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September 11th/ temps

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


September 11th/ temps
Message de caara posté le 16-09-2013 à 21:55:06 (S | E | F)

j'aimerais que vous m'aidiez à corriger les fautes de temps ou autres s'il vous plait,
merci d'avance

This event has strengthened security all around the world, for exemple as in France, the VIGIPIRATE plan has been implemented.
The 9/11 has also changed the world because the world are waging two wars against terrorism , on the one hand on Afghanistan and on the other hand in Iraq.
The 9/11 caused a considerable psychological impact. With the 9/11, the world has seen that terrorists can attack anywhere.
Now, the world is dominated by fear.
The 11 September has also changed the world, in laws, in regimes.
In brief, the 9/11 was a historic day that changed people minds and it changed the vision of everyone.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-09-2013 22:34

Réponse: September 11th/ temps de caara, postée le 18-09-2013 à 18:23:36 (S | E)
help s'il vous plait

Réponse: September 11th/ temps de gerondif, postée le 18-09-2013 à 18:37:19 (S | E)

This event has strengthened (*=plutôt prétérit) security all around the world, for exemple as in France, the VIGIPIRATE plan has been(*) implemented.
The 9/11 has(*) also changed the world because the world are (le monde n'est pas pluriel)waging two wars against terrorism , on the one hand on Afghanistan and on the other hand in Iraq.
The(pas de the devant "9/11") 9/11 caused a considerable psychological impact. With the 9/11, the world has seen(*) that terrorists can (*) attack anywhere.
Now, the world is dominated by fear.
The 11th of September has also changed(*) the world, in laws, in regimes. (maladroit)
In brief, the 9/11 was a historic day that changed people's minds and it changed the vision of everyone.(cas possessif)

Réponse: September 11th/ temps de caara, postée le 18-09-2013 à 18:55:00 (S | E)

This event strengthened security all around the world, for exemple as in France, the VIGIPIRATE plan implemented
9/11 had also changed the world because the world is waging two wars against terrorism , on the one hand in Afghanistan and on the other hand in Iraq.
9/11 caused a considerable psychological impact. With 9/11, the world saw that terrorists can attacked anywhere.
Now, the world is dominated by fear.
The 11th of September also changed laws and regimes in the world.
In brief, 9/11 was a historic day that changed people's minds and it changed the everyone's vision.

Merci, ceci est-il correct?

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-09-2013 20:13

Réponse: September 11th/ temps de gerondif, postée le 18-09-2013 à 19:04:19 (S | E)
réfléchissez avant de mettre des "ed" partout.
Je vous ai dit que le prétérit irait mieux que le present perfect, pas de passer au plus que parfait.

This event strengthened security all around the world, for exemple as in France, the VIGIPIRATE plan ***(fut mis en oeuvre, auxiliaire être)implemented
9/11 had also changed the world because the world is waging (ces 2 guerres étant terminées, pour les occidentaux en tous cas, un prétérit irait mieux)two wars against terrorism , on the one hand in Afghanistan and on the other hand in Iraq.
9/11 caused a considerable psychological impact. With 9/11, the world saw that terrorists can attacked (pouvaient attaquer, pas peuvent attaquèrent)anywhere.
Now, the world is dominated by fear.
The 11th of September also changed laws and regimes in the world.
In brief, 9/11 was a historic day that changed people's minds and it changed the** everyone's vision.

** On apprend au tout début que le propriétaire remplace le déterminant.
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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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