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Aide/ Oral bac
Message de kentin1509 posté le 12-05-2013 à 15:16:26 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider sur les fautes que vous voyez s'il vous plaît? (je passe le bac dans 5 jours)
Merci d'avance ! (Désolé pour les quelques abréviations)

We are going to talk about Spaces and Exchanges. In this notion, we are going to speak on migrations in all over the world and mainly with the USA. Those migrations can bring powers like economic, policy or cultural...
PB : What were the migrations that have affected the U.S. and its impact on the U.S. as we know it today?

I/ Why people are interested in the Am D in the first part of the twentieth century ?
The «American Dream» is an expression to deal about the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual.
In the first part of the twentieth century, with the two WW, populations had suffered of disseminations, with, for example, racism on Jewish
EX : A boy’s Journey by Seymour Rechtzeit : SR, a polish jewish, who sang in concert in all over the Poland. He went in America to have more opportunities and because it was bad time in Europe (in the 1920s). After a difficult journey, he arrived in USA. The meeting of the USA president has allowed to SR to be a Singer in USA and he met his wife. So, he makes his dream came true, and he realized the Am D.
EX 2 : Yesterday, I’m gone at Cinema to see the film The Great Gatsby, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan. The film deals about a writter, Nick Carraway who leaves its origin region to live his part of Am D. He meets Jay Gatsby, a billionaire, who introduced him to the world’s billionaire. He begins to write a book which combines love and dream, and which become famous. Nick Carraway realized the Am D too.

II/Which migrations have affected the USA in the twentieth century ? And which are the conditions of the journey ?
Many people in all over the world are gone in the USA, mainly to leave the wars, politic system, or the poverty.
European people left theirs continent from the 2nd industrial revolution, because in this period, the USA are growing, with, for example, the development of the fordism and the taylorism. Those migrations were amplified with the two WW.
Asian people left their continent too.
The journey to go to USA was very difficult. An italian study shows that 20% of migrant dead durant this journey because it is cold, with the seasick and the immigrants had too little to eat.
When they arrived in USA, Europeans and Asians are blocked in 2 different island :
-Ellis island (NYC), called «Tears Island», because lots of people died in this island for the europeans
-Angel Isalnd (LA) for the Asians.
EX : Article on on the immigration of Isabel Belaskry, an Russian, and her family in US, and her difficulties when she was at Ellis Island. She recount that she had to pass physical examination and a hearing by a judge before to was allowed to go in America. => If a person don’t complete the examination, she isn’t allowed to go in America.

III/ The Oregon Trail, a power for the US ?
The Oregon Trail was an early pioneering route across the central U.S., from Independence, W Missouri, to the Columbia River country of N Oregon: used chiefly between 1804 and 1860. Length: about 3220 km (2000 miles).
! The trail had to goal to expand the US. Durant this trail, the Americans (farmers, settlers, pioneers...) meet the native Americans (Cherokee). The Americans were forced to fight against those Native Am.
! This Oregon trail was very long and difficult.
EX : Henry Garrison’s memories of his journey on the Oregon Trail. In this memories, HG tells us that they travelled in terrible conditions. For example, because of the path henry’s father had rumathism and was entirely helpless.
! This expansion of the USA has been very important in the development of this country because, with its huge size, it have an huge economic, politic, military and cultural impact on the world today.
EX : The USA is the 1st in production and sale of arms in the world and the 1st economic country.

So the USA has known immigrations from outside, to live the Am D, and internal migrations, to expand the country. All of those migrations have contributed of the US that we know today.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-05-2013 16:45


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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