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Corrigé Brevet 2013

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Corrigé Brevet 2013
Message de webmaster posté le 26-06-2013 à 13:36:57 (S | E | F)
Bonjour, le corrigé du sujet du brevet sera en ligne ce soir.

Je le mets ici pour ne pas le perdre

A ce soir

Beth Feeback, who lives in North Carolina, knows how to find a good bargain. In fact, she recently turned $10 into $34,375. Feeback shows at Goodwill, a thrift store, where people can buy used clothing and items cheaply. In her spare time, Feeback paints floksy (*) pictures of large-eyed kitties.
Lats April, Feeback was combing (*) Goodwill for a nice arm blanket. Instead, she stumbled (*) on two large paintings that she felt she'd be able to paint her kitties on - after painting over them, of course. She paid $9.99 and took them home. It wasn't unitl five months later that she fetched them to recycle them into cat paintings.
But something caught her eye on one of the paintings. There was a sticker on the back of the canvas that said that the painting - a red diamond with blue and white stripes - had come from the Weatherspoon Art Museum at the University of North Carolina. Someone suggested she find out more about the painting, so she Googled it.
That's when she discovered that it was painted by artist Ilya Bolotoswky, and was called Vertical Diamond... and was worth more than $34,000. [...]
Famous auction house (*) Sotheby's sold the painting for Feeback for $34,375. She said that she and her husband plan to use the money to renovate their house and pay off some of their debts. She also intends to thank the couple that brought the painting to Goodwill by painting a picture of Buttons, their cat who passed away.
According to an article on the news website, Feeback also wants to recreate Vertical Diamond, but with a giant cat face in the middle of it.
By Joyce Grant,, October 3, 2012.

folksky : popular
to comb: to walk around
to stumble : to find among other things
an auction house : a place where you can buy things at the best price

2 points sont attribués à l'orthographe et à la présentation

A) Lors d'une soirée entre amis, vous entendez cette histoire incroyable. Votre voisin de table vous présente les faits.
Cochez la bonne réponse.

1. The story took place in
- Great Britain
- the United States
- Russia

2. Everything started in
- April 2012
- October 2012
- December 2012

3. At Goodwill, you can buy
- expensive clothing and items
- cheap clothing and items
- expensive paintings

4. Beth Feeback paints
- kittens
- little dogs
- birds

B) Cette histoire a retenu votre attention et vous voulez en savoir plus. Votre voisin est ravi de pouvoir vous raconter la suite. Cependant, ce qu'il dit n'est pas toujours vrai !
Dites si les phrases ci-dessous sont vraies ou fausses et justifiez vos réponses en citant les passages du texte.
1. Feeback a acheté une couverture chaude chez Goodwill.

2. Feeback découvre que la fameuse oeuvre 'Vertical Stripes' a été peinte par l'artiste Ilya Bolotowsky.

3. Feeback a fait des folies et a dépensé une vraie fortune pour ses achats.

4. Feeback a décidé de remercier le coupe donateur en leur peignant un tableau.

C) Vous avez retenu l'attention d'un autre invité qui est journaliste. A son grand étonnement, il ignore tout de ce fait divers. Vous lui expliquez l'enchaînement des faits.
Recopiez les phrases en les classant par ordre chronologique.

1. One of her friends suggested she looked for information on the Internet.
2. She took the paintings home.
3. She paid $9.99 for the paintings.
4. She discovered it was 'Vertical Diamond' painted by artist Ilya Bolotowsky.
5. Beth Feeback bought two large paintings at Goodwill.
6. On one of the paintings, there was a sticker on the back of the canvas which caught her eye.
7. Finally, Feeback received $34,375 for the famous painting.
8. Five months later, she decided to use the paintings to recycle them.

a) Beth Feeback bought two large paintings at Goodwill.
h) Finally, Feeback received $34,375 for the famous painting.

A) Ce journaliste vous appelle le lendemain et vous demande davantage de précisions sur cette incroyable histoire. Complétez les questions par le mot interrogatif qui convient.

1. - ..... paintings did she buy at Goodwill's
- She bought two large paintings.

2. - ..... did the painting come from?
- It came from the Art Museum of North Carolina.

3. - ..... did Beth Feeback see at the back of the canvas?
- She saw a sticker.

4. - ..... did Sotheby's pay for the painting?
- A lot of money! More than $34,000!

B) Vous lui expliquez ensuite ce que Beth Feeback compte faire dans un futur proche avec tout cet argent. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.
1. She (renovate) ... their house.
2. She (pay off) ... some of her debts.

A suivre

Modifié par webmaster le 26-06-2013 13:37

Modifié par webmaster le 26-06-2013 19:45
Le corrigé du DNB anglais 2013 sera publié ici :
Lien internet

Réponse: Corrigé Brevet 2013 de houzefa, postée le 04-07-2013 à 10:27:52 (S | E)
Quelqu'un peut-il m'envoyer le sujet du brevet 2013 d'anglais à l'adresse suivante : ***@****pour votre sécurité, les adresses emails sont interdites sur le site, merci de communiquer par messages internes****

Réponse: Corrigé Brevet 2013 de houzefa, postée le 04-07-2013 à 10:29:00 (S | E)
le lien du sujet svp ?

Réponse: Corrigé Brevet 2013 de webmaster, postée le 04-07-2013 à 10:49:24 (S | E)
Lien internet


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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