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Myths and heroes/aide

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Myths and heroes/aide
Message de cacoa45 posté le 19-05-2013 à 20:29:30 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous corriger les fautes s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I'm going to talk to you about the theme of myths and heroes. Firstly, I'll define words myth and hero. A myth is a popular story. It originally explain the origins of humanity.It delivers a message about the human condition and also give elements as to the collective identify of a social groupe. These myths are updated, reinvented by the way that each civilisation deal withs. What's more, a hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. He is a legendary character who is ready of the extraordinary exploits. Through these myths and heroes, there are values of society.The value or nature of hero can vary with the country, society or people. We may answer the question :how myths and heroes had changed our lives? We will see that myths and heroes inspire the fundamental values.
We are going to start talking about myths and heroes who have cultural influence. In this category, we can talking about Steve Job. He become real hero or myths at the time. He reflected and emphasised those changes. Steve Jobs had an ordinary life story but it's a genius. He overcame a lot of hardsships, he was as vulnerable as others people, for example he left school, fought to make his firm work, he was fired and had very important health problems. Steve Jobs was a inventor, he had improved and advanced the computer and the computing.Steve Jobs is considered like a hero because to make the top he was and hard-worker, career-driven with strong-willed. Today he remains a role model, an example of success.
There are heroes who have a political influence. For example, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks had a very important role in the story of black's men essentially. Martin Luther King was an African American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the American civil rights movement. He wanted equality for all, he fought against discrimination in the realms of suffrage, justice, education, and political representation. It was this dynamic, witty who captured his audience laugh, makes you think the people in his speeches. He is still an American hero.Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. She was subsequently arrested and taken to jail for her defiance. She was tired and sick of the segregation law.
Furthermore, we can identify a third category of myths and heroes. Today a hero is a man or woman who is characterized by his bravery, his mental or physical strength. A man illustrious and famous for his exploits and actions, who has realised heroic actions. A hero can be a main character in a movie, a story or a poem. A hero has many human qualities, he is generous, loyal, just, determined, nice, brave, courageous. A hero can also be an illustrious person who is venerated and idealized. It's heroes of each day like firemen, policemen, soldiers. They are considered heroes by many people. They risked their life for other people. An example, in 09/11 the Twintowers are destroyed by two aircraft of terrorist. Every firemen, soldiers, policemen and other people, who had to help many people at during the horrible disaster, are considered heroes. Thanks to their courage, many people have survived at this disaster.
To conclude, we can say that myths and heroes have change our lives. Real or not real, they have a capacity to change the mind of many people, to help them and to change the course of story. They do courageous things, they fight for something or they want to serve others. They represent a model, an ideal man. And nobody can blame their comportment, they changed the history, and our story.

Modifié par cacoa45 le 19-05-2013 20:29

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-05-2013 21:49

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de lucile83, postée le 20-05-2013 à 15:32:12 (S | E)

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de hushpuppy, postée le 20-05-2013 à 18:21:59 (S | E)
C'est très bien mais il y a des corrections en bleu :

I'm going to talk to you about the theme of myths and heroes. Firstly, I'll define ---(article) words myth and hero. A myth is a popular story. It originally explain(passé) the origins of humanity.It delivers a message about the human condition and also give(3ème personne singulier) elements as to the collective identify(orthographe) of a social groupe. These myths are updated, reinvented by(autre préposition) the(article indéfini) way that each civilisation deal(3ème personne singulier) withs(singulier). What's more, a hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. He is a legendary character who is ready of(autre préposition) the extraordinary exploits. Through these myths and heroes, there are values of society.The value or nature of (article) hero can vary with the country, society or people. We may answer the(démonstratif) question :how myths and heroes had(présent et déplace devant les noms) changed our lives? We will see that myths and heroes inspire the fundamental values.
We are going to start talking about myths and heroes who have ---(passé composé) cultural influence. In this category, we can talking about Steve Job(orthographe). He become(passé) (article) real hero, even (article) myths(singulier) at the time(pluriel). He reflected on and emphasised those changes(singulier). Steve Jobs had an ordinary life story but it's(une personne masculin, et le verbe est au passé) a genius. He overcame a lot of hardsships(orthogrape), he was as vulnerable as others(singulier) people, for example he left school, fought to make his firm work, he was fired and had very important(autre adjectif) health problems. Steve Jobs was a(orthogrape, avant une voyelle) inventor, he had improved and advanced the computer and the computing.Steve Jobs is considered like a hero because to make it to the top he was and(article) hard-worker, career-driven with(conjonction) strong-willed. Today he remains a role model, an example of success.
There are heroes who have a political influence. For example, Martin Luther King ---(conjonction) Rosa Parks had a very important role(pluriel) in the story(autre mot du sens d’histoire) of black's men(nom propre) essentially. Martin Luther King was an African-American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the American civil rights movement. He wanted equality for all, he fought against discrimination in the realms of suffrage, justice, education, and political representation. It was this dynamic, witty (nom manque) who(peut-être différent dependant du nom) captured his audience(pluriel) laugh, makes(passé) you think (préposition) the people in(autre préposition) his speeches. He is still an American hero.Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. She was subsequently arrested and taken to jail for her defiance. She was sick and tired of the segregation law(pluriel).
Furthermore, we can identify a third category of myths and heroes. Today a hero is a man or woman who is characterized by his bravery, his mental or physical strength. A man (qui est) illustrious and famous for his exploits and actions, who has realised heroic actions. A hero can be a main character in a movie, a story or a poem. A hero has many human qualities, he is generous, loyal, just, determined, nice, brave, (conjonction) courageous. A hero can also be an illustrious person who is venerated and idealized. It's heroes of each day(plutôt: everyday heroes) like firemen, policemen, (conjonction) soldiers. They are considered heroes by many people. They risked(présent) their life(pluriel) for other people. An(préposition) example, in(autre préposition) 09/11 the Twintowers are(passé) destroyed by two aircraft of terrorist(plutôt: by terrorist using two aircrafts).

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de hushpuppy, postée le 20-05-2013 à 18:25:32 (S | E)

Every firemen(singulier à cause d’”every”), soldiers(singulier), policemen(singulier) and other people(singulier), who had to help many people(autre mot, des autres) at during the(démonstratif) horrible disaster, are(singulier) considered heroes(singulier, + article indéfini). Thanks to their courage, many people have survived at this disaster.
To conclude, we can say that myths and heroes have change(passé) our lives. Real or not real, they have a capacity to change the mind(pluriel) of many people, to help them and to change the course of story(autre mot, “story” signifie “conte”). They do courageous things, they fight for something or they want to serve others. They represent a model, an ideal man(plutôt: person). And nobody can blame(pas d’accord avec “comportment”) their comportment, they changed the history, and our story(autre mot, comme les autres corrections de "story").

C'est à vous

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de cacoa45, postée le 21-05-2013 à 22:01:15 (S | E)
merci beaucoup de votre réponse
I'm going to talk about the theme of myths and heroes. Firstly, I'll define the words myth and hero. A myth is a popular story. It originally explained the origins of humanity.It delivers a message about the human condition and also gives elements as to the collective identity of a social groupe. These myths are updated, reinvented with a way that each civilisation deals with. What's more, a hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. He is a legendary character who is ready to extraordinary exploits. Through these myths and heroes, there are values of society.The value or nature of a hero can vary with the country, society or people. We may answer this question :how had myths and heroes changed our lives? We will see that myths and heroes inspire the fundamental values.

We are going to start talking about myths and heroes who had cultural influence. In this category, we can talking about Steve Jobs. He became real hero even myth at time. He reflected on and emphasised change. Steve Jobs had an ordinary life story but he was a genius. He overcame a lot of hardships, he was as vulnerable as other people, for example he left school, fought to make his firm work, he was fired and had health problems. Steve Jobs was an inventor, he had improved and advanced the computer and computing.Steve Jobs is considered a hero because to make it to the top he was an hard-worker, career-driven and strong-willed. Today he remains a role model, an example of success.

There are heroes who had a political influence. For example, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks had very important roles in the history of black's man. Martin Luther King was an African American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the American civil rights movement. He wanted equality for all, he fought against discrimination in the realms of suffrage, justice, education, and political representation. He is still an American hero.Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. She was subsequently arrested and taken to jail for her defiance. She was sick and tired of the segregation laws.

Furthermore, we can identify a third category of myths and heroes. Today a hero is a man or woman who is characterized by his bravery, his mental or physical strength. A man who's illustrious and famous for his exploits and actions, who has realised heroic actions. A hero can be a main character in a movie, a story or a poem. A hero has many human qualities, he is generous, loyal, just, determined, nice, brave and courageous. A hero can also be an illustrious person who is venerated and idealized. It's everydays heroes like firemen, policemen, soldiers. They are considered heroes by many people. They risk their lives for other people. The example, to 09/11 the Twintowers were destroyed by terrorist using two aircrafts . Every fireman and soldier, policeman and other people, who had to help many people at during the horrible disaster, is considered a hero. Thanks to their courage, many people have survived at this disaster.
To conclude, we can say that myths and heroes had changed our lives. Real or not real, they have a capacity to change the minds of many people, to help them and to change the course of history. They do courageous things, they fight for something or they want to serve others. They represent a model, an ideal person. And nobody can blames their comportment, they changed the history, and our history.

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de hushpuppy, postée le 21-05-2013 à 23:03:45 (S | E)
Voilà très bon travail

I'm going to talk about the theme of myths and heroes. Firstly, I'll define the words myth and hero. A myth is a popular story. It originally explained the origins of humanity.It delivers a message about the human condition and also gives elements as to the collective identity of a social group. These myths are updated, reinvented in a way that each civilisation deals with. What's more, a hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and great courage. He is a legendary character who is ready for extraordinary exploits. Through these myths and heroes, there are values of society.The value or nature of a hero can vary with the country, society or people. We may answer this question :how have myths and heroes changed our lives? We will see that myths and heroes inspire our(ou rien) fundamental values.

We are going to start talking about myths and heroes who have had cultural influence. In this category, we can start by talking about Steve Jobs. He became a real hero even a myth at times. He reflected on and emphasised change. Steve Jobs had an ordinary life story but he was a genius. He overcame a lot of hardships, he was as vulnerable as other people, for example he left school, fought to make his firm work, he was fired and had serious health problems. Steve Jobs was an inventor, he improved and advanced the computer and computing.Steve Jobs is considered a hero because to make it to the top he was a hard-worker, career-driven and strong-willed. Today he remains a role model, an example of success.

There are heroes who had a political influence. For example, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks had very important roles in the history of African-Americans. Martin Luther King was an African American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the American civil rights movement. He wanted equality for all, he fought against discrimination in the realms of suffrage, justice, education, and political representation. It was his wit and dynamic personality that captured his audiences and he made you think about the people he was fighting for. He is still an American hero.Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. She was subsequently arrested and taken to jail for her defiance. She was sick and tired of the segregation laws.

Furthermore, we can identify a third category of myths and heroes. Today a hero is a man or woman who is characterized by his bravery, his mental or physical strength. A man who is illustrious and famous for his exploits and actions, who has realised heroic actions. A hero can be a main character in a movie, a story or a poem. A hero has many human qualities, he is generous, loyal, just, determined, nice, brave and courageous. A hero can also be an illustrious person who is venerated and idealized. It's everyday heroes like firemen, policemen, and soldiers. They are considered heroes by many people. They risk their lives for other people. For example, on 09/11 the Twintowers were destroyed by terrorists using two aircrafts . Every fireman, soldier, policeman, and person, who had to help many other people during this horrible disaster, is considered a hero. Thanks to their courage, many people have survived this disaster.
To conclude, we can say that myths and heroes have changed our lives. Real or not real, they have a capacity to change the minds of many people, to help them and to change the course of history. They do courageous things, they fight for something or they want to serve others. They represent a model, an ideal person. And nobody can deny their comportment, they changed the history, our history.


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