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Triple Word Challenge #23

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Triple Word Challenge #23
Message from jonquille posted on 19-08-2013 at 02:20:33 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone!

This will be the last round of the Triple Word Challenge. Summer is nearly over and school will be starting up again for me on August 26, after which I will not have as much time to spend on this. Also, so that I will have time to start preparing for the new school year, please note the change of the closing date for this game!

I thank all of you for participating, and I hope the newest participants will continue to participate in this last well as in others on the site. Since the start of the game this summer, over 30 members have participated. Congratulations to all of you for all of your hard work! I hope to revive this game during my next long vacation! Enjoy the rest of the summer. May it bring you enough sun and warmth to last throughout the winter!



Goal: Very simple! Create a text using the 3 words that have been given to you. The text may be short (10-40 words) or a little longer (60-80 words). PLEASE! Try to keep to these limits, or I'll be up all night reading all of them (and my husband will wonder who is more important) ! Haha!

1) Who can participate?: All members from beginner to expert.
2) Word usage: Try to keep the words in the form in which they are given. However, since this is a game to help you improve your English, some changes to the words will be accepted (letters may be added/changed to correspond to the subject, verbs may be changed from singular to plural). For native English speakers, no changes to the words will be allowed.
3) Language usage: Texts should be correct (grammar, spelling, punctuation). Please make the text appropriate to the users of this site (remember they are of all ages!). You will receive a private message if your text has errors. Please be sure to correct any errors to your text in this forum, so that others reading it will be able to learn.
4) Texts: Entries may be surrealistic or “creative” but they must make sense logically!
5) Game end: Each game will finish on the time and date noted in red. Words for succeeding games will be chosen randomly from the texts of those who have participated in the current game.
6) Key words: To make the words easier to find in the texts, please put the game words in blue.

Important!! Closing date for this game: Friday (23, August), 6 PM in New Hampshire, USA
(Your first challenge...what time is it for you when it is 6 PM in New Hampshire? )

As usual, I've taken words from your writing, and have come up with 3 new words for this new TWC. So, here is your next challenge – use these words in a text (sentence, SHORT story, poem). Good luck!

Noun – melody
Adjective – comfortable
Verb – lost

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from nick, posted on 19-08-2013 at 02:41:25 (D | E)
Hello over there !!!

I am not comfortable with this melody. I am afraid I lost my touch. If only I could remember where...

Sweet dreams

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from esperanto, posted on 19-08-2013 at 09:36:05 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille, Here is my proposal :

When I'm a lost soul, I settle in a comfortable armchair and I listen to my favourite melody.

Is it really a good answer?!!!!! esperanto

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from lucile83, posted on 19-08-2013 at 09:58:38 (D | E)
Hello jonquille
Thank you very much for sharing that game with us.
Here is my try

One day, instead of staying in my comfortable sofa, I decided to go for a walk in the forest next to my house. One hour later, I had to admit that I was lost. All of a sudden, a bird came near me and started to sing. It was such a nice melody that I followed it through the forest. After a while, the cute little bird vanished. Looking around, I noticed I was on my way back to my house.

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from hortensia, posted on 19-08-2013 at 11:06:26 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille!
Some news from our young lovers!
- "Are you comfortable? asked Bradley to Cynthia, as they sat to listen to the sweet melody of the wind through the weeping-willows.
- I am! answered Cynthia with a smile, but you'll have to guide me on the way back! I always get lost so easily!"

Edited by hortensia on 19-08-2013 11:26

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from dolfine56, posted on 19-08-2013 at 11:16:21 (D | E)
hello dear Jonquille,
here is my try...
When I was very young,I remember my grandmother was fond of a song called "the lost melody]" sung by the "Compagnons de la Chanson".She very much enjoyed listening to that tune while sitting in a confortable chair.Fortunately, she never lost her hearing...!

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from josiane87, posted on 19-08-2013 at 11:43:28 (D | E)

all melodies are necessary to give us comfortable thoughts for the future when we have lost all.

Edited by lucile83 on 19-08-2013 16:28

Edited by josiane87 on 21-08-2013 19:11

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from kellycan296, posted on 19-08-2013 at 13:39:05 (D | E)
Hello everyone. Hello Jonquille
I am new in this forum
Here is my try

Recently in my city, I heard a melody played by a famous pianist whose playing was very delightful. I listened to it in a comfortable room. Someday, if the pianist should return again in to my city, I won't get lost in this beautiful moment and will have the chance to watch the pianish again

Is it correct ??thank you if there is correction for that is sentence.:?

Edited by kellycan296 on 22-08-2013 17:46

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from wouhoubob, posted on 19-08-2013 at 14:03:33 (D | E)

Dazzled by the morning sun, my eyes seem lost in a bright blindness and I am standing here listening to dozens of birds singing their own melody while building their fragile but yet so comfortable nest.

Edited by wouhoubob on 19-08-2013 14:04

Edited by lucile83 on 19-08-2013 16:28

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from thildi1, posted on 19-08-2013 at 17:35:52 (D | E)

Yesterday evening I went early to bed. I'm installed comfortable and turned my radio on. I heard a softly melody and lost in it. The other morning the raidio was still working.
Have a good week !

Edited by lucile83 on 20-08-2013 07:21

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from esperanto, posted on 20-08-2013 at 15:24:25 (D | E)
Hello jonquille, Here is a new reply :

While I was settled in a comfortable armchair beatifically listening to a magnificent melody, I got lost in a completely crazy dream.

Thanks a lot for your corrections. esperanto

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from lakata, posted on 20-08-2013 at 16:01:51 (D | E)
Hello dear Jonquille!
A few years ago, I lost weight onlyjust by listening regularly to a particular melody***. Needless to say I felt much more comfortable!

*** Hmmm...No use asking me the recipe/formula for I can't remember its title!

Edited by lakata on 22-08-2013 08:47

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from mamou3, posted on 20-08-2013 at 20:25:23 (D | E)
Hello Jonquille,

Here is my try :

When I'm very tired, I lie down on a comfortable sofa and read a good book while listening to a quiet melody.
I haven't lost any time because after that I'm ready to restart!

Thanks a lot for this new challenge!

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from lesoleil, posted on 21-08-2013 at 11:30:42 (D | E)

She makes me confortable with her melody when I lost my money.

Edited by lucile83 on 21-08-2013 11:48

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from joe39, posted on 21-08-2013 at 23:30:55 (D | E)
Dear Jonquille,

Here is my work, focused on another memory of my teenager years..

The night was bare,
I was at the window,
Lost in my thought,
And I felt comfortable.

A westerly breeze brought to my ears,
The sound of dance music,
Coming from the resort overlooking the sea,
Where they were dancing that night.

When I was about to close the shutters,
I clearly heard for a moment,
The melody of the song “Poinciana”,
That a sudden blow carried inside.
It seemed as if the breeze told me goodbye.

Have my best wishes for your new school year.
Friendly yours

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from komiks, posted on 22-08-2013 at 09:22:44 (D | E)
Hello jonquille,
Thanks for all the TWCs you headed and all the advice and the corrections you gave us.
Here's my try
Courage for your school year
See you soon

One day, I was watching TV in my comfortable sofa when I got sick of it. So, I decided to switch the TV off, and to turn the radio on. Then, a beautiful and soothing melody invaded the room. Little by little, my eyes closed and I got lost in my dreams.

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from lemagemasque, posted on 22-08-2013 at 10:35:24 (D | E)

I will answer your PM... later.
But now the game:

I was seated in a comfortable sofa, my granny's, watching TV but I was a little bit tired. Suddenly I went asleep and I dreamt! I was in a forest, a very dark, scary forest. I could hear odd sounds and see big eyes. I lost my way, walking through the forest, but then I heard a melody, a really sweet one and... I woke up! It was the TV!

See you!

Have a good new year with your pupils (students?)!

Edited by lemagemasque on 23-08-2013 11:53
Thank you jonquille!

Re: Triple Word Challenge #23 from angel7, posted on 23-08-2013 at 14:40:41 (D | E)
here is my try:

As I lie down on my comfortable bed, I listening a wonderful classical melody of Mozart, I am thinking of circumstances in which I lost money.
Have a nice day.

Edited by angel7 on 23-08-2013 18:29

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