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Triple Word Challenge #19

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Triple Word Challenge #19
Message from jonquille posted on 24-07-2013 at 04:11:59 (D | E | F)

Summer is here once again. Time to play and practice using your English vocabulary! This “game” will have no winners, it will merely be a means of displaying your knowledge and talent! Therefore, the rules are simple, but should the need arise, rules may be adjusted or added.


Goal: Very simple! Create a text using the 3 words that have been given to you. The text may be short (10-40 words) or a little longer (60-80 words). PLEASE! Try to keep to these limits, or I'll be up all night reading all of them (and my husband will wonder who is more important) ! Haha!

1) Who can participate?: All members from beginner to expert.
2) Word usage: Try to keep the words in the form in which they are given. However, since this is a game to help you improve your English, some changes to the words will be accepted (letters may be added/changed to correspond to the subject, verbs may be changed from singular to plural). For native English speakers, no changes to the words will be allowed.
3) Language usage: Texts should be correct (grammar, spelling, punctuation). Please make the text appropriate to the users of this site (remember they are of all ages!). You will receive a private message if your text has errors. Please be sure to correct any errors to your text so that others reading it will be able to learn.
4) Texts: Entries may be surrealistic or “creative” but they must make sense logically!
5) Game end: Each game will finish on the time and date noted in red. Words for succeeding games will be chosen randomly from the texts of those who have participated in the current game.
6) Key words: To make the words easier to find in the texts, please put the game words in blue.

Important!! Closing date for this game: Sunday (28, July), 6 PM in New Hampshire, USA (CHANGE OF DAY!!)
(Your first challenge...what time is it for you when it is 6 PM in New Hampshire? )

As usual, I've taken words from your writing, and have come up with 3 new words for this new TWC. So, here is your next challenge – use these words in a text (sentence, SHORT story, poem). Good luck!

Noun – bus
Adjective – first
Verb – eaten

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from jonquille, posted on 25-07-2013 at 16:34:24 (D | E)
To start off the writing, here's a lovely little “story”...

From the pungent smell, I quickly discovered that the first person who entered the city bus had eaten an onion sandwich and had dropped a piece of it on the floor. Ewwwwwwwwww!

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from dolfine56, posted on 25-07-2013 at 17:36:01 (D | E)
Hello, dear Jonquille,
Here we are..

When I was a young girl,living in Paris, I used to take the bus to go to the swimming pool.One day,I was seated next to a mother and her son who seemed to have eaten so much that he felt sick.
At the first opportunity,I succeeded in getting away before he started vomiting.

Thanks a lot, dear Jonquille.
Enjoy that nice summer-time.

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from aneth-estragon, posted on 25-07-2013 at 20:37:45 (D | E)

Hello, Jonquille and everybody

And this is the first school bus that was ever eaten:

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from jonquille, posted on 25-07-2013 at 22:27:11 (D | E)

Yummy! I ate my first train, when my son was 4 years old, but I don't think I've ever eaten a bus!

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from lakata, posted on 26-07-2013 at 09:10:32 (D | E)
Nice morning to all of you!

I have to confess I hate sushi...The first time -the last one too- I'd eatenI ate some, I would have rather missed the bus!

P.S."Eaten" doesn't work in my sentence. I should have used "ate", as Jonquille pointed out to me.
Here is my new sentence :
I have to confess I hate sushi. I'd never eaten some until the time - the first and the last one- I went to a Japanese restaurant. I would have rather missed the bus!
Thank you Jonquille !

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from angel7, posted on 26-07-2013 at 11:02:53 (D | E)
In my classroom, the lesson I'm studying is about the alimentary food chain with its famous rule " eat and be eaten in his turn". Suddenly, we heard I hear the school bell ring of school which sounds, that's It's twelve o'clock. I gather my books and copy-books in my bag to go and quickly go to the bus stop in order to get on the first bus which will stop there.

Edited by angel7 on 29-07-2013 15:45
Thank you Jonquille

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from thildi1, posted on 26-07-2013 at 15:47:39 (D | E)

Hurry up John! The bus will be on time! But first he has eaten his breakfast and he missed it !!

Sorry! I'can't write ce words in blue! My computer is too old. I'd like to try my Englisdh lessons, so I hope you will understand and correct my trial.
Thanks a lot, Dear Jonquille

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from joe39, posted on 28-07-2013 at 11:01:56 (D | E)
Good morning Jonquille,
Did you sleep well?
Though I received your challeng#19 Yesterday at 9,09 PM, here is my work.
Schneller als Blitz, nicht war?

I have eaten too much today:
First the breakfast, a brunch,
Then even the lunch.
I am so full of stuff,
That I decide not to take the bus,
But go back home on foot,
What should make me,
To feel again O.K.,
And...ready to have dinner!

Friendly yours,


Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from guy72230, posted on 28-07-2013 at 11:43:53 (D | E)
Yesterday, I had just eaten my sandwich when an ugly man told me: "I have taken the bus, I have taken the bus !!". I told him "So did I and it's not the first time !!". "Oh yes !!" He replied " But me !! I have taken it in my face !!"

Edited by guy72230 on 28-07-2013 11:52

Edited by guy72230 on 28-07-2013 18:25

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from lesoleil, posted on 28-07-2013 at 14:39:00 (D | E)
harrying to work last week I got into the first bus before I had my cake eaten for brakefast

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from renarde, posted on 29-07-2013 at 00:50:05 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille,
Here is my small contribution to the game.
Thank you!

Today, for the first time, I ate my sandwich on the bus going to the pool.


Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from jonquille, posted on 29-07-2013 at 03:50:26 (D | E)
Thank you to all who participated in this version of Triple Word Challenge (TWC) #19! As always, I have enjoyed reading all of your writing and I look forward to reading more in TWC #20.

If you have received an email from me (concerning corrections), please make the corrections to your text here. Reading corrected texts will help everyone learn even more. Thanks!

TWC #19 is now closed...see you in TWC #20!

Re: Triple Word Challenge #19 from plumet98, posted on 14-08-2013 at 08:15:52 (D | E)

For our wedding anniversary my husband offered one weekend to me to the countryside. We passed a very romantic stay except the room the flowers back up faded.

Je n'ai pas réussi à le mettre au présent merci

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