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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Texte/ correction
Message de suzannew posté le 13-10-2013 à 19:19:34 (S | E | F)
I'm Suzanne, I'm French, I learn English and I have to imagine a dialogue between a doctor and his patient.
I wrote it even if we'll perform it. Can you help me to correct my text please ?
Thank you so much.

Characters : The doctor and John (the patient).

John: Knock knock knock !
Doctor: Come !
John: Hello !
Doctor : Hello ! What's your name ?
John : John !
Doctor : How are you John ?
John : I'm not really fine !!
Doctor : What happened ?
John : uhhh My left eye is very painful and I can't see anything, my mouth is on fire and I can't eat anymore, I think my finger is broken and I can't move it... My belly button is very red and swollen, I have twisted my knee and my toes are very very swollen !! Please, help me doctor uhhhh
Doctor : It's horrible ! Have you fought or played rugby ?!
John : No i'm just very unlucky...
Doctor: Poor thing :o But don't worry, I can help you !
John : Yeah, you MUST help me uh.
Doctor : It's my job... So... For your eye, I will give you some eye drops. Don't put too many drops in your eye otherwise it will become infected...
John : Not thaaat pleaaase I'm scared !
Doctor : Hum. You should eat purée and soup to cure your mouth. But it's not serious, don't worry.
John : Are you sure ? It’s not serious ?
Doctor : Yes, yes. Now, show me your finger. Oww.
John : uuuuuuh it’s very sore !!!
Doctor : Em.. I think it’s not broken..
John : Ow. But it's impossible, it's sorer than my eye uuuuuuuuuuuh !
Doctor : ok..stop, stop, you will have an X-ray.. ok ?
John : Yes, I prefer uh.
Doctor : hum. For your belly bottom, you mustn’t touch it and you should put a little cream on it.
John : Ahhh it's awful ! I can't put cream on it !
Doctor : Oww, you will try. Now, can I touch your knee ?
John : uuuuuh :’(
Doctor : Em.. You mustn’t run and it will be ok I think... So, 30 dollars please.
John : Hunnnn you are forgotten my toes !! they are as swollen as balls you have to do something !
Doctor : yes... Your toes.. You should buy a hot-water bottle.
John : Ok.. but I’ve got a last problem… I think that I’m obese ! boo hoo !
Doctor : Come on, you’re not obese, you’re just a little plump ! You should parctise sport or jog every morning. You should also have a balanced diet and eat vegetables, fruit and fish !
John : It's horribleee ! I hate fish and I'm allergic to vegetables... uuh
Doctor : Hum.. You can also eat meat ! But don't eat junk food, pizzas, chips, crisps or greasy food... It's really bad for health !
John : You are a very bad doctor uuh ! (jumping everywhere)
Doctor : Um. Wasn’t your knee twisted ?
John : ahhhh it's suddenly very soree !!
Doctor : Um.. I think I have the solution of all your problems..
John : Uh ?
Doctor : I'll give you the name of another doctor, a psychologist.. Because you're hypocondriac..
John : What ?? Nonsense ! You’re an impostor !
Doctor : My 30 dollars…

Thanks for helping me ;)

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-10-2013 19:53

Réponse: Texte/ correction de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2013 à 22:16:16 (S | E)
Characters : The doctor and John (the patient).

John: Knock knock knock !
Doctor: Come (**) manque une préposition pour dire entrez) !
John: Hello !
Doctor : Hello ! What's your name ?
John : John !
Doctor : How are you John ?
John : I'm not really fine !!
Doctor : What happened ?
John : uhhh My left eye is very painful and I can't see anything, my mouth is on fire and I can't eat anymore, I think my finger is broken and I can't move it... My belly button is very red and swollen, I have twisted my knee and my toes are very very swollen !! Please, help me doctor uhhhh
Doctor : It's horrible ! Have you fought or played rugby ?!
John : No i'm just very unlucky...(majuscule)
Doctor: Poor thing :o But don't worry, I can help you !
John : Yeah, you MUST help me uh.
Doctor : It's my job... So... For your eye, I will give you some eye drops. Don't put too many drops in your eye otherwise it will become infected...
John : Not thaaat pleaaase I'm scared ! (sonne un peu français! Pas çaaaaaaaaaa ! Please don't! irait mieux si vous avez peur quand il vous met les gouttes dans l'oeil)
Doctor : Hum. You should eat purée and soup to cure your mouth. But it's not serious, don't worry.
John : Are you sure ? It’s not serious ?
Doctor : Yes, yes(plutôt no no). Now, show me your finger. Oww.
John : uuuuuuh it’s very sore !!!
Doctor : Em.. I think it’s not broken..
John : Ow. But it's impossible, it's sorer than my eye uuuuuuuuuuuh !
Doctor : ok..stop, stop, you will have an X-ray.. ok ? (ne passe pas bien, you will have to have an X ray....)
John : Yes, I prefer uh.(ouais ch'préfère ? Ca ne va pas bien en mot-à-mot)
Doctor : hum. For your belly bottom, you mustn’t touch it and you should put a little cream on it.
John : Ahhh it's awful ! I can't put cream on it !
Doctor : Oww, you will try.(trop faible!(le français "vous essaierez!" a une nuance d'ordre. You should try, you had better try) Now, can I touch your knee ?
John : uuuuuh :’(
Doctor : Em.. You mustn’t run ( pas faux mais ne veut pas dire grand chose: Don't run for a few days..) and it will be ok I think... So, 30 dollars please.
John : Hunnnn you are(oups! mauvais choix d'auxiliaire) forgotten my toes !! they are as swollen as balls. you have to do something !
Doctor : yes... Your toes.. You should buy a hot-water bottle.
John : Ok.. but I’ve got a last problem… I think that I’m obese ! boo hoo !
Doctor : Come on, you’re not obese, you’re just a little plump ! You should parctise sport or jog every morning. You should also have a balanced diet and eat vegetables, fruit and fish !
John : It's horribleee ! I hate fish and I'm allergic to vegetables... uuh
Doctor : Hum.. You can also eat meat ! But don't eat junk food, pizzas, chips, crisps or greasy food... It's really bad for your health !
John : You are a very bad doctor uuh ! (jumping everywhere)
Doctor : Um. Wasn’t your knee twisted ?
John : ahhhh it's suddenly very sore !!
Doctor : Um.. I think I have the solution of all your problems..
John : Uh ?
Doctor : I'll give you the name of another doctor, a psychologist.. Because you're a hypochondriac..(comme pour les noms de métier)
John : What ?? Nonsense ! You’re an impostor !
Doctor : My 30 dollars…

Réponse: Texte/ correction de aneth-estragon, postée le 13-10-2013 à 22:52:34 (S | E)
Doctor : hum. For your belly bottom wrong word!

Réponse: Texte/ correction de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2013 à 22:56:04 (S | E)
ah oui, en effet, belly bottom n'est pas très séant

Réponse: Texte/ correction de violet91, postée le 14-10-2013 à 12:58:02 (S | E)
Hello ,
'C'est bien vrai , ça ! ' hum ...deux mots pour dire le nombril ' ( figuré)
For certain Londoners ' London is the hub of the world !' . En anatomie , the navel ( concret )

Réponse: Texte/ correction de suzannew, postée le 14-10-2013 à 20:10:44 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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