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Aide/Oral Héro
Message de nana2319 posté le 12-05-2013 à 20:58:10 (S | E | F)
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I'm going to talk about the notion “Myths and heroes”. First I'd like to give a definition of this concept. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. Then, a hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admir(y)ed for his or her achievements, a s(i)uperhero or maybe a model or an icon. I'm going to try to present this notion with examples and documents we have studied, like "Martin Macwan's Biography", the document about American Dream given in class, and another document I have chose which is a picture on our school book.

First, I will talk about the beginning of the American Myth and his consequence, with a first document, which talk about the American dream. A lot of new myths, with new heroes who can be real or imaginary characters and who in a certain way have caught people’s imagination have also been created over the ages. For example, the rags-to-riches stories of some famous American businessmen have given birth to a national myth called the American dream. The meaning of the "American Dream" has changed over the course of history. Historically the Dream originated in the mystique regarding frontier life. The ethos today implies an opportunity for Americans to achieve prosperity through hard word. We can make a link with the document I have chose, because we can see famous people like Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley which started with nothing. Culture, music, art, science illustrate the aspirations of heroes or superheroes. However even if you may get some inspiration from mythical stories or ironic figures, in the end you will have to face reality and do your best to make your dreams come true.

Then, I have chose a document which represents the most famous symbols of the USA. It is a photo montage representing the world of entertainment with Mickey Mouse created by Walt Disney, Marylin Monroe, Elvis Presley or John Wayne, a famous actor in western films. These persons allowed other people to dream of succeeding in America. This was a part of the myth, just like the famous brands Coca-Cola & Mac Donald’s which are also symbols of the American success, the American dream, the success of persons or immigrants who started at the bottom of the ladder and became famous, like Rockfeller or President Kennedy, who was the son of an Irish immigrant.
These persons like Marylin Monroe, are a certain form of American Hero : they are famous. Then I will present an hero less famous.
I have studied in class "Martin Macwan Biography". This document present his life, and how he became an hero for some people. Martin Macwan has spent his life fighting for the rights of oppressed Dalits. He is the origin of the National Campaign for the respect of human rights for Dalits in India. In 2000, he has received the Human Rights Award for his work and his fight.

Finally, I will talk about what is the American Dream for a great number of people. The American dream is a national ethos of the United States, a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success. It is a dream of liberty and justice for all, a dream of adventure, wealth and happiness. It has led millions of immigrants to see America as a promised land. The American Dream is also the face of the "American way of life", promoted by Hollywood model of a united family living in a nice house surrounded by a lawn with a nice car and beautiful children who go to university and will have access to the "good life."
But there are limits of the American Dream, the negative sides, like slavery, land conquest... We can make a link with the Martin Macwan's Biographie, because he has been the victim of one of these negatives sides: social and racial inequality because he is a Dalit.

Modifié par nana2319 le 12-05-2013 21:05

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-05-2013 21:19

Réponse: Aide/Oral Héro de hushpuppy, postée le 22-05-2013 à 17:43:05 (S | E)
Il y a des corrections en bleu et des conseils en vert

I'm going to talk about the notion, “Myths and heroes”. First I'd like to give a definition of this concept. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion("idea" puisque la definition est de la notion"). A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a model or an icon. I'm going to try to present this notion with examples and documents (conjonction) we have studied, like "Martin Macwan's Biography", the document about (article) oppression in India given in class, and another document I have chose which is a picture on our school book.

First, I will talk about the beginning of the American Myth and his(pas une personne) consequence(pluriel), with a first document, which talk about the American dream. (où est le document et la relation entre il et le sujet??) A lot of new myths, with new heroes who can be real or imaginary characters and who in a certain way have caught people’s imagination have also been created over the ages. For example, the rags-to-riches stories of some famous American businessmen have given birth to a national myth called the American dream. The meaning of the "American Dream" has changed over the course of history. Historically the Dream originated in the mystique(en anglais) regarding frontier life. The ethos today implies an opportunity for Americans to achieve prosperity through hard word(orthographe). We can make a link with the document I have chose(passé), because we can see famous people like Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley which(ils sont personnes) started with nothing. Culture, music, art, science illustrate the aspirations of heroes or superheroes. However even if you may get some inspiration from mythical stories or ironic(orthographe) figures, in the end you will have to face reality and do your best to make your dreams come true.

Then, I have chose a photo montage which represents one of the most famous symbols of the USA, the world of entertainment with Mickey Mouse created by Walt Disney, Marylin Monroe, Elvis Presley or John Wayne, a famous actor in western films. These persons(pluriel de "person") allowed other people to dream of succeeding in America. This was a part of the myth, just like the famous brands, Coca-Cola & Mac Donald’s, which are also symbols of the American success, the American dream, the success of persons(pluriel de "person) or immigrants who started at the bottom of the ladder and became famous, like Rockfeller or President Kennedy, who was the son of an Irish immigrant.
These persons like Marylin Monroe, are a certain form of American Hero : they are famous. Then I will present an hero less famous.
I have studied in class "Martin Macwan Biography". This document present his life, and how he became an hero for some people. Martin Macwan has spent his life fighting for the rights of oppressed Dalits. He is the origin of the National Campaign for the respect of human rights for Dalits in India. In 2000, he has received the Human Rights Award for his work and his fight.

Finally, I will talk about what the American Dream is for a great number of people. The American dream is a national ethos of the United States, a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success. It is a dream of liberty and justice for all, a dream of adventure, wealth and happiness. It has led millions of immigrants to see America as a promised land. The American Dream is also the face of the "American way of life", promoted by Hollywood model of a united family living in a nice house surrounded by a lawn with a nice car and beautiful children who go to university(pluriel) and who will have access to the "good life."
But there are limits to the American Dream, the negative sides of its history, like slavery, land conquest... We can make a link with the Martin Macwan's Biographie, because he has been the victim of one of these negatives sides: social and racial inequality because he is a Dalit.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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