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E-mail technique/aide
Message de taranghiano77 posté le 17-05-2013 à 11:39:42 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous me confirmer, s'il vous plait, si ces extraits d'un e-mail sont corrects ?
Il s'agit d'un E-mail technique destiné à des personnes dont l'anglais n'est pas leur langue maternelle.
Merci pour votre aide.

Dear all,
We would like to thank you very much for the kind reception your extended to John and Pierre during the last monthly meeting held in NY the 1st of May.
Please find enclosed our power point presentation and hereunder a brief recap of the main topics we discussed
Index dropped in April .
It seems this reduction on the index is mostly due to the quality of yeast.
We noted a leakage of the yeast transfer pump which represent a potential source of contamination and that’s may explain the contamination of yeast. Furthermore our micro audit performed in week 18 highlight an infection in the yeast pitching line.
Time to time plant uses phosphoric acid for the yeast “cleaning” and we would recommend as far as possible to drain the yeast once contamination is detected. Acid cleaning of the yeast should be applied only for exceptional situation.
We looked further into the results of cleaning and we saw that the contamination leveI is pretty low.
Count are most of the case wild yeast and secondarily sporogen bacteria. Negative sample don’t showed any count on plate.
Cleaning program’s respect the standart and they could not be called into question since most of the case the contamination is not confirmed two time consecutively on the same vessel. Deep clean of vessel and line was carried out and visual inspection confirm the general good conditions of the installation.
As regards of the available data we don’t think this sporadic contamination of the final rinse water could significantly influence the micro of the product. Nevertheless hygiene situation could be keep monitoring and we suggest the following actions :
Vessel/line has to be opened for inspection whenever a slight contamination is found 2 times consecutively and or in case of an huge contamination ( more than 50 cfu)
We refer to the enclosed John’s report regarding the presence of water in the dosing circuit of the disinfectant product.
the new treatment will be start again as soon as the non return valve between the dearated water and the product circuit is installed.
Trials report will be send and discuss directly by John.
Tests showed that there is no significant difference between 50 and 30 ppm. Plant has some doubts whether switching back to 30 ppm during the high season and would like to postpone the decision in order to evaluate the compromise “risk/cost”
For the time being the cost of the extra consumption is 1000 Euro
We agreed to continue trials and reduce the descaling from 2 to 1/month. John will be present on the occasion of the next descaling and inspection.
Find enclosed the file "BBBBBB" which includes calculations for the new applications. As requested we detailed informations regarding the ‘unit’ we use for the calculations

Feel free to contact us should you have any further questions.

Best regards,

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2013 21:46

Réponse: E-mail technique/aide de sherry48, postée le 17-05-2013 à 14:06:57 (S | E)
Here are some suggestions...

Dear all,
We would like to thank you very much for the kind reception your extended to John and Pierre during the last monthly meeting held in NY the 1st of May.
Please find enclosed our power point presentation and hereunder (maybe a simpler word?) a brief recap of the main topics we discussed
Index dropped in April .
It seems this reduction on the index is mostly due to the quality of yeast.
We noted a leakage of the yeast transfer pump which represent_ a potential source of contamination and that’s may explain the contamination of yeast. Furthermore our micro audit performed in week 18 highlight_ an infection in the yeast pitching line.
__ Time to time, __ plant uses phosphoric acid for (the) yeast “cleaning” and we (would) recommend (as far as possible) to drain (form with ing) the yeast once contamination is detected. Acid cleaning of the yeast should be applied only for exceptional situation.(no article-it must be plural)
We looked further into the results of cleaning and (we) saw that the contamination leveI is pretty low.
Count are most of the case wild yeast and secondarily sporogen bacteria. Negative sample_ don’t showed any count on plate.
___Cleaning program’s respect the standart and (this phrase unclear) (they) could not be called into question since most of the case the contamination is not confirmed two time consecutively on the same vessel. Deep clean__ of __vessel and line was carried out and visual inspection confirm_ the general good conditions of the installation.
As regards of (One word ending in ing) the available dat,a we don’t think (this) sporadic contamination of the final rinse water could significantly influence the micro of the product. Nevertheless hygiene situation could be keep monitoring (should continue....)and we suggest the following actions :
Vessel/line has to be opened for inspection whenever a slight contamination is found 2 times consecutively or in case of an huge (major?)contamination ( more than 50 cfu)
We refer to the enclosed John’s(wrong place) report regarding the presence of water in the dosing circuit of the disinfectant product.
the new treatment will be start again as soon as the non return valve between the dearated (missing letter) water and the product circuit is installed.
Trials report_ will be send and discuss__ directly by John.
Tests showed that there is no significant difference between 50 and 30 ppm. __ Plant has some doubts whether switching back to 30 ppm during the high season and would like to postpone the decision in order to evaluate the (compromise) “risk/cost”
For the time being the cost of the extra consumption is 1000 Euro
We agreed to continue trials and reduce the descaling from 2 to 1/month. John will be present (on the occasion of) (1 preposition) the next descaling and inspection.
Find enclosed the file "BBBBBB" which includes calculations for the new applications. As requested we detailed informations regarding the ‘unit’ we use for the calculations

Feel free to contact us should you have any further questions.

Best regards,


Réponse: E-mail technique/aide de taranghiano77, postée le 17-05-2013 à 15:18:03 (S | E)
Merci Sherry

Sur la base de vos remarques; voici mes corrections
Est-ce ok ?

Please find enclosed our power point presentation and hereunder SEE BELOW (maybe a simpler word?) a brief recap of the main topics we discussed
It seems this reduction on OF the index RATE is mostly due to the quality of yeast.
We noted a leakage of the yeast transfer pump which representS_ a potential source of contamination and that’s may explain the contamination of yeast. Furthermore our micro audit performed in week 18 highlightSan infection in the yeast pitching line.
FROM Time to time, THE plant uses phosphoric acid for (the) yeast “cleaning” and we (would) recommend as far as possible drainING (form with ing) the yeast once contamination is detected. Acid cleaning of the yeast should be applied only for exceptional situation.(no article-it must be plural)
We looked further into the results of cleaning and (we) saw that the contamination leveL is pretty low.
Count are most of the case wild yeast FOR MOST OF THE CASE and secondarily sporogen bacteria. Negative sampleS dID NO SHOW on’t showed any count on plate.
__THE_Cleaning program’s respect the standart and THESE (this phrase unclear = sous entendu les programme de nettoyage) (they) could not be called into question since most of the case the contamination is not confirmed two time consecutively on the same vessel. Deep cleaning__ of __vessels and lines was carried out and visual inspection confirmed_ the general good conditions of the installation.
As regards of (One word ending in ing Je ne comprends pas où est l'erreur ?) the available data we don’t think (this) sporadic contamination of the final rinse water could significantly influence the micro of the product. Nevertheless hygiene situation has to be kept monitoring(should continue....)and we suggest the following actions :
Vessel/line has to be opened for inspection whenever a slight contamination is found 2 times consecutively or in case of an MAJOR contamination ( more than 50 cfu)
We refer to the John’s report enclosed regarding the presence of water in the dosing circuit of the disinfectant product.
the new treatment will be startED again as soon as the non-return valve between the deaerated (missing letter) water and the product circuit is installed.
Trials reports_ will be sent and discussed__ directly by John.
Tests showed that there is no significant difference between 50 and 30 ppm. __the Plant has some doubts whether( DANS LES SENS QUE LE "PLANT" DOUTE SUR LA POSSIBILIT DE REPASSERE A UNE CONCENTRATION DE 30 PPM PLEINE HAUTE SAISON DE PRODUCTION) switching back to 30 ppm during the high season and would like to postpone the decision in order to evaluate the (compromise) “risk/cost”
For the time being the cost of the extra consumption is 1000 Euro
We agreed to continue trials and reduce the descaling from 2 to 1/month. John will be present (on the occasion of) DURING(1 preposition) the next descaling and inspection.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2013 21:49

Réponse: E-mail technique/aide de notrepere, postée le 17-05-2013 à 17:47:48 (S | E)

Please find enclosed our power point presentation and a brief recap of the main topics we discussed below.
It seems this reduction of the index RATE is mostly due to the quality of yeast.
We noted a leakage of the yeast transfer pump which representS_ a potential source of contamination and that may explain the contamination of yeast. Additionally, our micro audit performed in week 18 highlighted an infection in the yeast pitching line.
FROM Time to time, THE plant uses phosphoric acid for (the) yeast “cleaning” and we (would) recommend draining the yeast once contamination is detected. Acid cleaning of the yeast should be applied only in exceptional circumstances.
We looked further into the results of cleaning and (we) saw that the contamination leveL is pretty low.
Contamination counts show mostly wild yeast and secondarily...Count are most of the case wild yeast FOR MOST OF THE CASE and secondarily sporogen bacteria. Negative sampleS dID NO SHOW on’t showed any count on plate. Samples that came back negative did not detect any contamination

[That's all I have time for right now. Maybe Sherry will be able to finish it.]

Réponse: E-mail technique/aide de sherry48, postée le 18-05-2013 à 03:07:20 (S | E)
Please find enclosed our power point presentation and a brief recap of the main topics we discussed below.

It seems the reduction of the index RATE is mostly due to the quality of yeast.
We noted a leakage of the yeast transfer pump which representS a potential source of contamination and that may explain the contamination of yeast. Additionally, our micro audit performed in week 18 highlighted an infection in the yeast pitching line.
FROM Time to time, THE plant uses phosphoric acid for (the) yeast “cleaning” and we recommend draining the yeast once contamination is detected. Acid cleaning of the yeast should be applied only in exceptional circumstances.
We looked further into the cleaning results and saw that the contamination leveL is pretty low.

Negative sampleS dID NOt SHOW any count on plate.
Contamination counts show mostly wild yeast and secondarily sporogen bacteria. Samples that came back negative had no detectable contamination.

The cleaning program with respect to the standards cannot be called into question since most of the cases of the contamination is were not confirmed 2 consecutive times on the same vessel. Deep cleaning of vessels and lines was carried out and visual inspection confirmed the generally good conditions of the installation.
Regarding the available data we don’t think sporadic contamination of the final rinse water could significantly influence the micro of the product. Nevertheless hygiene situation should continue to be monitored. We suggest the following actions :
Vessels and lines have to be opened for inspection whenever a slight contamination is found 2 consecutive times or in case of an MAJOR contamination ( more than 50 cfu)
We refer (you) to John’s enclosed report regarding the presence of water in the dosing circuit of the disinfectant product.
The new treatment will be startED again as soon as the non-return valve between the deaerated water and the product circuit is installed.
Trials reports will be sent and discussed directly by John.
Tests showed that there is no significant difference between 50 and 30 ppm. There is some doubt about switching back to 30 ppm during the high season and we would like to postpone the decision in order to evaluate the risk and cost.
For the time being the cost of the extra consumption is 1000 Euro
We agreed to continue trials and reduce the descaling from 2 to 1/month. John will be present DURING the next descaling and inspection.



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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