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Correction / interview

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Correction / interview
Message de fillmorejive posté le 18-05-2013 à 18:05:53 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tout le monde.

En vue d'une interview que je dois faire bientôt, j'aimerais avoir un peu d'aide pour apporter des corrections aux questions que je viens de mettre en forme.
Un grand merci d'avance.
Le nom du groupe s'appelle Shiv-R et leur album s'appelle "Heart Attack".
Why have you decided to make another record in 2013 ? What were the reasons?
What happened for Shiv-R since 2008 and the departure of Ben?
Do you think the line up as it is nowadays is the more fully accomplished?
After this long period of silence for Shiv-R, is "Heart Attack" the ultimate album you wanted to record?
At which time did you write your songs for "Heart Attack"? Did you spend several years to write them? I think "Secret Music" exists since 2009…
Why did you choose to name your new LP "Heart Attack"? What was the story behind it?
With your new LP, you have been allowed to go to Abbey Road or to Chicago for working with John Henzel. Has your record label allowed you a greater freedom of choice?
Once again, many collaborators have come along with you to work on this record. How was the work with them?
I’ve read you didn't expect to have the song "Dream about them" on your new record ? Is it right?
On this new record I think you said you wanted "not to be so slow or abstract", but maybe more pop.
What ideas or kind of music have inspired you to make this new record?
How was the work with John Henzel? Were you sure that you wanted to work with him once again with your new LP ?
Nowadays, many young bands refer to Shiv-R as a huge influence for their own music.What do you think about your popularity as it constantly grew up over the years while you didn’t make a lot of records?
What the term « independent group » does mean to you nowadays?
Is question of "time" or doing thing in a slow way a precious thing in your songwriting/recording process? Ici en gros je veux demander si le temps tient une part importante dans leur travail d'écriture?
Will you sign new acts/band in the future with your proper record label?
What do you think about the carriere of Shiv-R? If you had the choice to start again, would you make the things different, like maybe publish more records or promot them in a better way?
Isn’t it more easy being Shiv-R in 2013 rather than 2001?
Don’t you think many people make mistake about Shiv-R because they think you are an indie/twee band, while your music has changed a lot this years?
Do you think you have made some progress as a musician and songwriter throughout years ? Or do you like to see yourself still as a non professional musician, even maybe as an "amateur".
Did you put some autobiographical lyrics in your new songs ?
You and Marcus would like to make another record in the future ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-05-2013 19:07

Réponse: Correction / interview de hushpuppy, postée le 21-05-2013 à 14:59:22 (S | E)
Il y a des corrections en bleu et les suggestions en vert

Why have you decided to make another record in 2013 ? What were the reasons?
What happened to Shiv-R since 2008 and Ben's(normalement un surnom aussi à moins que vous soyez proche au groupe) departure?
Do you think the line up as it is nowadays is the more fully accomplished?
After this long period of silence for Shiv-R, is "Heart Attack" the ultimate album you wanted to record?
At which time did you write your songs for "Heart Attack"? Did you spend several years to write them? I think "Secret Music" exists(passé) since 2009…
Why did you choose to name your new LP "Heart Attack"? What was the story behind it?
With your new LP, you have been allowed to go to Abbey Road and to Chicago to work with John Henzel. Has your record label allowed you a greater freedom of choice?
Once again, many collaborators have come along with you to work on this record. How was it working with them?
I’ve read (conjonction) you didn't expect to have the song "Dream about them" on your new record ? Is it right?
On this new record I think (conjonction) you said you didn't want "to be so slow or abstract", but maybe more pop.
What ideas or kind of music have inspired you to make this new record?
How was the work with John Henzel? Were you sure that you wanted to work with him once again with your new LP ?
Nowadays, many young bands refer to Shiv-R as a huge influence for their own music.What do you think about your popularity as it constantly grew up over the years even while you weren’t making a lot of records?
What the term « independent group » does(déplace devant le sujet) mean to you nowadays?
Is (article) question of "time", or doing thing(pluriel) in a slow way, an important aspect of your songwriting/recording process?
Will you sign new acts/band in the future with your own record label?
What do you think about the carriere of Shiv-R? If you had the choice to start again, would you make the things different, like maybe publish more records or promote them in a better way?
Isn’t it more easy being Shiv-R in 2013 rather than 2001?
Do you think many people mistake Shiv-R for being an indie/twee band, even though your music has changed a lot during these past years?
Do you think you have made some progress as a musician and songwriter throughout (article) years ? Or do you like to see yourself still as a non professional musician, maybe even as an "amateur"?
Did you put some autobiographical lyrics into your new songs ?
You and Marcus would(déplace devant le sujet) like to make another record in the future ?

Réponse: Correction / interview de fillmorejive, postée le 21-05-2013 à 15:30:07 (S | E)
Merci infiniment pour ton temps et tes corrections Hushpuppy


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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