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The missing vowels/ 30

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The missing vowels/ 30
Message de marit64 posté le 27-06-2013 à 00:46:34 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week the exercise will be easier. I'm giving you all the numbers of vowels because you deserve to relax and enjoy life. It's summer time.

1- To stop, or partly stop or to cause to stop breathing. ..... (khc) 2
2- A set of seats hanging from a cable, used to take skiers etc up a mountain. ..... (ltcrhf) 3
3- A kind of large bird of prey noted for its good eyesight. ..... (lg) 3
4- A female fox. ..... (xnv) 2
5- To strike or slap with the flat of the hand, especially on the buttock, usually as a punishment. ..... (npks) 1
6- A rubber suit used to wear in cold conditions when diving. ..... (ttsw) 3
7- A small brush used for cleaning one's nails. ..... (rnhbl-s) 3
8- Unlucky. ..... (ttnnrf) 5
9- A powerful light at or on the front of a car, truck, train, ship, aeroplane etc. ..... (hhdtlg) 3
10- To receive an pass on (news, a message, a television program etc). ..... (lr) 3

Good luck and have fun!

Have a nice week!

So long

Réponse: The missing vowels/ 30 de mamou3, postée le 27-06-2013 à 06:25:18 (S | E)
Good morning everybody, Hello Marit,

Thanks a lot for this new challenge !
Here is my attempt :


Réponse: The missing vowels/ 30 de headway, postée le 27-06-2013 à 08:14:29 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- To stop, or partly stop or to cause to stop breathing. ..... Choke.
2- A set of seats hanging from a cable, used to take skiers etc up a mountain. ..... Chairlift.
3- A kind of large bird of prey noted for its good eyesight. ..... Eagle.
4- A female fox. ..... Vixen.
5- To strike or slap with the flat of the hand, especially on the buttock, usually as a punishment. ..... Spank.
6- A rubber suit used to wear in cold conditions when diving. ..... Wetsuit.
7- A small brush used for cleaning one's nails. ..... Nail-brush.
8- Unlucky. ..... Unfortunate.
9- A powerful light at or on the front of a car, truck, train, ship, aeroplane etc. ..... Headlight.
10- To receive an pass on (news, a message, a television program etc). ..... Aerial.

Thank you Marit


Réponse: The missing vowels/ 30 de dolfine56, postée le 27-06-2013 à 09:43:02 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
Here we are...

1- To stop, or partly stop or to cause to stop breathing. ..... (khc)--choke 2
2- A set of seats hanging from a cable, used to take skiers etc up a mountain. ..... (ltcrhf) 3--chairlift
3- A kind of large bird of prey noted for its good eyesight. ..... (lg) 3--eagle
4- A female fox. ..... (xnv) 2--vixen
5- To strike or slap with the flat of the hand, especially on the buttock, usually as a punishment. ..... (npks) 1--to spank
6- A rubber suit used to wear in cold conditions when diving. ..... (ttsw) 3--wetsuit
7- A small brush used for cleaning one's nails. ..... (rnhbl-s) 3--nail-brush
8- Unlucky. ..... (ttnnrf) 5--unfortunate
9- A powerful light at or on the front of a car, truck, train, ship, aeroplane etc. ..... (hhdtlg) 3--headlight
10- To receive an pass on (news, a message, a television program etc). ..... (lr) 3--to relay

Thanks a lot, dear Marit.
Enjoy that week...

Réponse: The missing vowels/ 30 de sanna6, postée le 01-07-2013 à 08:35:11 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- To stop, or partly stop or to cause to stop breathing...choke
2- A set of seats hanging from a cable, used to take skiers etc up a mountain... chairlift
3- A kind of large bird of prey noted for its good eyesight...eagle
4- A female fox...vixen
5- To strike or slap with the flat of the hand, especially on the buttock, usually as a punishment... to spank
6- A rubber suit used to wear in cold conditions when diving...wetsuit
7- A small brush used for cleaning one's nails...nail-brush
8- Unlucky...unfortunate
9- A powerful light at or on the front of a car, truck, train, ship, aeroplane etc...headlight
10- To receive an pass on (news, a message, a television program etc)... relay

Thank you very much!
Have a nice week

Réponse: The missing vowels/ 30 de flowermusic, postée le 03-07-2013 à 21:05:47 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Away from home .... it was not easy to post a message

1- To stop, or partly stop or to cause to stop breathing. ..... (khc) 2 choke
2- A set of seats hanging from a cable, used to take skiers etc up a mountain. ..... (ltcrhf) 3 chairlift
3- A kind of large bird of prey noted for its good eyesight. ..... (lg) 3 eagle
4- A female fox. ..... (xnv) 2 vixen
5- To strike or slap with the flat of the hand, especially on the buttock, usually as a punishment. ..... (npks) 1 spank
6- A rubber suit used to wear in cold conditions when diving. ..... (ttsw) 3 wetsuit
7- A small brush used for cleaning one's nails. ..... (rnhbl-s) 3 nail-brush
8- Unlucky. ..... (ttnnrf) 5 unfortunate
9- A powerful light at or on the front of a car, truck, train, ship, aeroplane etc. ..... (hhdtlg) 3 headlight
10- To receive an pass on (news, a message, a television program etc). ..... (lr) 3 relay

See you soon


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