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Difference /Meaning

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Difference /Meaning
Message from parv posted on 13-05-2013 at 06:31:46 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone 

Which one of these sentences is correct please?
Last night I was in a marriage.
Last night I was in a wedding
Thank you for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 13-05-2013 07:25

Re: Difference /Meaning from swan85, posted on 13-05-2013 at 12:48:09 (D | E)


I am just finding an explanation given in the newspaper "The time of India" between the marriage and the wedding.
May be this can help you.

Mar 12, 2006, 12.13am IST

What is the difference between a wedding and a marriage?

A wedding is a collective name used for all the ceremonies and rituals that take place to give social acceptance to the relationship between two people, whereas marriage is the name of a life long institution, which starts after the wedding.

Re: Difference /Meaning from dolfine56, posted on 13-05-2013 at 19:03:37 (D | E)
Hello, I'd say:
Last night, I attended a marriage.

Re: Difference /Meaning from notrepere, posted on 14-05-2013 at 00:56:41 (D | E)

I agree with Dolfine that "I attended ..." is a better way of saying what you want to say, but according to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, "I attended a wedding last night" is more common than "marriage" in this context. See:


Re: Difference /Meaning from jonquille, posted on 14-05-2013 at 02:37:24 (D | E)

I have yet another possibility:

Last night, I attended a wedding to witness my friends being united in marriage.

Re: Difference /Meaning from traviskidd, posted on 14-05-2013 at 02:59:39 (D | E)

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to say. Did you participate in the ceremony (perhaps as the best man or the maid of honor)? If so, then you were "in a wedding".

If you simply attended the ceremony, then you "went to a wedding" or were "at a wedding".

If you are married, then I suppose you are "in a marriage" but we would never say it like that.

See you.

Re: Difference /Meaning from parv, posted on 14-05-2013 at 06:05:25 (D | E)


What i understand is , it sould be like I was in a wedding last night because its shows something like a wedding ceremony and now-a-days its old fashioned so we can also use marriage instead of wedding.

Marriage shows a relationship between two people like , They got married last year . The life after marriage is.....etc 


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