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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de bubamaras posté le 24-06-2013 à 18:38:11 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger ces phrases s'il vous plaît ?
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En vous souhaitant une agréable journée

The quality includes the conception, organisation, methods and tools whose principal purpose is customer satisfaction. That is to say to satisfy the customer by providing the best product at the best price. During the 80s, the growing interest of U.S. companies for the development of competitiveness engendered a very strong commitment to quality. The three leaders were Deming, Juran, and Crosby. Each of them was active consultant, teacher, author of books and had many years of experience. Crosby, sixty years old, was the former Director of the quality of the company ITT. He developed a personal and original approach to quality. In the 70s, Crosby helped the implementation of management practices in quality. At that time, U.S. manufacturers are losing market share to the benefit of Japanese who produce better quality products. Crosby addressed to the leaders and asked them to change their attitudes and approaches towards quality. Indeed, typically the quality is often confused with the final inspection. Crosby spoke for the first time quality as "conformance to requirements" and put the assumption that all products meet the quality requirements are defined. To popularize quality management he used terms such as ‘zero defects’ or ‘do it right first time’. According to Crosby , if you estimate the cost of the non-quality between 15 and 20 % of total global business enterprises. This particularly suggestive figure may mobilize the directions on objectives of improvement.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-06-2013 18:46

Réponse: Aide/customer de hushpuppy, postée le 24-06-2013 à 20:38:47 (S | E)

Il y a des conseils en violet et des corrections en bleu :

The Quality includes the conception, organisation, methods and tools whose principal purpose is customer satisfaction. That is to say, quality is to satisfy the customer by providing the best product at the best price. During the 80s, the growing interest of U.S. companies for the development of competitiveness engendered a very strong commitment to quality. The three leaders were Deming, Juran, and Crosby, who was(pluriel) all active consultant(pluriel), teacher(pluriel), author(pluriel) of books and had many years of experience. Crosby, sixty years old, was the former Quality Director at ITT. He developed a personal and original approach to quality. In the 70s, Crosby helped implement management practices in quality. At that time, U.S. manufacturers are(passé) losing market share(pluriel) to the benefit of Japanese, who produce(passé) better quality products. Crosby addressed to the leaders and asked them to change their attitudes and approaches towards quality. Indeed, typically, the quality is often confused with the final inspection. Crosby described quality for the first time as "conformance to requirements" and put the assumption that all products are defined as meeting the quality requirements. To popularize quality management, he used terms such as ‘zero defects’ or ‘do it right first time’. According to Crosby , if you estimate the cost of the non-quality between 15 and 20 % of total global business enterprises.(Je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire) This particularly suggestive figure may mobilize the directions of improvement objectives.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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