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Correction/ past simple

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ past simple
Message de robdowjr posté le 26-05-2013 à 15:38:16 (S | E | F)

Chez moi, il n'y a personne pour m'aider pour mon anglais et j'ai examen oral demain et ce serait pour savoir si mon texte était bon pour que je puisse l'étudier.. Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Pour un peu expliquer :
Il fallait faire un texte sur une rétrospective 2012 et voici mon texte en anglais :

-On the thirteenth of january, the boat Costa Concordia has an accident in Mediterranean sea. He was too much near the coast and he flowed on the side. There were 30 deaths and two missing persons.
- On the eleventh of february, the famous singer and the actress, Whitney Houston died in the age of 48 years old. She died because of the drug. She played in "Bodyguard" and she sing "I will always love you".
-On the thirteenth of march, 22 Belgian children died in an accident of bus in the tunel of Sierre. The bus went into the wall. 28 others were hurt.
-On the fifteenth of april, we celebrated the centenary of the wreck of Titanic
-On the fifteenth of may, François Hollande won against Nicolas Sarkozy and became the twenty-fourth president of the France.
-On the second of june, Queen Elisabeth II of England celebrated her 60 years of reign during 4 days.
-On the twenty-seventh of july, the 2012 Summer Olympics began in London. It's the Queen Elisatbeth ll who opened the ceremony.
-On the twenty-fifth of august, the American astronaut, Neil Armstrong died. He was the first man to have put the first step on the moon.
-On the ******* of september,
-On the thirtieth of october, the hurricane Sandy affects New York during the night. There was 210 deaths.
-On the sixth of november, Barack Obama won again and he became the president of the USA.
-On the twenty-first of december, Mayas said that it would be the end of the world. That was a legend.

Il me manque septembre mais je n'ai pas trouvé donc en meme temps si vous avez des idées xD

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2013 16:57

Réponse: Correction/ past simple de lucile83, postée le 26-05-2013 à 17:12:00 (S | E)

Certaines fautes ne se remarqueront pas à l'oral, je ne perds pas de temps à les corriger, mais je vous signale qu'on met une majuscule aux mos de l'année.

-On the thirteenth of january, the boat Costa Concordia has an accident in Mediterranean sea. He was too much near the coast and he flowed on the side. There were 30 deaths and two missing persons.
- On the eleventh of february, the famous singer and the actress, Whitney Houston died in the age of 48 years old. She died because of the drug. She played in "Bodyguard" and she sing "I will always love you".
-On the thirteenth of march, 22 Belgian children died in an accident of bus in the tunel of Sierre. The bus went into the wall. 28 others were hurt.
-On the fifteenth of april, we celebrated the centenary of the wreck of Titanic mal dit
-On the fifteenth of may, François Hollande won against Nicolas Sarkozy and became the twenty-fourth president of the France.
-On the second of june, Queen Elisabeth II of England celebrated her 60 years of reign during 4 days. mal dit
-On the twenty-seventh of july, the 2012 Summer Olympics began in London. It's the Queen Elisatbeth ll who opened the ceremony. mal dit, phrase à revoir
-On the twenty-fifth of august, the American astronaut, Neil Armstrong died. He was the first man to have put the first step on the moon.
-On the ******* of september,
-On the thirtieth of october, the hurricane Sandy affects New York during the night. There was 210 deaths.
-On the sixth of november, Barack Obama won again and he became the president of the USA.
-On the twenty-first of december, Mayas said that it would be the end of the world. That was a legend.

C'est du passé, il faut employer le prétérit.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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