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Message de bilingue78 posté le 22-05-2013 à 20:51:55 (S | E | F)
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Thème: « Mythes et héros »
Heroes exist for a long time. Fictitious, as those of mythologies, or real, they are yet present today. Each book, each movie possesses a hero. They represent an ideal, they are models, and they embody values. Some people are considered like heroes on the real life too because they do extraordinary things or they promote a great message. They sometimes take place into a myth, a traditional story, concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. We can ask what could symbolize heroes or myth for the population.
- Heroes
Heroes exist since the Antiquity, but today some people take the dress of heroes to help people in the need, and fight against injustice and for equality. The New York Time, on an article of October, the 29th of 2007, explain us the fight of real life superheroes, in the US. According to the image of a hero, but more concretely, they help their city and its population. With a fancy dress, this anonymous troop is normal people in their life, but takes the place of a hero during action.
In “A lesson before dying”, Jefferson is a 21 man and has been sentenced to death for a murder he did not commit, and Grant Wiggins try to make Jefferson feel like more of a man. For Grant, a hero is someone who does something for other people, that other can’t do.
- Myths
In the same novel, the narrator defines what a myth is: “an old lie that people believe in”. For example, in the US, the Mother Road takes part in. This emblematic road was officially the 66 road, and pass trough Chicago to Los Angeles but was decommissioned in 1985. This road conserves a mythic character and is the most famously of the US.
Myths are frequently dreams, and takes importance with time. The American dream is still alive and symbolizes for lots of people out of the country an achievement which can change their lives, above all on this time of economical crisis. People often try every possible means to overcome hardship for reach their goal. The American dream is visible on the book “The vision of Emma Blau” (page 69): a German teen wants to join America to have a better life, this story takes place in the end of the XVIII century. This mythical subject existing on the present day, and is illustrated on the pattern (Page 67): a man explains to his children the possibility of a life in the US, a hope for better opportunities.
To conclude, heroes and myths are linked because they symbolize a hope to change the difficult life of people. Myths persist across the time, and heroes still admired, yesterday symbol of power or courage, today help people to support adversity. Literature or television do relive myths, and represent unusual person like in Iron Man 3.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-05-2013 21:43

Réponse: Aide oral/ correction de delf2312, postée le 24-05-2013 à 23:47:36 (S | E)
Heroes exist for a long time (avec for a long time,il y a un temps spécifique a utiliser en anglais.) Fictitious, as those of mythologies, or real, they are yet present today (they still exist ?). Each book, each movie possesses a hero. They represent an ideal, they are models, and they embody values. Some people are considered like heroes on the in real life (> real life heroes ?) too because they do extraordinary things or they promote a great message. They (à quoi they réfère-t-il ?)sometimes take place into a myth, a traditional story, concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. We can ask what could symbolize heroes or myth (le Sujet doit être avant le verbe, pas comme en français) for the population.
- Heroes
Heroes exist since (pareil, avec since, il y a un temps spécifique a utiliser) the Antiquity, but today some people take the dress of heroes to help people in the need, and fight against injustice and for equality. The New York Times, on in an article of October, the 29th of 2007, explains us the fight of real life superheroes, in the US. According to the image of a hero, but more concretely, they help their city and its population. With a fancy dress, this anonymous troop is normal people in their life, but takes the place of a hero during action.
In “A lesson before dying”, Jefferson is a 21 man (a twenty-year old man) and has been sentenced to death for a murder he did not commit, and Grant Wiggins try to make Jefferson feel like more of a man. For Grant, a hero is someone who does something for other people, that others can’t do.
- Myths
In the same novel, the narrator defines what a myth is: “an old lie that people believe in”. For example, in the US, the Mother Road takes part in (takes part in: qu'est ce que ça veut dire ?). This emblematic road was officially the 66 road (pour une fois, c'est le même ordre qu'en français: road 66), and pass through Chicago to Los Angeles (from Chigago to LA ou through Chicago and LA) but was decommissioned in 1985. This road conserves a mythic character and is the most famously of the US.
Myths are frequently dreams, and takes importance with time. The American dream is still alive and symbolizes for lots of people out of the country an achievement which can change their lives, above all on this time of economical crisis. People often try every possible means to overcome hardship for to reach their goal. The American dream is visible on in the book “The vision of Emma Blau” (page 69): a German teen wants to join (we can join someone but not something) America to have a better life, this story takes place in the end of the XVIII century. This mythical subject existing (quelle forme avez vous voulu utiliser ? participe présent, BE +ING, ou présent simple ? moi j'utiliserai un présent simple + still) on the present day, and is illustrated on the pattern (Page 67): a man explains to his children the possibility of a life in the US, a hope for better opportunities.
To conclude, heroes and myths are linked because they symbolize a hope to change the difficult life of people. Myths persist across the time, and heroes still admired, yesterday symbol of power or courage, today help people to support adversity. Literature or television do relive ce mot n'existe pas myths, and represent unusual persons / people like in Iron Man 3.


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