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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Texte /correction
Message de gltaudrey posté le 21-10-2013 à 13:11:11 (S | E | F)

j'ai à traduire deux textes du français à l'anglais d'ici deux semaines. J'ai déjà recherché plein de mots dans des dictionnaires, des structures etc.. Voilà ce que donnent mes traductions :
Pourriez-vous me corriger ?
Merci d'avance.

Text 1:
The British Prime Minister David Cameron has provided in a speech during which he called a refocus on the relationship of his country with the European Union "exclusive market" Wednesday that if he is reelected he will set up by 2017 a referendum about the membership of the United Kingdom to England. “When we have negotiated a new agreement” of Great Britain with the European Union, we will offer the British referendum with a very simple choice: stay within the European Union on this new basis or going completely out of the Union. This will be a referendum on the belonging or not to the European Union, said David Cameron in his explanatory speech on Europe.
This review will start in the first part of the next mandate which begins in 2015, he precised. The new relationship between The United Kingdom and the European Union will be a relationship based on the exclusive market, he said. If we don’t identify the challenges, the danger is that the Europe fails and that British people head to the exit”, he warned. I am not an isolationist” the Conservative leader has also certified. I don’t [only] want a better agreement for the Great-Britain. I want a better agreement for the Europe too, he said.

Text 2:
Here I am at Paris for eleven days already! I confess to not yet having been pleased.
I haven’t any joy. None.
The other day I learned the death of Jock. I can’t explain how much it made me feel sorry. I knew that I will not see him again, but I was hoping anyway. He was killed in Italy in the area of Cassino, I think.
He was in a Jeep and he was beheaded. Poor Jock, he was loved by everyone, it seems. When the others were spoken quietly of his death, they didn’t see what it made to me. Now I am sure to not see him again on the war front, to not meet up with him in the street, to not receive letters from him and I am equally sad as the first day. Jock is the only one I have ever loved.
The other day when I was at the Lido I had felt crying. All these people who were dancing pained me. I saw Jock in his coffin. I imagined that because I have seen a lot of others dead people and I found this horrible. It is true, I almost cried.
Since I live in Paris, I met a lot of old friends but I wanted to tell to all them: “It is not you I would like to see, it is Jock”.

Modifié par gltaudrey le 21-10-2013 13:12

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-10-2013 17:09

Réponse: Texte /correction de violet91, postée le 21-10-2013 à 14:19:37 (S | E)
Hello gltaudrey,

Avant de pouvoir faire un copié-collé et surligner les éléments à reprendre ( votre travail est déjà intéressant et très compréhensible ; le 2ème texte méritera plus de retouches ) , quelques erreurs qui sautent aux yeux :
- les temps . Le discours est sûrement daté ? Simple past . Ou alors , ce texte est un bilan du discours non daté : alors votre present perfect se justifie .
- les articles devant noms propres et titres .
- vous avez dû vouloir dire the E.U au lieu de England quand il s'agissait de l'entrée économique du United Kingdom dans l'E.U.
- for , since and ago : vous êtes à ( dans ) Paris , y êtes encore (for)- present perfect to be ou verbe actif au present perfect continuous.
- Pour ce qui est du pauvre Jock : vous êtes sûre de ' beheaded' en Italie ? Des simple pasts de narration . ( on est en temps de guerre ou il s'agit d'un accident de Jeep))
- since , depuis votre installation à Paris : -= règle de for , ici .
- apprendre une nouvelle = to hear ( entendre dire)
- il faudra peut-être employer des past perfects pour la mort de Jock.
- rappelez-vous la phrase de Hamlet ' To be or not to be '

See you later .


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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