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E-mail / professeur

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


E-mail / professeur
Message de azna posté le 29-05-2013 à 11:27:39 (S | E | F)

dans le cadre de ma thèse je suis obligée d'envoyer un e-mail à mon tuteur en anglais, donc j'aimerais avoir votre avis sur ma tentative en anglais.Pour savoir s'il y a des modifications à faire ou des mots techniques mal dits.

Dear Dr. ******* ******

I’m ******* ******an agricultural engineer from *********.

Mr. ******* ******informs me that he told you about my PhD proposal and that you are interested in my proposal (at the ****** meeting in ****** at 16-20/04/2013). In fact, it will be an honor for me to get a PhD under your supervision. Also, I’m very interested to register for the course that you offer in September and it will be a pleasure to join this course.
Please find enclosed my resume, academic transcript and copy of my diplomas which provides further information about my academic achievement.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours.

Merci de m'apporter votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-05-2013 16:00

Réponse: E-mail / professeur de hushpuppy, postée le 30-05-2013 à 20:08:50 (S | E)
C'est très bien, il y a seulement un peu de choses "to tweak"

Dear Dr. ******* ******
I’m ******* ******an agricultural engineer from *********.
Mr. ******* ******informs me that he told you about my PhD proposal at the ****** meeting in ****** on the 16th-20th April 2013, and that you are interested in it
It would be an honor for me to get a PhD under your supervision. Also, I’m very interested to register for the course that you offer in September, and it will be a pleasure to join this course.
Please find enclosed my resume, academic transcript and copy of my diplomas which provide further information about my academic achievements.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
****** *******

Réponse: E-mail / professeur de sherry48, postée le 31-05-2013 à 14:12:09 (S | E)
The only sentence that I might change is this one: Also, I’m very interested to register for the course that you offer in September.
I would not use the infinitive (to register), but interested in which would require the form ending in ing. I would also probably not use present tense for offer. If this course is always offered every September, present tense is OK. If you are thinking more about this course that is being offered this September (near future), then present continuous would be better. Sherry

Réponse: E-mail / professeur de gerondif, postée le 31-05-2013 à 14:54:18 (S | E)
pour appuyer ce que dit Sherry:
Also, I’m very interested to register for the course that you offer in September, and it will be a pleasure to join this course.

So, donc, me paraît plus logique.
I would very much like to register...
I am very eager to register....
I am very interested in + ing

The course that you are offering (présent à sens futur)

It will be a pleasure.... paraît impliquer que c'est déjà assuré.
It would be a pleasure... est plus poli et plus circonspect.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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