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Correction/total quality

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/total quality
Message de georgette posté le 05-07-2013 à 19:33:18 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous me dire si ces phrases sont correctes?
Merci infiniment.

For a company seeking excellence necessarily involves the searching for total quality. The company wants the best to satisfy clients' expressed needs. Customer satisfaction is made by the famous trio ‘time / quality / price’. The customer satisfaction is presented by the famous trio ‘time / cost / quality.’ To reach this result, it is not evident. Indeed, the company, in its conquest of total quality, would be confronted with multiple problems whether it is of organizational or still technical type. To overcome them, many methods and tools are made available for the company.

Nowadays, a company lives in an increasingly complex environment permanant changes (very demanding customer, increased competition, legislative and regulatory changes, political changes, social changes, crises, climate change, technological development to mention a few). To survive and be competitive, a company must integrate new concepts and modern methods within the organisation in order to adapt to changes in its environment. To be competitive, the company must be able to provide products and services in the quantities requested with the required quality while respecting time limits and optimal cost.

The quality requirements of users and customers, and the rapid turnover product quality are a real competitive advantage. For an organisation, a quality approach can become an opportunity of continuous improvement and particularly in work processes: defects prevention, creativity in dealing with problems, greater integration of services, evaluation of management and the analysis of internal and external satisfaction. In this perspective, the quality approach becomes a leverage of social and organisational innovation. However, many companies do not collect profits expected from their progress initiatives. The quality process does not stop at writing procedures or even the certification, when it is researched. It is a permanent project requiring a strong support system. Make a quality approach a real driver of economic performance and social innovation implies a more or less significant overhaul of the organisation and the implementation of a real participative approach favoring the implication of the employees and the consideration of the realities of the work.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-07-2013 21:37

Réponse: Correction/total quality de gnanga, postée le 16-07-2013 à 17:47:37 (S | E)
Hi Dear,

I just correct paragraphs , I detect some erors and I put them in blue,suggestions are in green:

For a company which aspires to excellence, it is necessary to insist on the searching for total quality. The company must want the best to satisfy clients' expressed needs of its clientele. Customer satisfaction is based on three factors including ‘time / quality / price’. Client satisfaction depends of factors below ‘time / cost / quality.’ To reach this goals, it is not obvious. Indeed, the company, in its conquest of total quality, would be confronted with a lot of problems whether it is of both in its organizational or still and its technical type. To overcome their goals, many methods and tools are made available for the company.

SO just begin with it


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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