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Intro et conclusion/pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Intro et conclusion/pouvoir
Message de oralbac posté le 18-05-2013 à 14:59:30 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

j'aimerais que quelqu'un me dise quelles sont mes fautes dans mon introduction et ma conclusion sur lieux et formes du pouvoir.
Merci d'avance à toute éventuelle réponse !

I am going to talk about locations and forms of power. First of alll, I would like to give a definition of this word. Even if it has got several definitions, we are going to talk about it as a group having great control over others ans as the ability of State to exercise control. It refers to a group of persons who decide another to have to be banished from the society. I would like to talk about the witch hunts in America.
How do the witch hunts show the exercise of power in the history of humankind? (comment les chasses aux sorcières révèlent-elles de l'exercice d'un pouvoir au cours de l'histoire?)
To conclude, the fears of witchcraft, communism and terrorism have prompted some religious parties, political parties and governments to banish anothers from the society.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-05-2013 17:15

Réponse: Intro et conclusion/pouvoir de hushpuppy, postée le 18-05-2013 à 16:03:45 (S | E)
Il y a des corrections en bleu :

I am going to talk about locations and forms of power. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this word, (mot). Even if it has got several definitions, we are going to talk about it as a group having great control over others ---- as (tel que) the ability of ---(article) State to exercise control. It refers to a group of person(pluriel, ce n’est pas seulement une addition de “s”) who decide another to have ---- -----(l’un l’autre) to be banished from the society. (Pour le demontrer), I would like to talk about the witch hunts in America.
How do the witch hunts show the exercise of power in the history of humankind?
To conclude, the fears of witchcraft, communism and terrorism have prompted some religious parties, political parties and governments to banish anothers(l’un l’autre) from the society.

C'est à vous

Réponse: Intro et conclusion/pouvoir de oralbac, postée le 18-05-2013 à 17:39:04 (S | E)
I am going to talk about locations and forms of power. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this word. Even if the word "power" has several definitions, we are going to talk about it as a group having great control over others and we are going to talk about it as the ability of the (a?) State to exercise control. I am going to refer to a group of persons who decide to have another banished from society. in order to show that, I would like to talk about the witch hunts in America.
How do the witch hunts show the exercise of power in the history of mankind? (comment les chasses aux sorcières révèlent-elles de l'exercice d'un pouvoir au cours de l'histoire?)
To conclude, the fears of witchcraft, communism and terrorism have prompted some religious parties, political parties and governments to banish anothers from society.

Ai-je juste? Merci d'avance c'est très gentil !

Réponse: Intro et conclusion/pouvoir de hushpuppy, postée le 18-05-2013 à 19:22:57 (S | E)
Il y a des corrections en bleu et les autres déjà bien en vert :

I am going to talk about locations and forms of power. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this word, power. Even if it has several definitions, we are going to talk about it as a group having great control over others such as the ability of the State to exercise control. It refers to a group of person(pluriel, ce n’est pas seulement une addition de “s”) who decide another to have xxxx(people/others/each other) banished from society. In order to demonstrate ("show" est bien aussi mais vous l'utilisez dans la prochaine phrase) that, I would like to talk about the witch hunts in America.
How do the witch hunts show the exercise of power in the history of mankind?
To conclude, the fears of witchcraft, communism and terrorism have prompted some religious parties, political parties and governments to banish anothers(l’un l’autre, comme l'autre phrase) from society.

C'est à vous

Réponse: Intro et conclusion/pouvoir de oralbac, postée le 18-05-2013 à 19:29:17 (S | E)
Je veux dire : C'est un groupe de personnes,qui décident qu'une partie de la population doit être bannie de la société.

Je ne vois pas ce que vous voulez dire dans votre correction : It refers to a a group of person who decide another to have xxxx(people/each other) banished from society
Je ne vois pas non plus ce que vous voulez me dire là: group of person(pluriel, ce n’est pas seulement une addition de “s”) . Dans un groupe, il y a plusieurs personnes, donc un s !

Et là : To conclude, the fears of witchcraft, communism and terrorism have prompted some religious parties, political parties and governments to banish groups of persons from society.

Est-ce juste?

Réponse: Intro et conclusion/pouvoir de hushpuppy, postée le 18-05-2013 à 19:48:48 (S | E)
Ok, donc "It refers to a group of (pluriel de "person") who decide to have certain others banished from society."

C'est seulement le mot/mots en bleu, donc ce n'est pas "un group de personnes" corriger, seulement le mot "person". Quel est le pluriel de "person" en anglais ? Je l'ai déjà écrit dans une autre correction

"to banish certain people from society"

Est-ce un peu plus clair ?

Réponse: Intro et conclusion/pouvoir de oralbac, postée le 18-05-2013 à 20:53:52 (S | E)

ah! PEOPLE ! Merci beaucoup, c'est beaucoup plus clair oui ! Je n'y pensais vraiment plus ! ;)

I am going to talk about locations and forms of power. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the word "power". Even if it has several definitions, we are going to talk about it as a group having great control over others such as the ability of the State to exercise control. It refers to a group of people who decide to have certain others banished from society. In order to demonstrate that, I would like to talk about the witch hunts in America.
How do the witch hunts show the exercise of power in the history of mankind?
To conclude, the fears of witchcraft, communism and terrorism have prompted some religious parties, political parties and governments to banish certain people from society.

Ai-juste ce coup-ci?
J'ai une question:
1)Pourquoi utilise-t-on le present perfect ici : "decide to have certain others banished from society" ?
(c'est juste pour que je sache ;) )

Je vous remercie en tout cas du temps que vous m'accordez !

Réponse: Intro et conclusion/pouvoir de hushpuppy, postée le 18-05-2013 à 21:16:10 (S | E)
C'est parfait maintenant

Pourquoi utilise-t-on le present perfect ici : "decide to have certain others banished from society" ?
La raison est du contexte : It(la définition déjà construit) refers to "un groupe de personnes" suivant par une définition du groupe. Au contraire si c'était une description d'un certain groupe qui n'existe plus, ce serait au passé, ou une description d'un groupe possible, au conditionnel.

Très bon travail

Réponse: Intro et conclusion/pouvoir de oralbac, postée le 18-05-2013 à 21:56:23 (S | E)
beaucoup beaucoup de voter aide et de la rapidité de votre réponse !

Bonne continuation à vous !



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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