédent indique que c'est une course from Paris to Marocco. It is only saved for students. You can see here one of the route followed by participants. We are not allowed to use a GPS system of course.
To get sponsors is an important step in the project. UTC students created HUMANIRAID association to have more credibility towards companies. Generally, it’s very difficult to find sponsors to finance activities of associations because companies don’t really want to lose money, mainly because of the financial crisis. Besides it is the main argument of companies to tell us that they can’t.
You can see here the 3 different types of Renault 4, urban, and 2 commercials vehicles. 1100 cubic centimeter, 4 gears it’s better for long ride.
We did a really good sponsoring file and we took the necessary steps. In my opinion, you really have to know your speaker or to know someone who knows someone else in a company to have a chance in sponsoring. You must have a lot of relationship and you must be a little bit//familier lucky.
To conclude, we are going to do everything we can to take part in the next edition and not to reproduce the same mistakes as last year.

So, I hope my presentation interested you.
Thank you for your attention.
If you have any questions about this subject, I’m ready to answer you.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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